John P. Abraham

Professor of Computer Science

University of Texas Pan American, Edinburg, TX 78539

Home: 1501 Northgate Lane, McAllen TX 7504

956.686.5042 (home), 956.687.2932 (office)




1990                               Texas A & I University,    Kingsville and Corpus Christi, TX.


·         Graduate Courses in Computer Science  18 sem hours.

·        Programming  (Assembly, Pascal, Cobol, BASIC), Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems, Parallel Computing.


1986                               University of Houston,                      Houston, TX.

·         Ed. D. in Allied Health Leadership – A combined program of Baylor Medical College and University of Houston. Courses taken from both institutions.

·         Statistics and Higher Education Administration. 70 sem. hours.  GPA 3.8/4.0


1974                               Texas A&M University,                   College Station, TX.

·         M. Ed. In Allied Health Leadership – A combined program of Baylor Medical College and University of Houston. Courses taken from both institutions.

·         Noyes Foundation Fellowship Recipient.

·         Management, Ed Psych, Curriculum, Leadership. 37 sem hours.  GPA 3.9/4.0


1972                               Lubbock Christian University,       Lubbock, TX.

·         B.S. in Biology, Chemistry and Clinical Laboratory Sciences (triple major). 158 sem hours.  GPA 3.42/4.0

·         Board Certified – MT(ASCP) and SH(ASCP).


1968                               Lubbock Christian High School,    Lubbock, TX.



Short Courses:

                   One day workshop – ABET Faculty Workshop on assessing Program Outcomes, San Antonio, TX, December 1, 2007.

One day workshop – MATLAB Reference for super Computing,  Education Summer Program, Super Computing, Purdue University, June 25-27, 2007.

One day workshop – SKETCHUP & GOOGLE EARTH,  Education Summer Program, Super Computing, Purdue University, June 25-27, 2007.

4 hour workshop – Online Trust and reputation, ACM conference on electronic Commerce, San Diego California. June 11, 2007.

4 hour workshop - Prediction Markets: Economics, Computation, and Mechanism Design,  ACM conference on electronic Commerce, San Diego California. June 11, 2007.

4 hour workshop Modeling Complex Networks for Electronic Commerce, ACM conference on electronic Commerce, San Diego California. June 12, 2007.

4 hour workshop Sponsored Search,  ACM conference on electronic Commerce, San Diego California. June 12, 2007.

Two days workshops in Visualization and Data Mining, Super Computing Conference, Tampa FL 2006.

Two days workshops in Data Mining at the Super Computing Conference,  Seattle WA, 2005.

One day workshop in Critical Thinking, University of Texas Pan American, April 15, 2005.

Two days workshop in ‘Famous Accounting Software,’ Fresno, California, Dec.  Dec 15-18, 2003.

Three days workshops: How to build a Grid Service using Globus Toolkit , A Practical Approach to High Performance Data Transport, and Introduction to GRID computing and overview of the Globus Toolkit. 2003 Supercomputing Conference, Phoenix, AZ, Nov 15-20, 2003 .

Three days tutorials on High Performance Computing, 2002 Supercomputing Conference, Baltimore, MD. November, 15 to 19, 2002.

One week workshop on Topics in Computer Science, University of Central Florida July 29 to Aug 2, 2002.

Two days workshop on the Workshop on Computer Networking: Curriculum Designs and Educational Challenges. ACM Sigcomm 2002 Conference. Pittsburgh, PA 2002.

Computational Science Workshop. One week training at Louisiana State University.  Jan 4, 2002 to Jan 10, 2002.

NCR – Teradata, One week training in Teradata Administration (California).  June 17- June 22, 2001.

NCR – Teradata, One week training in Teradata Application Development (Atlanta, GA), July 23 to July 28, 2001.

CISCO Router course. Region One Education Center. One week (Edinburg, TX)

INTERACTIVE, 3 day course in 386ix

NETWARE, two weeks training in Novell Server Installation and Administration.

UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS, two days course in Use of Cray in Biological Research (Austin, TX).

AUTODESK – two weeks training in AUTOCAD.

UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS, two days workshops in Workload Characterization, IEEE (Austin, TX).



          Effect of DRG in Texas Hospitals. 1986.


Personal Data:

·         Married with three children.  Children are all college graduates and well settled.

·         Very active in community organizations such as The Comfort House, Food Bank, Habitat for Humanity and Hospital Boards.

·         Very active in Churches.  Taught Bible studies for over 15 years.

·         U.S. Citizen.


