Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
( Functions )
1 )
2 ) More On Functions
When we build
a house why do we make rooms? In our daily
life why do we use so many different people who specialize in
different professions, such as physicians, lawyers,
accountants, etc? Same reasoning can be applied to
programming. When we write a good program, it must be divided
into modules; each module is designed to do a particular task.
In C++ there are two types of modules, functions and classes.
In this chapter we will deal with functions. You can write
functions that can be used over and over again in a program or
in several programs. In fact, the C++ standard library comes
with many functions for mathematical, string, and character
A large
programming job needs to be broken down to manageable smaller
modules; this breaking down process is called top down design.
Here is one of my favorite hymns written using functions. I
have broken down the hymn into five functions, four verses and
one chorus. The main function simply calls the other
functions. Even though the program is given in two text boxes
for clarity, please combine them into one
Program 2-1
Program: Function Calls
Written by: Dr. John P.
Instructional objective:
void chorus();
void verse1();
void verse2();
void verse3();
void verse4();
void verse5();
int main()
} |
Program 2-1
void chorus()
cout<< "Hosts of angels
anxiously ready and waiting\n";
cout<< "They stand ready to
bid me welcome\n";
cout<< "All my robes made so
gleaming bright\n";
cout<< "I will sing
Hallelujah at His sight\n\n";
void verse1()
cout<< "I ran my race on this
cout<< "Stand ready for the
price before me\n";
cout<< "Transfigured I will
fly home, heavenly home\n";
cout<< "To stand in the
presence of my Lord\\n\n";
void verse2()
cout << "For years I hoped
and longed\n";
cout << "To see my King face
to face\n";
cout << "Soon I will behold
him in Glory\n" ;
cout << "I'll rest in His
embracing arms\n\n";
void verse3()
cout << "I long toiled and
cout << "For my Master; now
He honors me\n";
cout << "With accolades and
showers of\n";
cout << "Gifts to decorate my
void verse4()
cout << "His saints and
righteous servants\n";
cout << "Those who gave their
life for The Lord\n";
cout << "As they play their
strings to the Lord\n";
cout << "I will sing and join
that crowd\n\n";
void verse5()
cout << "In the mansion made
not by hand\n";
cout << "In the city of new
cout << "Evermore as a bride
in hand\n";
cout << "I'll reign with my
savior dear\n\n";
} |
Program Run 2-1
I ran my race on this
Stand ready for the price before
Transfigured I will fly home,
heavenly home
To stand in the presence of my
Hosts of angels anxiously ready and
They stand ready to bid me
All my robes made so gleaming
I will sing Hallelujah at His
For years I hoped and
To see my King face to
Soon I will behold him in
I'll rest in His embracing
Hosts of angels anxiously ready and
They stand ready to bid me
All my robes made so gleaming
I will sing Hallelujah at His
I long toiled and labored
For my Master; now He honors
With accolades and showers
Gifts to decorate my
Hosts of angels anxiously ready and
They stand ready to bid me
All my robes made so gleaming
I will sing Hallelujah at His
His saints and righteous
Those who gave their life for The
As they play their strings to the
I will sing and join that
Hosts of angels anxiously ready and
They stand ready to bid me
All my robes made so gleaming
I will sing Hallelujah at His
In the mansion made not by
In the city of new
Evermore as a bride in
I'll reign with my savior
Hosts of angels anxiously ready and
They stand ready to bid me
All my robes made so gleaming
I will sing Hallelujah at His
sight |
When we run this program, the hymn is
displayed verse1, chorus, verse2, chorus, and so on. Look at the
main, it is not cluttered. In the main, the functions were
called. The function chorus was called four times; all
other functions were called only once. The main function
returned a zero to the operating system indicating all is
well; all other procedures returned nothing. Before calling the
functions, the prototypes of the functions must be declared.
Please underline the prototypes just above the main in order for you
to remember to do it when you write your programs. The function
prototype contains the following information: (1) name of the
function, (2) the type of data returned by the function, and (3)
number, type, and order of parameters passed into the function. Let
us write another program to find centigrade given
Program 2-2
Program: Function Calls
Written by: Dr. John P.
Instructional objective: Passing
float celsius(float);
int main ()
float c, f; //Centigrade and
cout << "Enter today's
temperature in degrees of Fahrenheit ";
cin >> f;
c = celsius(f);
cout << "That equals "
<< c << " degrees of celsius!\n" ;
cout << "Press the Enter key
to stop the Program!";
float celsius (float f)
} |
Program Run 2-2
Enter today's temperature in
degrees of fahrenheit 92
That equals 33.3333 degrees of
celcius! |
The function prototype is given
immediately after the include statement. The prototype indicates
that the function-celsius will receive one float parameter and will
return one float value back. In the main variable c is assigned the
result of the function-celsius. It is very important that you
understand this concept of passing parameters and returning results.
Please type this program in as many times as required until you can
do it without referring to the notes.
