Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6


( Iteration ) 

1 ) Iteration

2 ) More On Loops

3 ) Numeric Data Types and formatting

Suppose you want to display numbers 1 to 100 on the screen. Based on what we studies so far, you will have to write one hundred cout statements. If you think about, all you are doing is adding one to the previous number and displaying it over and over again until 100 has been displayed. Let us write the steps to do it.

Number gets 1.

Display the number

Add one to it

Repeat these two statements.

Stop when 100 has been displayed.

Let us rework it.

Number = 1

Do the following statements (in brackets) while number less than or equal to 100.


display number

add one to number


Here are the steps:

    1. Initialize the variable (this variable is also called the loop control variable or LCV), because this variable controls the loop. In this example the LCV is number.
    2. Check for the condition to enter the loop. The condition should yield a True to enter the loop. If the condition yields a false, the loop is not entered.
    3. Set up the body of the loop. You may have one or multiple things to do within the loop body. The body here appears within the brackets.
    4. Change the value of the LCV within the body. In this example the number is changed by adding a one to it.

These steps will work in all programming languages. Let us write this program in c++. See program 4-1.

Program 4-1


Display 1 to 100 on the screen

Teaching objective - while loop

By Dr. John Abraham

Created for 1380 students


#include <iostream.h>

int main()


int number;

number = 1;

while (number <= 100)


cout << number << " "; //display number and put some spaces

number ++; //increment number by one



return (0);


Program Run 4-1

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83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98

99 100

This while loop is a count controlled loop, since we wanted to repeat the loop a certain number of times. The count controlled loop may also be referred to as a step controlled loop. We can write a sentinel controlled loop as well. A sentinel value is a value that belongs to a type but does not belong to the set you are working with. For example suppose you are entering names. Names belong a type called string. When asked for the name what if you entered . quit. ?. . Quit. also belongs to the string type, however, does not belong to the set of names. Parents do not name a child Quit! Let me illustrate it with Program 3-2.

Program 4-2


Accept and display names

Teaching objective - while loop/sentinel controlled

By Dr. John Abraham

Created for 1380 students


#include <iostream.h>

#include <string.h>

int main()


string name;

cout << "Enter a name ";

cin >> name;

while (name != "quit")


cout << "Hello, " << name <<"\n";

cout << "Enter another name or type 'quit' to exit ";

cin >> name ;



return (0);


Program Run 4-2

Enter a name Randy

Hello, Randy

Enter another name or type 'quit' to exit Sandy

Hello, Sandy

Enter another name or type 'quit' to exit James

Hello, James

Enter another name or type 'quit' to exit Roger

Hello, Roger

Enter another name or type 'quit' to exit Jill

Hello, Jill

Enter another name or type 'quit' to exit quit


The above program does work with Borland compiler, not with Visual C++.  If you wish to run this program with the visual compiler make the following modifications:


Accept and display names

Teaching objective - while loop/sentinel controlled

By Dr. John Abraham

Created for 1380 students

#include <iostream.h>

include <string.h>

int main()


char name[20];

cout << "Enter a name ";

cin >> name;

while (strcmp (name, "quit") !=0)


    cout << "Hello, " << name <<"\n";

    cout << "Enter another name or type 'quit' to exit ";

    cin >> name ;


return (0);


What if you wanted to keep accepting names until . quit. is entered, but do not want to accept more than 5 names? To do this we will make some modifications to the Program 4-2. First, we will change the test to include if the number of names is less than or equal to 5. Second we will increment a counter when a name is entered. See program 4-2A.

Program 4-2A


Accept and display names

Teaching objective - while loop/sentinel and count ontrolled

By Dr. John Abraham

Created for 1380 students


#include <iostream.h>

#include <string.h> //to handle string functions.

int main()


string name;

int count;

count = 1;

cout << "Enter a nameà ";

cin >> name;

while (name !="quit" && count <= 5)


count ++;

cout << "Hello, " << name <<"\n";

cout << "Enter another name or type 'quit' to exità ";

cin >> name ;


count --; //actual number of names entered is count minus 1.

cout << count << " names were entered " << "\n";


return (0);