Teaching – Courses taught (most recent first):


·         Graduate Seminar in Windows SharePoint Services.

·         Applied Database Principles – Oracle (Graduate)

·         Principle of Information Systems (Graduate)

·         Network Security (Graduate Seminar)

·         Advanced Architecture (Graduate) for Computer Science and Electrical Engineering.

·         Advanced Network (Graduate).

·         Foundation of Systems (Graduate), Computer Organization and Operating System concepts.

·         E-Commerce (Graduate Seminar).

·         Computer Networks (Senior)

·         Computer Architecture (Senior)

·         Senior Project

·         Practicum in Computer Science (Junior)

·         Topics in Computer Science (Senior)

·         Object Oriented Visual Basic (Junior)

·         Survey of Computer Concepts (Junior)

·         Advanced Visual Basic (Sophomore)

·         Data Structures in C++ (Sophomore)

·         Data Structures in Pascal (Sophomore)

·         C++ (Sophomore)

·         Fortran for Engineers (Sophomore)

·         Introduction to Computer Science – Pascal (Freshmen)

·         Introduction to Computer Science – C++ (Freshmen)

·         Computers and Society (Freshmen)

·         Instrumentation I & II (Junior)

·         Clinical Chemistry I & II

·         Clinical Microbiology (Senior)

·         Clinical Parasitology (Senior)

·         Hematology (Senior)

·         Immunohematology (Senior)

·         Methods of Analysis I & II (Senior)


New Courses Developed:

CSCI 6303 – Principles of Information Systems. Graduate course

CSCI 6314 – E-commerce. Graduate Course

CSCI 6315 – Applied Database Systems – Oracle Administration. Graduate Course

CSCI 6389 – Internship. Graduate Course

CSCI 6175 – Network Security. Graduate Seminar

CSCI 6175 – Sharepoint services. Graduate Seminar

CSCI 6175 -  Advanced file handling techniques. Graduate Seminar

CSCI 4345 – Computer Networking

CSCI 3327 – Advanced Object Oriented Visual Basic

CSCI 3333 – Structured Basic




Professional Skills:


·         Over 30 years of University Level teaching experience with highest student rating.

·         Over 25 years of experience in computer related consulting.

·         Established several very successful private businesses: Abraham Technologies (25+ years), JPA Home Health Care (3+ years), Manna Associates (2+ years), and Abraham Construction (2+ years).

·         Served on the Board of the largest hospital in the County.

·         Very Knowledgeable in computer hardware (A+ certified), networking, routing, etc.

·         Developed several custom software used in Banking, Hospitals, Produce Industry, Insurance, Retail, Physician’s Office Practices, Accountants, Quality Assurance, Auditorium Reservation, etc.


Career History:


2003-present Professor of Computer Science, University of Texas Pan American, Edinburg, TX 78539.

1986-2002     Associate Professor of Computer Science, University of Texas Pan American, Edinburg, TX.

1976-1986           Assistant and Associate Professor of Clinical Laboratory Sciences, University of Texas Pan American, Edinburg, TX.


Administrative Responsibilities:


Ten years, department chair of Clinical Laboratory Sciences.

One year, Acting Dean of Health Related Professions.

                Twenty-five years, President of Abraham Technologies, Inc.

                Three years, Administrator of JPA Home Health Care, Inc.


Grants Reviewed for the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board:

Nursing, Allied Health and Other Health Related Education Grant Program (NAHGP)


Murray, Tinker. D, Implementation of the Bienestar Overweight and Obesity Program for Children in San Marcos, TX School Community.  $336,000.00 grant proposal. Texas State University, San Marcos, TX. 2005

Rohrer, James E., An Attitude Reconditioning Approach to Weight Loss Education. $164,033.00 grant proposal.  Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Lubbock, TX. 2005

Castro, Juan F., VIVA Healthy Living, $295,310.00 grant proposal. Coastal Bend Health Education Center, Texas A&M University System Health Science Center, Corpus Christi, TX. 2005

Balcazar, Hector, Church-based Obesity Initiative Culturally Enriched Strategy. $283,834.00 grant proposal. UNTHSC-School of Public Health. Fort Worth, TX.

Kwon, Junehee, Development of comprehensive coordinated nutrition education program to reduce obesity risk of Hispanic children. $133,675.00 grant proposal. Texas Woman’s University, Denton, TX. 2005

Bartholomew, John B., A Coordinated Curriculum to Prevent Obesity in Elementary-Aged Hispanic Children.  $260,752 grant proposal.  The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX. 2005

Bartholomew, John P. “A Coordinated Curriculum to Prevent Obesity in elementary-Aged Hispanic Children”, University of Texas at Austin, December 2003.


