Dr. Eleftherios Gkioulekas -- faculty web page
- E. Gkioulekas and J. Solomon: "Walsh-Fourier analysis of protein sequence property profiles", Technical Report CCB-95-03, Beckman Institute, California Institute of Technology. (1995) doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.1059.5368
- E. Gkioulekas: "Proposal for a reinforcement model of learning that incorporates beliefs and signaling", unpublished senior thesis, California Institute of Technology.(1996) 29pp (Advisor: Colin Camerer)
- E. Gkioulekas and KK Tung: "On the double cascades of energy and enstrophy in two dimensional turbulence. Part 1. Theoretical formulation", Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B 5 (2005), 79-102.
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- E. Gkioulekas and KK Tung: "On the double cascades of energy and enstrophy in two dimensional turbulence. Part 2. Approach to the KLB limit and interpretation of experimental evidence", Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B 5 (2005), 103-124.
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- E. Gkioulekas and KK Tung: "On the double cascades of energy and enstrophy in QG turbulence", The 15th Conference on Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics of the American Meteorological Society, Cambridge Massachussets, (2005) Extended abstract P2.18
- E. Gkioulekas: "A theoretical study of the cascades of 3D, 2D, and QG turbulence", ProQuest LLC , University of Washington--Ph.D. thesis (Advisor: Ka-Kit Tung), (2006) 154 pp. ISBN: 978-0542-76946-7
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- E. Gkioulekas and KK Tung: "Recent developments in understanding two-dimensional turbulence and the Nastrom-Gage spectrum", Journal of Low Temperature Physics 145 (2006), 25-57
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- E. Gkioulekas and KK Tung: "Is the subdominant part of the energy spectrum due to downscale energy cascade hidden in quasi-geostrophic turbulence?", Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B 7 (2007), 293-314
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- E. Gkioulekas and KK Tung: "A new proof on net upscale energy cascade in 2D and QG turbulence", Journal of Fluid Mechanics 576 (2007), 173-189 .
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- E. Gkioulekas: "On the elimination of the sweeping interactions from theories of hydrodynamic turbulence.", Physica D 226 (2007), 151-172
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- E. Gkioulekas: "Review of `Large-Eddy simulations of turbulence' by M. Lesieur, O. Metais, and P. Comte", SIAM Review 49 (2007), 340-342
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- E. Gkioulekas: "Winterberg's conjectured breaking of the superluminal quantum correlations over large distances", International Journal of Theoretical Physics 47 (2008), 1195-1205
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- E. Gkioulekas: "Locality and stability of the cascades of two-dimensional turbulence", Physical Review E 78 (2008), 066302, 23 pp.
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- E. Gkioulekas: "Lecture Notes on Mathematics for Electrical Engineers", Online Lecture Notes on Mathematics, Edinburg, University of Texas Pan American (2009), 302 pp.
- E. Gkioulekas: "Lecture Notes on College Algebra", Online Lecture Notes on Mathematics, Edinburg, University of Texas Pan American (2009), 298 pp.
- E. Gkioulekas: "Lecture Notes on Introduction to Mathematics Proof", Online Lecture Notes on Mathematics, Edinburg, University of Texas Pan American (2009), 197 pp.
- E. Gkioulekas: "Lecture Notes on Calculus 1", Online Lecture Notes on Mathematics, Edinburg, University of Texas Pan American (2009), 364 pp.
- E. Gkioulekas: "Lecture Notes on Precalculus", Online Lecture Notes on Mathematics, Edinburg, University of Texas Pan American (2010), 190 pp.
- E. Gkioulekas: "Lecture Notes on Mathematical Modeling", Online Lecture Notes on Mathematics, Edinburg, University of Texas Pan American (2010), 206 pp.
- E. Gkioulekas: "Dissipation scales and anomalous sinks in steady two-dimensional turbulence", Physical Review E 82 (2010), 046304, 21 pp.
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- E. Gkioulekas: "Lecture Notes on Calculus 3", Online Lecture Notes on Mathematics, Edinburg, University of Texas Pan American (2011), 298 pp.
- E. Gkioulekas: "The effect of asymmetric large-scale dissipation on energy and potential enstrophy injection in two-layer quasi-geostrophic turbulence", Journal of Fluid Mechanics 694 (2012), 493-523
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- E. Gkioulekas: "Review of `Turbulence and Shell Models' by Peter D. Ditlevsen", SIAM Review 54 (2012), 396-399
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- E. Gkioulekas: "Lecture Notes on Linear Algebra", Online Lecture Notes on Mathematics, Edinburg, University of Texas Pan American (2012), 232 pp.
- E. Gkioulekas: "On equivalent characterizations of convexity of functions", International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 44 (2013), 410-417
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- E. Gkioulekas: "Zero-bounded limits as a special case of the squeeze theorem for single-variable and multivariable limits", International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 44 (2013), 595-609
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- E. Gkioulekas: "Review of `Turbulence, coherent structures, dynamical systems and symmetry', by P. Holmes, J.L. Lumley, G. Berkooz, and C.W. Rowley", SIAM Review 55 (2013), 579-581.