Next we need to concentrate on the
scope of variables. This world has lots of people called
John. So when someone calls John, which John should answer? In a
program, you may use the same identifier name in different
functions. There needs to be some rules about the scope of the
variables. The scope of variables concept is very important,
please pay attention to every sentence in the following few
paragraphs. When a parameter is passed in, as in the example in
program 2-2, the contents of that memory location (referred to as f
in this example) is sent to the called function (function-celsius).
This variable exists in that function only during the execution of
that function. If that function is called again, the old value is
gone and whatever is passed is placed there. Run the following
program to understand this concept.
Program 2-3
Program: Function Calls
Written by: Dr. John P.
Instructional objective: Scope of
void changex (int);
int main ()
int x;
x = 5;
cout << "In the main, value
of x before the first call ----> " << x
cout << "In the main, value
of x after the first call -----> " << x
x = 1;
cout << "In the main, value
of x before the second call ----> " << x
cout << "In the main, value
of x after the second call -----> " << x
return (0);
void changex (int x)
cout << " in the function,
value of x as it came in----> " << x <<
x = x+10;
cout << " in the function,
value of x after adding 10---> " << x <<
} |
When running this
program please notice that x is first assigned value of 5 and this
value is passed into the function as a copy (now x has a copy). The
x is changed in the function to 15 by adding a 10. However after the
function is executed, everything in the function including the x in
the function, is erased. The original x in the main still has the
value of 5. There is a way to keep the values of variables in a
function. This is done by declaring the variables as static.
This will not be discussed further here.
When a function is called and copies of
the parameters are passed in as discussed in the previous paragraph,
it is known as call-by-value. Another way to pass a parameter
is to call-by-reference. When a parameter is passed
call-by-reference the address of the original memory location
is passed to the function. The function may change the contents of
that memory location. The advantage here is that by not duplicating
large blocks of data, memory can be saved. A disadvantage is
accidentally changing (side effect) the value of a
Now let us study the concept of global
variables. A variable that is visible to a lower level module is
called a global variable. In the program 2-4, x is declared as a
global variable. This variable is visible by all modules and any
module can change its value.
Program 2-4
Program: Function Calls
Written by: Dr. John P.
Instructional objective: Global
int x;
void getvalue ();
int main ()
x = 1;
cout << "x contains a value
of " << x <<"\n";
void getvalue()
cout << "enter a value for x
cin >> x;
} |
Program Run 2-4
enter a value for x
x contains a value of
8 |
Whatever you entered for the x in the
function was displayed in the main; the function placed a value in x
and the main was able to access that value. You can see the problems
global variables can cause if you are not extremely careful.
Therefore, use of global variables should be avoided unless you are
a seasoned programmer.
It is time for us to examine the concept
of local variables. Suppose a global variable x exists, and
you declared another x in a function, and now you want to assign a
value to x. Which x should get the value? Let us modify program 2-4
to include a local variable.
Program 2-5
Program: Function Calls
Written by: Dr. John P.
Instructional objective: local
int x;
void getvalue ();
int main ()
x =1;
cout << "x contains a value
of " << x <<"\n";
void getvalue()
int x;
cout << "enter a value for x
cin >> x;
} |
Program Run 2-5
enter a value for x
x contains a value of
1 |
The x in the function getvalue is a local
variable. Now you have an x global and an x local. When you assign a
value to x, the local gets it and the global is not changed. The
global was assigned a value of 1 in the main and the program
displays a one.
Let us write a program to illustrate
call-by-reference mentioned earlier. When a parameter is passed
call-by-reference, any changes made to that variable in the function
actually is changing the original variable. In the following example
(Program 2-6), length and width are passed by reference. In order to
pass by reference we use an ampersand & in front of the variable
name. Note how the prototype is declared; here also we use an
ampersand. Another interesting feature of functions is that you do
not have to use the same identifier in the called and calling
modules. For example, in the calling module the identifiers were
length and width; in the called module the identifiers were l and w.
The names do not have to match, but their order has to.
Program 2-6
Program to Find square
Instructional objective:
By Dr. John Abraham
Created for 1380 students
void getmeasurements (int &,
int &);
float calc_sqyards(int,
int main()
int length, width;
float sqyards;
sqyards = calc_sqyards(length,
cout << "The area in square
yards is " << sqyards;
return (0);
void getmeasurements(int &l,
int &w)
cout << "Enter length of the
room in feet ";
cin >> l;
cout << "Enter width of the
room in feet ";
cin >> w;
float calc_sqyards (int length, int
float area;
area = length * width/9;
} |
Program Run 2-6
Enter length of the room in feet
Enter width of the room in feet
The area in square yards is
30 |
By now you should have completed the assignment from Chapter 1;
the program to printout how many thousands, hundreds, tens and ones
in a given number. Let us continue working with that assignment.
Change the program to incorporate some functions in that program.