Kown, Junehee, “Development of a Comprehensive coordinated nutrition education program to reduce obesity risk of Hispanic Children”, Texas Woman’s University, December 2003.


Balcazar, Hector,, “Church-based Obesity Initiative Culturally Enriched Strategy,” University of North Texas, Health Science Center, December 2003.


Castro, Juan, “VIVA! Healthy Living,” Texas A&M University System Health Science Center, December 2003.


Rohrer, James, “An Attitude Reconditioning Approach to Weight Loss Education,”, Texas Tech University, December 2003.


Murray, Tinker, “Implementation of the Bienestar Overweight and Obesity Program for Children in San Marcos, TX School Commiunity,”, Texas State University, December 2003.


Zikarge, Astatkie, “Enhancement of Training and Instruction in Environmental Health Sciences at Texas Southern University”, November 2001.


Wilhite, Barbara, “Preparing Low-Income, First Generation, or Disabled Students for Careers in KHPR”, University of North Texas, November 2001.


Roeser, Ross J, “Early Intervention Through Increased Health Care Access for Infants with Hearing Loss”, The University of Texas at Dallas/Callier Center, November 2001.


Blume, Arthur, “Adapting the Alcohol Skills Training Program for a Borderland University”, University of Texas at El Paso, November 2001.


Schmaling, Karen, “Detection and Treatment of Depression in a Community Clinic”, University of Texas at El Paso, November 2001.


Grants and Fellowships

NCR-Teradata. Software grant.  $1,696,500. Dec 2002.

Grant proposals Submitted:

PI – NSF/IMI grant for $200,000, “International Nanoscience Collaboratory,” NSF-02-096, June, 2002.

PI - NSF grant for $409,396.00,  “A Scholarship program for Engineering and Computer Science”, 2000-2001. Not Funded.

Co-PI - Department of Health and Human Services grant for $107,000.00, “Med Alarm: An Alarm and Reminder System for Medication”, 2000-2001. Not Funded.

PI - The Meadows Foundation Grant #84120196.01 - $34,360.00 - Medical Technology. 1986,

Equipment Donation obtained - $ 47,745.00 - Medical Technology. 1985.

Co-PI - Julian Castillo, John Abraham, and Jerry Stamper, Obtained $450,000 AHEC grant.1977.

Noyes Foundation Fellowship Recipient.




Master of Science in Computer Science,  Committee member.  Maria De Lourdes Garza, Selection and Visualization for Gravity Analysis Data to be made available over the Internet. December 2007.


Master of Information Technology.  Advisor for Masters Project.  Christopher Espinosa, Hospital Architecture: A Case Study of Hospital Network Design Using Best Practice Principles. December 2007.


Master of Information Technology, Advisor for Masters Project.  Marco Rios, Building, December 2007.


Master of Science in Computer Science. Allan Figueroa, Parallel Event Construction of CLEO Data  Using the Message Passing Interface. 2002


Master of Science in Computer Science.  Tibebe Assefa. E-commerce the eBay model. 2002.


Master of  Science in Computer Science, Gerardo Alvarez, Medical Database Interaction with Smart Cards. 2002


Master of Science in Computer Science, Raquel Pena, Speech Pattern Analysis. 2002.


Master of Science in Computer Science, Jose Luis, Solorzano, Incorporating Technology into a Stick for the Blind. 2002.


Master of Electrical Engineering, Ms. Afife Pestana for MSE (Thesis Option) in Electrical Engineering concentration. Currently Serving on a thesis committee.


Chair of Honor’s Thesis Committee.  Huerta, Torrey J., The Internet Map Design Project,   December 2001.


          Master of Science in Computer Science.  Cox, Michelle, The Application and Performance of a Generic Task routine Decision Making Algorithm to Recipe Selection in Meal Planning, August 2000.





Fu, Bin, Sai Krishna Aravalli and John Abraham, Software protection by Hardware and Obfuscation, Accepted for publication, Proceedings of the Internation conference on Security and Management, June 25-28, 2007.


Abraham, John P., A Proxy Server for Mirrored Sites, Proceedings of the ASEE Regional Conference, South Padre Island, March 2007.


Abraham, John P., Creation of Indexed File for Fast Access Using the Dot Net Environment, Proceedings of the ASEE Regional Conference, South Padre Island, March 2007.


