Chapter 1
Introduction to DOS
Chapter 2
Introduction to Turbo Pascal
Chapter 3
Parts of a Pascal Program
Chapter 4
Control Structures and Looping
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Parameters Passing
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Searching and Sorting
Chapter 11
Records and File of Records
( Parameter Passing )
All of us have to prepare income tax returns.
It would be nice if we all had accounting background. But,
that is not possible. Instead, we give yearly records to
accountants or CPA's. Since CPA's are specialized in income
tax accounting, several clients would submit records to them.
CPA's in turn will complete income tax forms and return them
to their clients. Let me emphasize this point: you pass some
things to the CPA and you get some things back. The records
you need to pass to the CPA can be transmitted two ways, (1)
give all original documents, or (2) give copies of the
documents. If copies are given, we don't have to be concerned
with the CPA loosing documents, or writing notes on the
documents, because we have the original documents with us.
Think of this scenario, you give the CPA copies of all
necessary documents, and give the original tax forms the IRS
sent you. The CPA can fill out the original tax forms and
return them to you.
This is the same concept behind procedures
and functions in Pascal. A procedure is supposed to perform a
specialized function, and it can be called by different parts
of a program. The calling program may pass some parameters to
the procedure and the procedure may return certain parameters
back. It is essential to understand how this is done. In
Chapter 6 you were introduced to the concept of passing a
parameter to the procedure. In Program 6-2 we passed
temperature to the procedure. Here is what happens: a copy of
the value of the variable 'Temperature' is placed in the
receiving variable. Since only a copy was passed the value of
temperature remains unchanged. Now let us change this program
so that the calling program will receive the result back.
In order to receive anything back from the
procedure, we need to have a variable that can be accessed and
changed by both the calling program and the procedure. What we
need to do in this situation is to inform the procedure of the
address of the memory location that will be used to do this.
This sounds very complicated, but it really is not. All we
have to do is to use the reserved word VAR in front of the
formal parameter list.
Program Convert (input, output);
temperature, result : real;
whichOne : char;
Procedure ConvertToCelsius(Fahrenheit:real; var result:real);
result := (Fahrenheit-32)*5/9;
Procedure ConvertToFahren(Celsius:real; var result:real);
result := Celsius*9/5+32;
begin {main Program}
write('This program will convert
writeln(' to Celsius or Celsius to Fahrenheit ');
write('Convert Celsius or Fahrenheit (C/F) ');
readln (whichOne);
write('Enter temperature ');readln(temperature);
Case whichOne of
'C','c': begin
ConvertToFahren(temperature, result);
write(temperature:7:2, ' degrees Celsius is equal to');
writeln(result:7:2, ' degrees of Fahrenheit.');
'F','f': begin
write(temperature:7:2, ' degrees Fahrenheit is equal to
writeln(result:7:2, ' degrees of Celsius.');
else writeln('You did not enter C or F as instructed!');
end; {case}
Program run:
This program will convert Fahrenheit to Celsius or
Celsius to Fahrenheit
Convert Celsius or Fahrenheit (C/F) F
Enter temperature 97
97.00 degrees Fahrenheit is equal to 36.11 degrees
of Celsius.
This program will convert Fahrenheit to Celsius or
Celsius to Fahrenheit
Convert Celsius or Fahrenheit (C/F) C
Enter temperature 37
37.00 degrees Celsius is
equal to 98.60 degrees of Fahrenheit.
I have tried to demonstrate sharing of the common memory location
called 'result'. In this program we happened to call this memory
location 'result' in the procedures as well. Inside the procedures
we could have called it anything we wanted. It would still share the
same memory location. Whatever is placed in this memory location by
the procedures would be accessible to the main program as well.
This is how we are able to pass data between the calling
module and the procedures. Passing
parameters like this it is referred to as 'passing parameters by
reference'. Recall that temperature was passed to either Fahrenheit
or Celsius depending on which procedure was called. Since only a
copy of the value of the variable 'temperature' was passed to the
receiving variable, such a passing is referred to as 'passing
parameters by value'.
