Heat Transfer (MECE 3360)

Start reading Chapter 5!

Read the syllabus very carefully and print out, sign, and hand in the last page as soon as possible!!

HW#2 is due Tuesday 10/13/2015. An in-class quiz will be given on that same day!!!

EXAM I is scheduled for Thursday 10/29/2015 in the Engineering Auditorium from 6 to 8 pm!!!!


Chapter 11 Supplemental Material

Note: All example problems and homework solutions will be made available in a folder

          placed outside the Instructor's Office ENGR 3.228 [Please Do Not Remove].

Conversion Factors ; Homework Paper ; Heat Transfer Booklet

Homework Assignments & Example Problems

HW#1 , HW#1p →  Due Tuesday 9/29/2015 in class

HW#2 , HW#2p →  Due Tuesday 10/13/2015 in class

HW#3 , HW#3p →  Due Tuesday 10/20/2015 in class

HW#4 , HW#4p →  Due Tuesday 10/27/2015 in class

HW#5 , HW#5p →  Due Tuesday 11/10/2015 in class

HW#6 , HW#6p →  Due Tuesday 11/17/2015 in class

HW#7 , HW#7p →  Due Tuesday 12/1/2015 in class

HW#8 , HW#8p →  Due Tuesday 12/8/2015 in class