Wu, Xiadong & John P. Abraham, The Intensity Level Reduction in Radiation Therapy,  Proceedings of the 2005 ACM symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), Santa Fe, New Mexico,  ISBN: 1-58113-964-0, 2005 pp. 242-246.


Abraham, John P. Information Technology – A Breadth First Approach.  A textbook in progress.  A rough draft of first six chapters are completed and placed on the web for the graduate students to use.


Abraham, John P., Sylvia Lujan, Ester E. Lopez and Mary Walker. "Graduating Student's Perceptions of Outcomes of College Experiences at a Predominantly Hispanic University,"  Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, July 2002.


Abraham, John P. , Undergraduate Networking Course. A white paper appeared in the Workshop on Computer Networking: Curriculum Designs and Educational Challenges. ACM Sigcomm 2002 Conference. Pittsburgh, PA. August, 2002.


Abraham, John P.,  "Routing Packets Through Subnets," Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Texas Computer Education Association State Conference, Austin, TX 2000.


Abraham, John P.,  "A Practical Approach to Assigning Subnet Masks," Proceedings of the ETCE/OMAE 2000 Joint Conference,  New Orleans, LA 2000.


Abraham, John P.,  "A Laboratory Approach to Teaching TCP/IP Protocol on Windows NT," Proceedings of the American Society of Engineering Education, Annual Conference of the Gulf Southwest Region, Dallas, TX, 1999.


Abraham, John P., C++ Made Easy, A Web Based Text Book,, University of Texas Pan American, Edinburg, TX 1999.


Abraham, John P., "Internet Routing," Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Texas Computer Education Association State Conference, Austin, TX 1998.


Abraham, John P., "Incorporating Practicum into an Undergraduate Networking Course," Proceedings of the American Society of Engineering Education, Annual Conference of the Gulf Southwest Region, New Orleans, LA 1998.


Abraham, John P., Pascal Made Easy, A text book published at University of Texas Pan American, 1993.  Also available at my Web site.


Abraham, John P., "Thinking About a Computer?" Successful Attitudes, Vol 7, Issue 5, Fall 1989, 45-50.


Abraham, John P., and Ellard Charles, J., "DRGs and Quality of Care: The Impact of Hospital Laboratories in Texas," Proceedings of the Southern Economic Association Conference, 1987.


Abraham, John P., Impact of DRGs on Staffing, Workload and Budget in Texas Hospital Laboratories, Doctoral Dissertation, University of Houston, 1986.


Abraham, John P., and Ponder, Leonard, "The Comparative Affects of Three Levels of Student/Teacher Interaction Upon Student Learning," Journal of Allied Health,  Fall, 1975.


Abraham, John P., and Schill, Ken, Clinical Chemistry Laboratory Manual, Pan American University, Edinburg, TX 1979.


Abraham, John P., and Schill, Ken, Microbiology Laboratory Manual, Pan American University, Edinburg, TX 1979.


Abraham, John P., Hematology Laboratory Manual, Pan American University, Edinburg, TX 1978.


Abraham, John P., Book Reviews, American Journal of Medical Technology, 1976 to 1978.


Abraham, John P., Hemocytometer Calculations, A computer Aided Instruction Program, Pan American University, 1979.


Abraham, John P., Quality Control Program, Physicians Microcomputer Report, 1980.


Abraham, John P., A correspondence Course in Hematology, 4 months long program, Offered 3 years -1980, 1981, 1986.






“Internet Access Using Dial-Up, ISDN, DSL, and Cable”, Region One ESC Technology Conference, South Padre Island, May 2002.


“A Study of employer Satisfaction of predominantly Hispanic Graduates,”  Association of Hispanic & Latino Studies National conference, Houston, TX, Febuary, 2002.


"Routing Packets Through Subnets," Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Texas Computer Education Association State Conference, Austin, TX 2000.


"A Practical Approach to Assigning Subnet Masks," Proceedings of the ETCE/OMAE 2000 Joint Conference,  New Orleans, LA 2000.  (Scheduled for Presentation).


"Graduating Student's Perceptions of Outcomes of College Experiences at a Predominantly Hispanic University," National Association of Hispanic & Latino Studies National Conference, Houston, TX 2000.


"Profile of Entering Students at a Predominantly Hispanic University," Proceedings of the National Association of Hispanic & Latino Studies National Conference, Houston, TX 2000.


"A Final Look at the Y2K Issue," Rio Grande Valley Council of Teachers of Mathematics 34th Annual Mathematics Conference, Edinburg, TX Dec 4, 1999.


