

















Zhang’s Publication List


Important Notes:

Ø  Authors in all papers are listed alphabetically and are co-first authors, following the tradition of ACM SIGACT, unless otherwise specified.

Ø  The copyrights for journal and conference proceedings papers generally belong to the publisher of the journal or proceedings. All papers may be downloaded for personal or research purposes only.


Journal Publications


Ø  L. Zhang, M, Quweider, F. Khan, and H. Lei. Splitting NP-complete Sets Infinitely. In Information Processing Letters, 106472 (186), 2024.


Ø  L. Zhang, M, Quweider, H. Lei and F. Khan. Weak Mitoticity of Bounded Conjunctive and Disjunctive Autoreducible Sets. In Theoretical Computer Science, 822: 36-48, 2020.


Ø  L. Zhang. Proof System Representations of Degrees of Disjoint NP-pairs. In Information Processing Letters, 111: 348-351, 2011.


Ø  B. Fu, A. Li and L. Zhang. Separating NE from Some Nonuniform Nondeterministic Complexity Classes. In Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 22(3): 482-493, 2011.


Ø  C. Glaßer, A. Selman, and L. Zhang. The Informational Content of Canonical Disjoint NP-Pairs. In International Journal on Foundations of Computer Science, 20(3): 501-522, World Scientific, 2009.


Ø  C. Glaßer, A. Selman, S. Travers and L. Zhang. Non-mitotic Sets. In Theoretical Computer Science, 410(21-23): 2011-2023, 2009


Ø  C. Glaßer, A. Pavan, A. Selman, and L. Zhang. Splitting NP-complete Sets. In SIAM Journal on Computing, 37(5): 1517-1535, 2008.


Ø  C. Glaßer, M. Ogihara, A. Pavan, A. Selman, and L. Zhang. Autoreducibility, Mitoticity, and Immunity. In Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 73: 735-754, Elsevier, 2007.


Ø  C. Glaßer, A. Selman, and L. Zhang. Canonical Pairs of Proof Systems and Disjoint NP-pairs. In Theoretical Computer Science, 370: 60-73, Elsevier, 2007.


Ø  C. Glaßer, A. Selman, S. Sengupta, and L. Zhang. Disjoint NP-pairs. In SIAM Journal on Computing, 33(6):1369–1416, 2004.


Ø  L. Zhang, H. Zhu and P. Zhang. A Simple Randomized Algorithm for the Union of Sets Problem. In Chinese Journal of Software, 11(12): 1587-1593, Science Press 2000, ISBN 1000-9825. (First Author)


Conference Publications


Ø  L. Zhang, M, Quweider, L. Hansheng and F. Khan. Weak Mitoticity of Bounded Conjunctive and Disjunctive Autoreducible Sets. In Proceedings 24th Annual International Computing and Combinatorics Conference, Qindao, China, July, 2018.

Ø  L. Zhang, C Yuan and H. Kan. Probabilistic Autoreductions. In Proceedings SOFSEM 2016: Theory and Practice of Computer Science, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9587, pages 418-429, Springer 2016.

Ø  B. Fu, A. Li, and L. Zhang. Separating NE from Some Nonuniform Nondeterministic Complexity Classes. In Proceedings 15th Annual International Computing and Combinatorics Conference, Buffalo, NY, July, 2009.


Ø  C. Glaßer, A. Selman, S. Travers and L. Zhang. Non-mitotic Sets. In Proceedings Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science 2007, New Delhi, India, Dec 12-14, 2007.


Ø  C. Glaßer, A. Selman, and L. Zhang. The Informational Content of Canonical Disjoint NP pairs. In Proceedings 13th Annual International Computing and Combinatorics Conference, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4598, Springer 2007, ISBN 3-540-73544-1.


Ø  C. Glaßer, A. Pavan, A. L. Selman and L. Zhang, Mitosis in Computational Complexity. In Proceedings 3rd International Conference on Theory and Applications of Models of Computation, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3959, Springer 2006, ISBN 3-540-34021-1.


Ø  C. Glaßer, A. Pavan, A. Selman, and L. Zhang. Redundancy in Complete Sets. In Proceedings 23rd Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3884, Springer 2006, ISBN 3-540-32301-5.


Ø  C. Glaßer, M. Ogihara, A. Pavan, A. Selman, and L. Zhang. Autoreducibility, Mitoticity, and Immunity. In Proceedings 30th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3618, Springer 2005, ISBN 3-540-28702-7.


Ø  C. Glaßer, A. Selman, and L. Zhang. Canonical Pairs of Proof Systems and Disjoint NP-pairs. In Proceedings 30th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3618, Springer 2005, ISBN 3-540-28702-7.


Ø  C. Glaßer, A. Selman, S. Sengupta, and L. Zhang. Disjoint NP-pairs. In Proceedings 18th IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity, Aarhus, Denmark, July 7-10, 2003.


Ø  P. Zhang and L. Zhang. Dynamic Broadcast Paging. In Proceedings 5th International Conference for Young Computer Scientists, part I, August 17-20, 1999, Nanjing, China, International Academic Publishers. (Second Author)


Other Publications


Ø  C. Glaßer, M. Ogihara, A. Pavan, A. Selman and L. Zhang. Autoreducibility and Mitoticity. ACM SIGACT News 40(3):60-76, 2009.


Ø  C. Glaßer, A. Selman and L. Zhang. Survey of Disjoint NP-Pairs and Relations to Propositional Proof Systems in Oded Goldreich, Arnold L. Rosenberg and Alan L. Selman, editors, Theoretical Computer Science - Essays in Memory of Shimon Even, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3895, Springer 2006, ISBN 3-540-32880-7.









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