Enter a name--> James

Hello, James

Enter another name or type 'quit' to exit--> Mary

Hello, Mary

Enter another name or type 'quit' to exit--> Rose

Hello, Rose

Enter another name or type 'quit' to exit--> quit

3 names were entered

Enter a name--> Jack

Hello, Jack

Enter another name or type 'quit' to exit--> Jill

Hello, Jill

Enter another name or type 'quit' to exit--> Roger

Hello, Roger

Enter another name or type 'quit' to exit--> Ed

Hello, Ed

Enter another name or type 'quit' to exit--> Sandy

Hello, Sandy

Enter another name or type 'quit' to exit--> Reg

5 names were entered

While loop is a pre-test loop. It tests for the condition before entering the loop. We will be discussing a loop structure that checks for the condition at the bottom of the loop. If you want to use a pre-test loop controlled by a counter as seen in Program 4-1, you could either use a while loop or a for loop. For loop is variation of while loop specifically designed for count controlled loop. Program 4-3 is a modification of Program 4-1; the while loop has been changed to a for loop.

Program 4-3


Display 1 to 100 on the screen

Teaching objective - For loop

By Dr. John Abraham

Created for 1380 students


#include <iostream.h>

int main()


int number;

for (number =1; number < = 100; number++)


cout << number << " "; //display number and put some spaces



return (0);


Program Run 4-3

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

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99 100

As you can see, the Program Run 4-3 looks identical to Program Run 4-1. Let us understand this statement: for (number = 1; number < = 100; number++). The values of the variable number are given, the initial value, loop execution condition, and the step value. In Program 4-3A, we will change all three values and see how the execution changes. < /FONT> < /FONT>

Program 4-3A


Display all even numbers beginning with 2 and ending with 100

Teaching objective - For loop

By Dr. John Abraham

Created for 1380 students


#include <iostream.h>

int main()


int number;

for (number =2; number < = 100; number = number+2)< /FONT>< /FONT>


cout << number << " "; //display number and put some spaces



return (0);


Program Run 4-3A

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34

36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66

68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98

We could modify this program to display the number backwards. See Program 4-3B. Note how the initial variable, loop execution condition, and the step values are changed.

Program 4-3B


Display all even numbers backward beginning with 100 and ending with 2

Teaching objective - For loop

By Dr. John Abraham

Created for 1380 students


#include <iostream.h>

int main()


int number;

for (number =100; number > = 1; number = number-2)< /FONT>< /FONT>< /FONT>< /FONT>


cout << number << " "; //display number and put some spaces



return (0);


Suppose you want to find the average grades for 20 students in a class on a quiz. You could either use the while loop or the for loop. However, if you want to write this program for a more general situation in which the number of students vary in different classes, you will have to use a sentinel controlled while loop. The sentinel value could be . 99 for the grade input. Program 4-4 illustrates this.

Program 4-4


Find average of a set of exam scores

Teaching objective - Sentinel controlled while loop

By Dr. John Abraham

Created for 1380 students


#include <iostream.h>

int main()


int grade, total, count, average; //count will keep track of number of grades

count = 1; // initialize both count and total

total = 0;

cout << "Enter a grade or -99 to quit--> ";

cin >> grade;

while (grade != -99)< /FONT>< /FONT>


total += grade;< /FONT>< /FONT>

count ++;

cout << "Enter a grade or -99 to quit--> ";

cin >> grade;



average = total/count;

cout << "Sum of " << count << " grades entered ---> " << total << "\n";

cout << "The average grade is ---> " << average;


return (0);


Program Run 4-4

Enter a grade or -99 to quit--> 100

Enter a grade or -99 to quit--> 88

Enter a grade or -99 to quit--> 71

Enter a grade or -99 to quit--> 56

Enter a grade or -99 to quit--> 88

Enter a grade or -99 to quit--> 65

Enter a grade or -99 to quit--> -99

Sum of 6 grades entered ---> 468

The average grade is ---> 78

We keep a running total by initializing total to 0 and adding all grades to the previous total. We do not want to add the . 99 to the total nor should it count as a valid grade. The loop continuation condition clearly states to exit the loop if a . 99 entered, therefore . 99 is not added to the total. However, the count was already incremented, which should be negated. This is what we do with the statement: count--. This is a very important concept, we will be using this quite a bit in many of the future programs.

A modification to the above program to find average of grades is given below. Study the subtle differences. Try running the program and entering an invalid grade as the first grade for both programs.