"Readiness of Local Businesses for Y2K, A Survey Report," Rotary Club of Edinburg, October, 1999.


"Russia the Democracy: A Report of My Visit to Russia," Rotary Club of Edinburg, November 1999.


"A Laboratory Approach to Teaching TCP/IP Protocol on Windows NT," Annual Conference of the Gulf Southwest Region, Dallas, TX, 1999.


"Internet Routing," Eighteenth Annual Texas Computer Education Association State Conference, Austin, TX 1998.


"Current Trends in Internetworking," Semana de INFORMATICA, Instituto Technologico de Reynosa, Tamalupas, Mexico, 1998.


"Incorporating Practicum into an Undergraduate Networking Course,"  American Society of Engineering Education, Annual Conference of the Gulf Southwest Region, New Orleans, LA 1998.


"Glucose Metabolism as Related to Diabetes," Three One Hour Lectures to Nurses, JPA Home Health Care, McAllen, TX 1997.


"Computer Networking Basics," McAllen High School, Guest Lecturers Program, UT Pan American, 1997.


"Features of Windows 95," Computer Users Club, Alamo Country Club, 1996.


"Computer Networks in Hospitals," Texas Society for Medical Technologists, Rio Grade Chapter, 1995.


"Multiprogramming and Networking," Annual Convention of the Texas Society of Medical Technologists, McAllen, TX 1994.


"Importance of Education to Successful Living," Options Alternative High School, Texas Public Schools Week, 1993.


"WordPerfect within DOS environment," Three Days Workshop, Texas State Bank, McAllen, TX 1990.


"Computers in Laboratory," Texas Society of Medical Technology, Annual Convention, Corpus Christi, TX 1983.


"Computers in Laboratory," Texas Society of Medical Technology, Annual Convention, Dallas, TX 1982.


"Introduction to Programming Microcomputer for Health Professionals," a Two Part Continuing Education Seminar, Pan American University, 1981.


"Clinical Hematology in United States," Philip's Hospital, Madras, India 1981.


"Quality Control and College of American Pathologists Accreditation," State Chest Hospital, Harlingen, TX 1979.


"Review of Hemostatsis," Texas Society of Medical Technology Travelling Seminar, McAllen, TX 1977.


"Virology - An Introduction," Texas Society of Medical Technology Travelling Seminar, Beeville, TX 1977.


"Leukemia & Lymphoma: Peripheral and Bone Marrow Identification," A continuing Education Seminar, Pan American University, Edinburg, TX 1977.


"Quality Control for the Laboratory," A Continuing Education Seminar, Pan American University, Edinburg, TX 1977.


"We Have Come a Long Way," Graduation Address to the graduating class of 1977,  Memorial Medical Center, Corpus Christi, TX 1977.


"Routine Coagulation Tests, and What They Tell Us," Texas Society for Medical Technology Travelling Seminar, New Braunfels, TX 1977.


"Infection Control - A Bacteriologist's Point of View," A Series of Lectures Given to Head Nurses at Memorial Medical Center, Corpus Christi, TX 1975.


"Urinary Casts and Their Significance," Texas Society for Medical Technology Travelling Seminar, Victoria, TX 1975.


"You Should Have Problems in Urinalysis," Texas Society for Medical Technology Travelling Seminar, Beaumont, TX 1974.


"The V.D. Bacteria," Texas A&M University, Health and Physical Education, 1974.




 “Protecting  Your Data”,  An interview with Lisa Cortez, Channel 5, ABC affiliate, aired at 10:00 pm news, November  28, 2007.


"Y2K Diagnosis with DOS, " Team Report, Channel 4 news, CBS affiliate, aired at 6 PM, December 29, 1999


"Y2K Diagnosis with Windows," Team Report, Channel 4 news, CBC affiliate, aired at 10 PM December 29, 1999.


"Y2K - A final Look," Team Report, Channel 4 news, CBS affiliate, aired at 6 AM December 30, 1999.


"Valley Escapes 9/9/99 problems," Interview with The Monitor, September 10, 1999.


"Feeding the Poor,"  Eye Witness News Journal, a 15 minutes live interview on Channel 23, NBC affiliate about my role in the Food Bank of the Rio Grande Valley. 1997.


"Y2K Problem," a Brief Interview, Channel 4, CBS affiliate, Team Report, aired at 6'O clock news.  1998.


"Morality and Society," a 30 minutes Live Television Interview, Borderline, Channel 5, ABC Affiliate, 1997.


