


Dr. Eleftherios Gkioulekas -- faculty web page

  1. E. Gkioulekas and J. Solomon: "Walsh-Fourier analysis of protein sequence property profiles", Technical Report CCB-95-03, Beckman Institute, California Institute of Technology. (1995) doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.1059.5368
  2. E. Gkioulekas: "Proposal for a reinforcement model of learning that incorporates beliefs and signaling", unpublished senior thesis, California Institute of Technology.(1996) 29pp (Advisor: Colin Camerer)
  3. E. Gkioulekas and KK Tung: "On the double cascades of energy and enstrophy in two dimensional turbulence. Part 1. Theoretical formulation", Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B 5 (2005), 79-102.
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  4. E. Gkioulekas and KK Tung: "On the double cascades of energy and enstrophy in two dimensional turbulence. Part 2. Approach to the KLB limit and interpretation of experimental evidence", Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B 5 (2005), 103-124.
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  5. E. Gkioulekas and KK Tung: "On the double cascades of energy and enstrophy in QG turbulence", The 15th Conference on Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics of the American Meteorological Society, Cambridge Massachussets, (2005) Extended abstract P2.18
  6. E. Gkioulekas: "A theoretical study of the cascades of 3D, 2D, and QG turbulence", ProQuest LLC , University of Washington--Ph.D. thesis (Advisor: Ka-Kit Tung), (2006) 154 pp. ISBN: 978-0542-76946-7
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  7. E. Gkioulekas and KK Tung: "Recent developments in understanding two-dimensional turbulence and the Nastrom-Gage spectrum", Journal of Low Temperature Physics 145 (2006), 25-57
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  8. E. Gkioulekas and KK Tung: "Is the subdominant part of the energy spectrum due to downscale energy cascade hidden in quasi-geostrophic turbulence?", Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B 7 (2007), 293-314
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  9. E. Gkioulekas and KK Tung: "A new proof on net upscale energy cascade in 2D and QG turbulence", Journal of Fluid Mechanics 576 (2007), 173-189 .
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  10. E. Gkioulekas: "On the elimination of the sweeping interactions from theories of hydrodynamic turbulence.", Physica D 226 (2007), 151-172
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  11. E. Gkioulekas: "Review of `Large-Eddy simulations of turbulence' by M. Lesieur, O. Metais, and P. Comte", SIAM Review 49 (2007), 340-342
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  12. E. Gkioulekas: "Winterberg's conjectured breaking of the superluminal quantum correlations over large distances", International Journal of Theoretical Physics 47 (2008), 1195-1205
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  13. E. Gkioulekas: "Locality and stability of the cascades of two-dimensional turbulence", Physical Review E 78 (2008), 066302, 23 pp.
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  14. E. Gkioulekas: "Lecture Notes on Mathematics for Electrical Engineers", Online Lecture Notes on Mathematics, Edinburg, University of Texas Pan American (2009), 302 pp.
  15. E. Gkioulekas: "Lecture Notes on College Algebra", Online Lecture Notes on Mathematics, Edinburg, University of Texas Pan American (2009), 298 pp.
  16. E. Gkioulekas: "Lecture Notes on Introduction to Mathematics Proof", Online Lecture Notes on Mathematics, Edinburg, University of Texas Pan American (2009), 197 pp.
  17. E. Gkioulekas: "Lecture Notes on Calculus 1", Online Lecture Notes on Mathematics, Edinburg, University of Texas Pan American (2009), 364 pp.
  18. E. Gkioulekas: "Lecture Notes on Precalculus", Online Lecture Notes on Mathematics, Edinburg, University of Texas Pan American (2010), 190 pp.
  19. E. Gkioulekas: "Lecture Notes on Mathematical Modeling", Online Lecture Notes on Mathematics, Edinburg, University of Texas Pan American (2010), 206 pp.
  20. E. Gkioulekas: "Dissipation scales and anomalous sinks in steady two-dimensional turbulence", Physical Review E 82 (2010), 046304, 21 pp.
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  21. E. Gkioulekas: "Lecture Notes on Calculus 3", Online Lecture Notes on Mathematics, Edinburg, University of Texas Pan American (2011), 298 pp.
  22. E. Gkioulekas: "The effect of asymmetric large-scale dissipation on energy and potential enstrophy injection in two-layer quasi-geostrophic turbulence", Journal of Fluid Mechanics 694 (2012), 493-523
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  23. E. Gkioulekas: "Review of `Turbulence and Shell Models' by Peter D. Ditlevsen", SIAM Review 54 (2012), 396-399
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  24. E. Gkioulekas: "Lecture Notes on Linear Algebra", Online Lecture Notes on Mathematics, Edinburg, University of Texas Pan American (2012), 232 pp.
  25. E. Gkioulekas: "On equivalent characterizations of convexity of functions", International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 44 (2013), 410-417
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  26. E. Gkioulekas: "Zero-bounded limits as a special case of the squeeze theorem for single-variable and multivariable limits", International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 44 (2013), 595-609
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  27. E. Gkioulekas: "Review of `Turbulence, coherent structures, dynamical systems and symmetry', by P. Holmes, J.L. Lumley, G. Berkooz, and C.W. Rowley", SIAM Review 55 (2013), 579-581.
  28. E. Gkioulekas: "Lecture Notes on Calculus 2", Online Lecture Notes on Mathematics, Edinburg, University of Texas Pan American (2013), 316 pp.