- E. Gkioulekas: "Lecture Notes on Calculus 2", Online Lecture Notes on Mathematics, Edinburg, University of Texas Pan American (2013), 316 pp.
- E. Gkioulekas: "Generalized local test for local extrema in single-variable functions", International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 45 (2014), 118-131
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- E. Gkioulekas: "Lecture Notes on Differential Equations", Online Lecture Notes on Mathematics, Edinburg, University of Texas Pan American (2014), 257 pp.
- E. Gkioulekas: "Energy and potential enstrophy flux constraints in quasi-geostrophic models", Physica D 284 (2014), 27-41
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- E. Gkioulekas: "Review of ``Mathematics of two-dimensional turbulence'' by S.Kuksin and A. Shirikyan", SIAM Review 56 (2014), 561-565
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- E. Gkioulekas: "Lecture Notes on Discrete Structures", Online Lecture Notes on Mathematics, Edinburg, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (2015), 235 pp.
- E. Gkioulekas: "Multilocality and fusion rules on the generalized structure functions in two-dimensional and three-dimensional Navier-Stokes turbulence", Physical Review E 94 (2016), 033105, 25 pp.
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- E. Gkioulekas: "On the denesting of nested square roots", International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 48 (2017), 942-953
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- E. Gkioulekas: "Using restrictions to accept or reject solutions of radical equations", International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 49 (2018), 1278-1292
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- E. Gkioulekas: "In support of Dr. Abigail Thompson, academic freedom, and viewpoint diversity", Letter to the Editor, In: "Responses to A Word from Abigail Thompson" (online only), Notices of the American Mathematical Society 67 (1) (2020), 24
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- E. Gkioulekas: "The role of the asymmetric Ekman dissipation term on the energetics of the two-layer quasi-geostrophic model", Physica D 403 (2020), 132372, 17 pp.
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- E. Gkioulekas: "Lecture Notes on Real Analysis 1", Online Lecture Notes on Mathematics, Edinburg, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (2020), 296 pp.
- E. Gkioulekas: "Solving parametric radical equations with depth 2 rigorously using the restriction set method", International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 51 (2020), 1255-1277
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- E. Gkioulekas, P.A. McCullough, V. Zelenko: "Statistical analysis methods applied to early outpatient COVID-19 treatment case series data", COVID 2(8) (2022), 1139-1182
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- E. Gkioulekas: "Supplementary material: Statistical analysis methods applied to early outpatient COVID-19 treatment case series data". figshare. Online resource. (2022),
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- E. Gkioulekas, M. Rendell, H. Risch, R.B. Stricker: "An open letter to the American Board of Medical Specialties and the Federation of State Medical Boards: the destruction of member Boards' credibility", Journal of the American Physicians and Surgeons 27 (3) (2022), 65-68
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- V. Lounnas, E. Gkioulekas, M. Rendell, A. Lacout, X. Azalbert, C. Perronne, "An independent analysis of a retrospective cohort of 30,423 Covid-19 patients treated at IHU-Mediterranean in Marseille, France: Part 1, Efficacy of early treatment with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin", Archives of Microbiology and Immunology 8 (2024), 51-66
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- V. Lounnas, E. Gkioulekas, M. Rendell, A. Lacout, X. Azalbert, C. Perronne, "An independent analysis of a retrospective cohort of 30,423 Covid-19 patients treated at IHU-Mediterranean in Marseille, France: Part 2, A real-life assessment of Covid-19 vaccination efficacy", Archives of Microbiology and Immunology 8 (2024), 67-83
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- C. Aldous, E. Gkioulekas, P. Oldfield, "Ivermectin", In: "Controversies in the Pandemic" (editors: J. Varon, P.E. Marik, M. Rendell, J. Iglesias, C. de Souza, P. Prabhudesai), Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, New Delhi, India, 2024
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- E. Gkioulekas, P.A. McCullough: "Use of hydroxychloroquine in multidrug protocols for SARS-CoV-2", Tasman Medical Journal 6(4) (2024), 27-32
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- E. Gkioulekas: "Data and materials: Critical appraisal of multi-drug therapy in the ambulatory management of patients with COVID-19 and hypoxemia". figshare. Online resource. (2024),
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- M. Diaz, E. Gkioulekas, N. Nadeau: "Predictors of nursing students' stress, anxiety, and depression during the COVID-19 pandemic in a Hispanic-serving University in South Texas: a cross-sectional study", Journal of Professional Nursing 58 (2025), 17-30
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Work in progress
- E. Gkioulekas, P.A. McCullough, C. Aldous: "Critical appraisal of multi-drug therapy in the ambulatory management of patients with COVID-19 and hypoxemia. Part I. Evidence supporting the strength of association", The Japanese Journal of Antibiotics, accepted
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- E. Gkioulekas, P.A. McCullough, C. Aldous: "Critical appraisal of multi-drug therapy in the ambulatory management of patients with COVID-19 and hypoxemia. Part II: Causal inference using the Bradford Hill criteria", The Japanese Journal of Antibiotics, accepted
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