At this point you might question, why don't we just
use global and local parameters to handle this instead of VAR and
value parameters? While it is possible to do this if you are writing
a small program, you certainly can't keep track of all the variable
names properly. A large commercial program is written by many
programmers and there is no way to keep track of the names. A
programmer writing a procedure may use any variable names he/she
wishes as long as the position in the parameter list is kept the
same and the types are compatible.
You might also ask another question, why don't we
use VAR parameters all the time? Since these parameters are passed
by reference, any changes that is made is also changed in the
calling program. If that is not what you intended, the program will
yield wrong results. This phenomenon is called a side effect. To
avoid unwanted side effects you should use value parameters and
local variables where appropriate. However, there is one
disadvantage to this. If the computer has limited main memory, it
may not be possible to make copies of variables.
Let us look at the main block of the program first.
The write statements display the purpose of the program. Then it
asks if you wish to convert Celsius or Fahrenheit. The response is
stored as a character in the variable "whichOne". If the response is
"F" or "f" then convertToCelsius procedure will be called. If the
response is "C" or "c" then convertToFahren will be called. The
program needs one more input, the value for "temperature". Suppose
you entered F and 212 as input for these two variables.
Procedure calling is done by writing the name of
the procedure followed by the actual parameters in parentheses.
There are two actual parameters in these procedure calls,
"temperature" and "result", which contain 212 and garbage
respectively. The reason I called it garbage is that nothing has
been placed in "result" yet. There is some value in that memory
location, we just don't know what it is. The procedure will place
the result of the calculation in it.
Let us now look at the procedure ConvertToCelsius.
There are two formal parameters here, one is a value parameter, and
the other is a VAR parameter. The first value of the actual
parameter is passed to the first formal parameter. Since it is a
value parameter, a new local memory location is created called
Fahrenheit and 212 is placed in it. Keep in mind that the value of
the original memory location has not changed, it still has 212. The
second formal parameter is passed by reference, which means that the
procedure now shares the original memory location. Remember it still
has garbage. The result of the calculation is 100 and is assigned to
this memory location. The procedure now has a value of 212 for
Fahrenheit and 100 for result.
Upon returning from the procedure, the program now
prints out the result which has the value 100.
What would be the output of Program?
2 ) identify all local and global variables in all
the procedures of Program 7-2.
3 ) Make a block diagram of Program 7-2.
4 ) Identify value and var parameters in Program 7-2?
Program VarValueExample
{This program illustrates the concept of
value parameters and VAR parameters}
Procedure ProcedureOne(var X:integer);
Procedure ProcedureThree(var Z:integer);
begin {ProcedureThree}
A := 100;
Z := A+B;
write ('ProcdureThree, Values of A, B, and Z: ');
writeln(A:5, B:5, Z:5);
end; {ProcedureThree}
begin {ProcedureOne}
A := 40; B := 50;
X := C+A;
write ('ProcedureOne, Values of A,B,C and X:');
writeln (A:5, B:5, C:5, X:5);
ProcedureThree(X); {calling ProcedureThree}
end; {ProcedureOne}
Procedure ProcedureTwo(Y :integer);
begin {ProcedureTwo}
X := Y + B;
write('ProcedureTwo, Values of Y,X, and B: ');
writeln(Y:5, X:5, B:5);
end; {ProcedureTwo}
begin {main program}
A := 10; B := 20; C:= 30;
write ('Main program, Values of A,B,C : ');
writeln(A:5, B:5, C:5);
procedureOne(C); {procedure calls}
writeln ('Main program, after procedure calls.');
write ('Values of A,B,C: ', A:5, B:5, C:5);
end. {main}
Program run:
Main program, Values of A,B,C : 10 20 30
ProcedureOne, Values of A,B,C and X: 40 50 70 70
ProcdureThree, Values of A, B, and Z: 100 50 150
ProcedureTwo, Values of Y,X, and B: 10 30 20
Main program, after
procedure calls.
Values of A,B,C: 10 20 150 Type EXIT to return to
Turbo Pascal...
Microsoft(R) MS-DOS(R) Version 5.00
(C)Copyright Microsoft Corp 1981-1991.
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