Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6


( Object Oriented Programming ) 

We humans are very good in recognizing and working with objects, such as a pen, a dog, or a human being. We learned to categorize them in such a way that make sense to us. We may categorize them as animate object, inanimate objects, pets, friends, etc. We some times classify objects based on their attributes, for example, green apples or red apples, fat or slim people, etc. If you think about it each object has many attributes. If I ask you list the attributes of an orange, you probably could list many things such as color, shape, weight, smell, etc.

In addition to attributes, all objects exhibit behaviors. A dog eats, barks, wags its tail, plays, and begs. A dog exhibits many more other behaviors than this short list. It is a good idea to practice listing attributes and behaviors of many of the objects you come across each day. Another thing we need to remember about objects is that objects interact between each other.

Programmers, for over thirty years programmed using functions and procedures. Each function and procedure was called to carry out certain tasks on the data that were given to it and to return (or not return) certain results back. With this type of procedure oriented programming, we had to adapt our thinking procedurally. Working with objects is a more normal and suitable approach for human beings. Such programming approach is called Object Oriented Programming (OOP).

In Object Oriented Programming, objects are packages that contain data and functions (methods) that can be performed on the data. Data could be considered to be attributes and functions are considered to be behaviors of the object. We can say that the attributes and behaviors are encapsulated into an object. The objects interact between each other through their interfaces. As an example a date object may have a set of data consisting of month, day and year, and methods consisting of assign date, display date, yesterday and tomorrow.

Data abstraction is another important feature of Object oriented programming. OOP hides the details of data structures from the users. For example, to set a date in the aforementioned example, values of month, day and year are passed to the assign-date method. The actual representation of the date is hidden from the user.

There can be various objects made of a particular class (recall that many variables can be made from type). In OOP the general type with which objects can be made is called a class. An object is an instance of a class. Each class contains data (data members) as well as set of functions (member functions) that manipulate the data. Classes have the following features:

    1. the capability to control access
    2. Constructors
    3. Destructors
    4. Data Members
    5. Member functions
    6. A hidden, special pointer called this

Program 5-1 is a program that incorporates a c++ object. The class Grade contains three data members and three member functions (methods) that manipulate the data. The class has a public: section that is accessible to those using the class, and a private: section that only accessible to member functions and not accessible to the class users.

Program 5-1


Program Grades - class

By Dr. John Abraham

Written for CSCI 1380 students

Objective: introduce object oriented programming


#include <iostream.h>

#include <iomanip.h>

class Grade {


Grade(); //constructor

void getGrades(int, int, int);

void printGrades();

void printLetterGrade();


int g1;

int g2;

int g3;






void Grade:: getGrades (int a, int b,int c)


g1=a; g2=b; g3=c;


void Grade:: printGrades()


cout << "\n\n--------------------------------";

cout << "\nHere are the Grades you entered: " <<g1<<setw(4)<<g2<<setw(4)<<g3;


void Grade::printLetterGrade()


float av;

av = (g1+g2+g3)/3.0;

cout << "\nYour Average and Letter Grade -> "<<av;

if (av >= 90) cout <<" A\n";

else if (av >=80) cout << " B\n";

else if (av >=70) cout <<" C\n";

else if (av >= 60) cout << " D\n";

else cout << " F\n";


int main (void)


int a,b,c;

Grade n; //n is an object of class Grade

cout <<"\nEnter three grades separated by spaces ";

cin >> a >> b >> c;




return (0);


Program Run 5-1

Enter three grades separated by spaces 81 78 82


Here are the Grades you entered: 81 78 82

Your Average and Letter Grade -> 80.3333 B

Press any key to continue

Let us discuss this program in detail. We have declared a class named Grade. We have an object made up of this class, namely n. We could have made other objects of class Grade. An object encapsulates the data and functions that operate on that data. In this case the data used are three integers and three functions (methods) are getGrades, printGrades, and printLetter. The public part of the class is visible and accessible to all users of the class, the private part is not. The public part contains a constructor; a constructor is a function that is automatically called when an instance of a class is created. A constructor is used to initialize any class member variables, and allocate memory that the class will need. The member functions are similar to the functions we have used so far except in the declaration the scope operator :: is used. For example, void Grade::getGrades (int a, int b, intc), clearly indicates that getGrades is a member function of class Grade.

Now let us examine the main. Here we have three integer variables a, b, c. and an object n. These values of these variables are read from the keyboard and then the three member functions of the object n are called. Imagine creating an include file of the class Grade. Instead of imagining it, let us do it.


Program Grades - class

By Dr. John Abraham

Written for CSCI 1380 students

Objective: introduce object oriented programming


#include <iostream.h>

#include <c:\tempc\classgrade.h>

int main (void)


int a,b,c;

Grade n;

cout <<"\nEnter three grades separated by spaces ";

cin >> a >> b >> c;




return (0);


The include file is given below.


Program Grades - class

By Dr. John Abraham

Written for CSCI 1380 students

Objective: introduce object oriented programming



#include <iomanip.h>

class Grade {


Grade(); //constructor

void getGrades(int, int, int);

void printGrades();

void printLetterGrade();


int g1;

int g2;

int g3;






void Grade:: getGrades (int a, int b,int c)


g1=a; g2=b; g3=c;


void Grade:: printGrades()


cout << "\n\n--------------------------------";

cout << "\nHere are the Grades you entered: " <<g1<<setw(4)<<g2<<setw(4)<<g3;


void Grade::printLetterGrade()


float av;

av = (g1+g2+g3)/3.0;

cout << "\nYour Average and Letter Grade -> "<<av;

if (av >= 90) cout <<" A\n";

else if (av >=80) cout << " B\n";

else if (av >=70) cout <<" C\n";

else if (av >= 60) cout << " D\n";

else cout << " F\n";


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