"Responsibilities of the Parents in their Children's Education," a  30 minutes Live Television Interview, Borderline, Channel 5, ABC Affiliate, 1995.


"Border Health Issues and President Clinton's Health Reform," a 30 minutes Live Television Interview, Borderline, Channel 5, ABC Affiliate. 1994.


"NAFTA and its Effects on Education," a 30 minutes Live Television Interview, Borderline, Channel 5, ABC Affiliate.  1993.


"NAFTA, My Reaction," a Front Page News Article with my Picture, The McAllen Monitor, McAllen. 1992.


"India Sangeeth," Hosted a one Hour Radio Program, Local NPR station.  I established this Radio Program which continued for 4 years.  India Association of the Rio Grade Valley. 1993.


"Status of Medical Technology," Channel 5 news, 10PM.  1988


"Diabetes in South Texas, " 30 minutes  Live Radio Program, KVLY, 107, 1988.




Professional Service:


            Coordinated TCEA programming contest. 2002.


Section Coordinator, Wokload Characterization, IEEE, Austin, TX, 2001.


Area Coordinator, National Association of Hispanic & Latino Studies, 2000-present.


Session Moderator, National Conference of National Association of Hispanic and Latino Studies, Session #87, Houston Texas, February 2000.


Appointed as Peer-Reviewer, Minority Health Research and Education Program, Texas Coordinating Board. 1999-2000.


Scientific Section Chair, American Society of Engineering Education, Annual Conference of the Gulf Southwest Region, Dallas, TX, 1999.


Panelist, One America In the 21st Century: The President's Initiative on Race, Directed by Mr. William Leftwitch, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Equal Opportunity, October 4, 1999.


Beta Testing for Windows 95. 1994.


Free consulting provided to the Rio Grande Valley University Outreach Center, 1992.


Voluntary Work and Community Activities (past and present):


Master of Ceremonies, Corporate Donor Appreciation Ceremony and House Dedication Ceremony, Habitat for Humanity, Edinburg, February 12, 2000.


Board Member, Habitat for Humanity.  Building homes for the poor.  Current


Board Member, Comfort House. A home for the terminally ill. No fees collected.  No government funding. Current.


Chair, Resource Development, Comfort House.           Current.


Member, 10 year anniversary planning committee, Comfort House.  Current


Member, Rotary Club of Edinburg.                 Current.


Board Member - Comfort House Charities.   Current.


Board Member - Rio Grande Valley Food Bank - 3 years -Feeding the poor.


Finance Committee Chairman - Rio Grande Valley Food Bank - 1 year


White House Conference on Child Care, October 23, 1997.


Advisory Committee Member, Computerized Office Technology Program, STCC 1997-98.


Participated in a survey of World Wide Web by the Gallup Organization, 1997.


Family Residency Program, U.T.S.A               , Assistant Professor, Clinical Faculty for Medical Computing, Honorary Position               10 years


Trustee - McAllen General Hospital   1 year


Board Member - Methodist Hospital, McAllen 3 years


Member, Planning Committee for New Building, McAllen Methodist Hospital.


Member, Quality Assurance Committee, McAllen Medical Center 1986.


Board Member - McAllen Medical Center     4 years


Board Member - South Texas Health Systems Agency 5 years  (An agency involved in providing certificate of need)


Board Member, American Cancer Society, 2 years.

Chairman, Transportation Committee, American Cancer Society, 1978.

Board Member - Board of Academic Council - PANT Institute of Technology, India, (It is similar to Board of Regents in USA) - 1 year.


Rio Grande Bible Institute, I donated equipment and set up Medical Laboratory, Edinburg, TX 1978.


Chair, Advisory committee, Computer Maintenance Technology program

                                Texas State Technical College, Harlingen, TX.  6 years.


Chair, Advisory Committee, Computer Technology Program, TSTI, Harlingen.


Member, South Texas Junior College, Advisory Council for Computer Program.


Communities and Schools Together (CAST), appointed by the President.


Founding Member of India Association of the Rio Grade Valley.


Established India Sangeeth, a one hour weekly radio program on local NPR.


Established International Students Organization, LCC, Lubbock, TX.


Member, Edinburg Rotary Club 1992-Current.


Sunday school Teacher - 12 years (Adult class, average of 70 students)


Texas Scholar - 2 years.  Involvement with High School students.


President, Corpus Christi Chapter of ASMT, 1975-76.


Member, Sub Area Council of South Texas Health Systems Agency, 1978-80.