  29. E. Gkioulekas: "Generalized local test for local extrema in single-variable functions", International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 45 (2014), 118-131
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  30. E. Gkioulekas: "Lecture Notes on Differential Equations", Online Lecture Notes on Mathematics, Edinburg, University of Texas Pan American (2014), 257 pp.
  31. E. Gkioulekas: "Energy and potential enstrophy flux constraints in quasi-geostrophic models", Physica D 284 (2014), 27-41
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  32. E. Gkioulekas: "Review of ``Mathematics of two-dimensional turbulence'' by S.Kuksin and A. Shirikyan", SIAM Review 56 (2014), 561-565
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  33. E. Gkioulekas: "Lecture Notes on Discrete Structures", Online Lecture Notes on Mathematics, Edinburg, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (2015), 235 pp.
  34. E. Gkioulekas: "Multilocality and fusion rules on the generalized structure functions in two-dimensional and three-dimensional Navier-Stokes turbulence", Physical Review E 94 (2016), 033105, 25 pp.
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  35. E. Gkioulekas: "On the denesting of nested square roots", International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 48 (2017), 942-953
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  36. E. Gkioulekas: "Using restrictions to accept or reject solutions of radical equations", International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 49 (2018), 1278-1292
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  37. E. Gkioulekas: "In support of Dr. Abigail Thompson, academic freedom, and viewpoint diversity", Letter to the Editor, In: "Responses to A Word from Abigail Thompson" (online only), Notices of the American Mathematical Society 67 (1) (2020), 24
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  38. E. Gkioulekas: "The role of the asymmetric Ekman dissipation term on the energetics of the two-layer quasi-geostrophic model", Physica D 403 (2020), 132372, 17 pp.
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  39. E. Gkioulekas: "Lecture Notes on Real Analysis 1", Online Lecture Notes on Mathematics, Edinburg, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (2020), 296 pp.
  40. E. Gkioulekas: "Solving parametric radical equations with depth 2 rigorously using the restriction set method", International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 51 (2020), 1255-1277
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  41. E. Gkioulekas, P.A. McCullough, V. Zelenko: "Statistical analysis methods applied to early outpatient COVID-19 treatment case series data", COVID 2(8) (2022), 1139-1182
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  42. E. Gkioulekas: "Supplementary material: Statistical analysis methods applied to early outpatient COVID-19 treatment case series data". figshare. Online resource. (2022),
    [pdf] || [doi -- figshare]
  43. E. Gkioulekas, M. Rendell, H. Risch, R.B. Stricker: "An open letter to the American Board of Medical Specialties and the Federation of State Medical Boards: the destruction of member Boards' credibility", Journal of the American Physicians and Surgeons 27 (3) (2022), 65-68
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  44. V. Lounnas, E. Gkioulekas, M. Rendell, A. Lacout, X. Azalbert, C. Perronne, "An independent analysis of a retrospective cohort of 30,423 Covid-19 patients treated at IHU-Mediterranean in Marseille, France: Part 1, Efficacy of early treatment with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin", Archives of Microbiology and Immunology 8 (2024), 51-66
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  45. V. Lounnas, E. Gkioulekas, M. Rendell, A. Lacout, X. Azalbert, C. Perronne, "An independent analysis of a retrospective cohort of 30,423 Covid-19 patients treated at IHU-Mediterranean in Marseille, France: Part 2, A real-life assessment of Covid-19 vaccination efficacy", Archives of Microbiology and Immunology 8 (2024), 67-83
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  46. C. Aldous, E. Gkioulekas, P. Oldfield, "Ivermectin", In: "Controversies in the Pandemic" (editors: J. Varon, P.E. Marik, M. Rendell, J. Iglesias, C. de Souza, P. Prabhudesai), Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, New Delhi, India, 2024
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  47. E. Gkioulekas, P.A. McCullough: "Use of hydroxychloroquine in multidrug protocols for SARS-CoV-2", Tasman Medical Journal 6(4) (2024), 27-32
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  48. E. Gkioulekas: "Data and materials: Critical appraisal of multi-drug therapy in the ambulatory management of patients with COVID-19 and hypoxemia". figshare. Online resource. (2024),
    [pdf] || [doi -- figshare]
  49. M. Diaz, E. Gkioulekas, N. Nadeau: "Predictors of nursing students' stress, anxiety, and depression during the COVID-19 pandemic in a Hispanic-serving University in South Texas: a cross-sectional study", Journal of Professional Nursing 58 (2025), 17-30
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Work in progress

  1. E. Gkioulekas, P.A. McCullough, C. Aldous: "Critical appraisal of multi-drug therapy in the ambulatory management of patients with COVID-19 and hypoxemia. Part I. Evidence supporting the strength of association", The Japanese Journal of Antibiotics, accepted
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  2. E. Gkioulekas, P.A. McCullough, C. Aldous: "Critical appraisal of multi-drug therapy in the ambulatory management of patients with COVID-19 and hypoxemia. Part II: Causal inference using the Bradford Hill criteria", The Japanese Journal of Antibiotics, accepted
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