Find average of a set of exam scores

Teaching objective - Sentinel controlled while loop

By Dr. John Abraham

Created for 1380 students


#include <iostream.h>

int main()


int grade, total= 0, count= 0;< /FONT>< /FONT>

double average= 0.0;//count will keep track of number of grades < /FONT> < /FONT> < /FONT>

cout << "Enter a grade (0-100) or any other number to quit --> ";

cin >> grade;

while (grade >=0 && grade <= 100)< /FONT>< /FONT>


total += grade;< /FONT>< /FONT>

count ++;

cout << "Enter a grade or -99 to quit--> ";

cin >> grade;


if (count >0) average = total/count;< /FONT >< /FONT >

cout << "Sum of " << count << " grades entered ---> " << total << "\n";

cout << "The average grade is ---> " << average <<endl;

return (0);


The last looping structure I want to mention is the do..while loop. Do while loop is a post test loop; the condition is tested at the bottom of the loop. Therefore, a do while loop will be executed at least once. Program 4-5 is a modification of the first program in this chapter.

Program 4-4


Display 1 to 100 on the screen

Teaching objective - do while loop

By Dr. John Abraham

Created for 1380 students


#include <iostream.h>

int main()


int number;

number = 1;



cout << number << " ";

number ++;


while (number <= 100);< /FONT>< /FONT>


return (0);


Program run 4-4

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99 100

More on Loops :

Suppose you already have a program and you want to add a loop around it to make it run many times.  Let us modify a program from Chapter 3 (the grades program) to add a while loop.  First step is to decide which of the variables can be selected as loop control variable.  If no varaibles can be selected you can add new variable - for example, a char variable - and ask " Do you want to run the program again? ".  However this is extra work for the user to answer yes or no each time. 

    In the grades program we asked for three scores, found the average and letter grade and displayed these values.  We could choose the first score as the loop control variable.  If a negative number was entered for the first score, we can exit the while loop.  Remember the steps required for a while loop, (1) decided on a LCV;  (2) intialize the LCV;  (4) setup the while loop condition; (5) write the body of the loop; and (6) change the value of LCV within the body of the loop.

Program 4A-1

Accept three grades, find the average
and display the letter grade.
Teaching objective - multiple alternatives
By Dr. John Abraham
Created for 1380 students

#include <iostream.h>
#include <iomanip.h> //to format input and output.
                              //Here setw and endl require it
float findave (int, int, int);
char getLetterGrade(float);
void Message(int, int, int, float, char);

int main ()
int one, two, three;
float average;
char grade;
cout << "This program will calculate letter grade given three scores for any number of students.";
cout << "\n\nEnter the first score or a negative number to quit-> "; cin >> one;

while (one >0)
cout << "Enter the second score-> "; cin >> two;
cout << "Enter the third score-> "; cin >> three;
average= findave (one, two, three);
grade = getLetterGrade(average);
Message (one, two, three, average, grade);
cout << "\n\nEnter the first score or a negative number to quit-> "; cin >> one;
return 0;

float findave(int one, int two, int three)
float a;

a = (float(one+two+three) / float(3.0));
//convert numbers to float to avoid warning
return (a);

char getLetterGrade (float average)

char grade;
if (average >=90) grade = 'A';
else if (average>= 80) grade = 'B';
else if (average >=70) grade ='C';
else if (average >= 60) grade ='D';
else grade ='F';
return (grade);

void Message (int one, int two, int three, float average, char grade)
    cout << "Three grades are: " <<one <<setw(4)<<two <<setw(4)<<three <<endl;
cout << "The average is : " <<average <<endl;
    cout << "\nThe letter grade is : "<< grade << endl;

    switch (grade)
    case 'A' : cout << "Very impressive grade indeed!\n";break;
    case 'B' : cout << "A solid performance, congratulations!\n"; break;
    case 'C' : cout << "C++ is a tough course, but YOU MADE IT!\n";break;
    case 'D' : cout << "Made it eh? \n";break;
    case 'F' : cout << "Don't give up. Try keeping up with all the homework!\n";


Program Run 4A-1

This program will calculate letter grade given three scores for any number of s

Enter the first score or a negative number to quit-> 90
Enter the second score-> 88
Enter the third score-> 93
Three grades are: 90 88 93
The average is : 90.3333

The letter grade is : A
Very impressive grade indeed!

Enter the first score or a negative number to quit-> 78
Enter the second score-> 66
Enter the third score-> 77
Three grades are: 78 66 77
The average is : 73.6667

The letter grade is : C
C++ is a tough course, but YOU MADE IT!

Enter the first score or a negative number to quit-> -1

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