Parliamentarian, Sub Area Council of STHA, 1980.


Chairman, Nominating Committee, Sub Area Council, STHSA, 1980, 81.            


Member, Project Review Committee (for Certificate of Need), South Texas Health Systems Agency, 1980, 81.


Board Member, South Texas Health Systems Agency, 1980, 81.


University Related Service - Past and Present.


University Tenure and Promotion Committee               2001-2002


Member, Program Review Committee.                           1999-2002


Chair, Graduate Program Review Subcommittee.        1999-2000


Chair, Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity               2000-2001


Advisor, Chi Alpha Student Organization                      1995-Present


Member, Leadership Committee.                                    1993-2000


Member, University Admissions Committee.                1994-1998


Chair, Principal Committee, University Self Study for accreditation, 1996.


Member, University Self Study for accreditation, 1980.


Chair, Library Committee.                                                                1991-1994.


Member, Multicultural Task Force.                                 1992-1993.


Senator, Pan American University Faculty Senate,       1978-82, 1992.


Executive Committee Member, Pan American University Senate, 1980-81.


Member, Continuing Education Committee, a joint committee of the Deans and Faculty, Pan American University, 1985-86.


Chair, University Computer Council, 1984-1986.


Member, Ad-hoc Committee for Presidential Selection, PAU, 1980.


Member, Presidential Search Advisory Committee, appointed by Board of Regents, Pan American University, 1981.


Member, Curriculum Committee, Pan American University, 1980-81.


Member, Committee for Faculty Evaluation by students, A joint committee of  the Deans and Faculty, Pan American University, 1980-81.


Member, Transition Task Force, Dr. Nevarez, Pan American University, 1981.

Member, Faculty Research Council, 1977-80.


Advisor, Pan American Society for Medical Technology, 1976-80.


Member, Ad-hoc Committee for Evaluation of Administrators, PAU, 1979.


Member, Task Force for Section 504 Compliance, Appointed by the President PAU, 1978.


Student Member, Curriculum Committee, Lubbock Christian University, 1971.


Student Senator, Senior Class, Lubbock Christian University, 1971.


President, International Students Organization, LCU, 1969.


Graduate Faculty, 1991-Current.


College Level Committees


Chair, College of Science and Engineering Promotion, Tenure Committee 2001-2002.


Chair, Outstanding Faculty Selection Committee, 1998.


Member, Alumni and Outreach Committee, 1998, 1999.


Promotion Tenure Document Committee, Division of Allied Health, 1982.


Merit Document Committee, Division of Allied Health, 1981.


Departmental Service


            Chair, Departmental  Promotion, Tenure Committee, 2001-2002.


                Coordinator of CSCI 1380, CS1 course 2001-2002.


                Chair, Departmental curriculum committee 2002.


Hosted several informal gatherings for faculty,  graduate and senior students each year.


Hosted the first Advisory Council Reception at my house.


Faculty Search Committees 1976 - current.


Computer Science Curriculum Committee - current.


Departmental Program Review Committee - 1998.


Member, Tenure Committee 1988 - Current.


Chair, Tenure Committee, Math and Computer Science - 1990.


Member, Merit Evaluation Committees 1988 - Present.


Departmental Book Review Committees. 1988-Present.


Chair, Departmental Self Study for NAACLS accreditation, 1979 and 1986.


Author, two self-study documents of over 200 pages each.


Chair, Program Evaluation Committee, Medical Technology.


Travel Committee for Math and CS, 1992.


Liaison for student placement.


Installed Novell Network for Computer Science and continued to be systems administrator for 3 years. 1991-94.


Member, Public Information Committee, 1995




Patient Tracking – Radiology Group, Weslaco, McAllen, December 2001.


ISDN Router setup - CRIS Equipment, Pharr, TX  February 2000.


Novell 5.0 Intranetware based routing for World Wide Web, CRIS Equipment Inc, Pharr, TX, January 2000.


Novell 3.2 Server for Valley Land Title, Weslaco, TX January, 2000.


Y2K Fixes for Novell 3.12, Mid Valley Internists, Weslaco, TX, November, 1999.


Y2K Fixes for Novell 4.1, Valley Land Title, McAllen, TX, December 1999.


Intra-server network  connections for Atlas and Hall, McAllen, TX, June 1999.


IntraNetware for Atlas Hall, McAllen, May 1999.


Novell Print Server, County of Rio Grande, County Attorney's Office, July1999.


IntraNetware 5.0, Assurance Professional Contractors, McAllen, TX, July 1999.


Windows NT Network, Faires Plumbing, Edinburg, TX, August 1999.


Windows NT Network related consulting, De Sanchez Spa and Salon, McAllen, TX 1999.


Windows 98 networking, Earth Transport, Edinburg, TX 1999


Windows 98 Networking, Marilyn Asistores, M.D., Ediburg, TX 1998.


Windows 98 Networking, Rudy Trevino M.D. and Maria Trevino, M.D., Alamo, TX, 1998


Windows 98 Networking, Patrick Wilcox, D.D.S, Pediatric Destistry, McAllen, TX 1998.


Token Ring Network, Echo Motor Hotel, Edinburg, TX 1998.


Programming, Ruiz Sales, Edinburg, TX, 1998.


Programming, Hidalgo County Computer Department, 1999.


Novell File Server, Wipf Chiropractic, Harlingen, TX 1997.


Windows 95 network, Wipf Chiropractic, Harlingen, TX 1997.


Windows NTNetwork, The Austin Group, McAllen, TX 1997.


Point of Sale Program and related database, Quik Auto, Rio Grande City, TX 1997.


Time Card Program modification for Assurance Professional Contractors, Brownsville, TX 1997.


Windows 95 network, Temple Emmanuel, McAllen, TX, 1996.


Novell 3.12 Network Related Consulting, Willette, Guerra, and Trevino, McAllen, TX, 1996.

Inter Office Mail, Garcia and Rodriguez, Attorneys, McAllen, TX 1996.


Database Program for Blood Groups and Antibodies, McAllen Medical Center, McAllen, TX 1995.


Electronic W2 Filing Program, Carlos Anzaldua, Accountant, McAllen, TX 1995.


Mail Merge Related, Ruben Hinojosa for Congress, McAllen, TX, 1994.


Autocad related consulting, Morales-Hinojosa, Architects, Edinburg, TX 1994.


Autocad related consulting, Tri City Steel, Edinburg, TX, 1994.


KVEO, Hardware and Software related Consulting, 1994.


Solaris, Unix Related consulting, World Trade Center, McAllen, TX 1994.


After the Fact Payroll Program, Donna Fruit Company, Edinburg, TX 1994.


Training Quattro Pro, Loop Cold Storage, McAllen, TX, 1994.


Remote Communications between two cities, Guardian Angel Home Health Care, Rio Grande City, TX 1993.


Time Card Generation Program, Assurance Professional Contractors, McAllen, TX 1993.


Novell 3.12 Fileserver, Network, McAllen Home Care, McAllen, TX, 1993.


Novell 3.12 Fileserver, Network, Valley Home Health Care, Mission, TX 1993.


Novell 3.12 Fileserver, Network, Hope Home Health Care, McAllen, TX 1993.


Novell 3.12 Fileserver, Network, Vital Home Health Care, Pharr, TX 1993.


Novell 2.2 Network, Showcase Video, Edinburg, TX, 1993.


Novell Print Server, Thornton and Summers, McAllen, TX 1994.


Windows Workgroups, Eli R. Ochoa, Engineers, 1993.


Check Writing Plus, A program similar to Quicken, I wrote and installed several copies. 1992.


Bond Program, Valley National Bank, 1988.


Quality Assurance Program, Laboratory, McAllen Medical Center, 1989.


CAP Workload Reporting Program, 1988.


Auditorium Reservation Program, McAllen Performing Arts, McAllen, TX 1987.


Word Processor for Radio Shack TRS 80, 1979.


Physician Insurance Billing Program, 1979.




Leadership Award, Athletic Students nominated award, University of Texas Pan American, Athletic Department, Honored During the Half-time of February 27 Basket Ball Game, February 2000.


Dean's Honor Roll, L.C.U. 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972.


Award - Outstanding Student in Biology Department, 1971.


Who's Who Among American Jr. Colleges.


Noyes Foundation Fellowship Recipient.


Outstanding Faculty Award, University of Texas Pan American - 1983.


Biographee, Men of Achievement, 6th Edition, International Biographical Center,

Cambridge, England.


Personalities of the South.


Outstanding Young Men of America, for Community Service, 1982.


Invited Guest at White House Community Empowerment Conference, President Clinton and Vice-President Gore attending.


Nominated to Governor George Bush for state level committees by Republican Party Chairman.


Invited to attend the inauguration ceremonies for Governor George Bush, 1996 and 1998.


Invited to run for the US congress by the Republican Party Chairman.