Here is the link to revised program:
If this program does not come
up, I may have removed it from the directory. Another version of the
program also shows the outfiles: numbers1.html
Write a program to accept the length and
width of a room in feet and price per yard for carpet. Find the area
of the room in square yards and calculate the cost of the carpet for
the room. Calculate sales Tax and print out a bid as shown
Enter length of the room ---------->
25 Enter width of the room -----------> 18 Enter price of
carpet per yard --- > 21.45 C++ CARPET SALES AND
INSTALLATION address and telephone
Length of the
room -------- > 25 Width of the room---------- > 18 Sq
Yards of carpet needed---> 50 Cost of carpet --->
$1072.5 Sales Tax -------->
-------------- Total-------------> $1160.98 Press any key
to continue
More On Functions :
In this chapter we will review functions,
follow an example program from planning to completion, and learn two
new concepts, namely inline functions and function overloading. A
function is a subprogram that specializes in doing one specific
task. A function by definition may receive none, one, or many input
parameters and output none or one parameter.
None or One output argument ß |
Function | ß None, one or many input argument(s)
float findAverage (int grade1, int
grade2, int grade3)
In this example the function
findAverage receives 3 input arguments and returns one
argument. The input arguments here are passed by value,
meaning only copies of the three original variables appearing in the
calling function are passed to the function. Even if the values of
these variables are changed by the function, the original variables
will remain unchanged. If a function does not return any result back
just indicate so by stating void, example: void print (int
grade1, int grade2, int grade3, float average).
Remember that the function only exists
during its execution. Upon return from the function nothing remains
of the function. A function is made upon calling it and destroyed
upon returning. In order to call the above function, we can write
the following statement:
average = findAverage(grade1, grade2,
Since we know that this function returns
a float we must put this returned value somewhere; here we receive
the result into average. We could have displayed the result
directly on the screen by the statement:
cout << findAverage(grade1, grade2,
It is often necessary to use functions to
read multiple variables and return them to the calling module. Based
on the above definition it is impossible to send back more than one
value. Here is where argument passing by reference comes in
handy. Instead of returning the result, the function writes directly
to the original memory locations of the reference variables. In the
following is example, even though nothing is returned by the
function, the calling function's three variables were changed with
the read values.
void getGrades (int &grade1, int
&grade2, int &grade3)
Suppose we want to write a program to
find the average of three grades. We can generate a structure chart
with three modules, getGrades, findAverage, and print. The Module
getGrades receives three arguments by reference and returns none.
The findAverage module receives one argument by value and returns a
float. The last module receives four arguments by value and returns
none. Draw a structure chart using these directions. The next step
is to develop the prototypes. Translating a properly designed
structure chart to prototypes is rather easy. The prototype for
these three functions would be:
void getGrades (int&, int&,
float findAverage (int, int,
void print (int, int, int,
Finally, let us write the whole program.
The main should only declare variables that it uses. Do not declare
variable a function might use as local variables. Convert the
prototypes to functions and function calls.
Program to find average of 3
objective: Review
Program by Dr. Abraham
void getGrades (int&,
int&,int&); //function prototypes
float findAverage (int, int, int
void print (int, int, int,
ofstream outfile; //outfile is
declared globally
int main ()
float average;
int grade1, grade2,
getGrades(grade1, grade2,
average = findAverage(grade1,
grade2, grade3);
print(grade1, grade2, grade3,
void getGrades (int &c, int
&b, int &a) // variable names changed
cout << "Enter first grade
----------> ";
cin >> c;
cout << "Enter second grade
-----------> ";
cin >> b;
cout << "Enter third grade
---------- > ";
cin >> a;
outfile << "\nEnter first
grade ----------> " << c;
outfile << "\nEnter second
grade -----------> " << b;
outfile << "\nEnter third
grade ---------- > " << a;
float findAverage (int one, int
two, int three) //variable names changed purposely
int total;
float a;
total = one+two+three;
a = (total)/3.0;
return a;
void print (int grade1, int grade2,
int grade3, float average)
cout << "\nThree grades
entered are: " << grade1 << " " <<grade2
<< " " << grade3;
cout << "\nAverage is "
<< average <<endl;
outfile << "\nThree grades
entered are: " << grade1 << " " <<grade2
<< " " << grade3;
outfile << "\nAverage is "
<< average <<endl;
} |
Enter first grade ---------->
Enter second grade ----------->
Enter third grade ---------- >
Three grades entered are: 92 88
Average is 88.6667
Press any key to
continue |
Inline Functions :
We can write a function that is so small
that it will fit in one line. For example the findAverage function
can be written like this:
inline float findAverage (int a, int b,
int c) {return (a+b+c)/3.0;};
Program to find average of 3
objective: Review
Program by Dr. Abraham
void getGrades (int&,
int&,int&); //function prototypes
inline float findAverage (int a,
int b, int c) {return (a+b+c)/3.0;};
void print (int, int, int,
ofstream outfile; //outfile is
declared globally
int main ()
float average;
int grade1, grade2,
getGrades(grade1, grade2,
average = findAverage(grade1,
grade2, grade3);
print(grade1, grade2, grade3,
void getGrades (int &c, int
&b, int &a) // variable names changed
cout << "Enter first grade
----------> ";
cin >> c;
cout << "Enter second grade
-----------> ";
cin >> b;
cout << "Enter third grade
---------- > ";
cin >> a;
outfile << "\nEnter first
grade ----------> " << c;
outfile << "\nEnter second
grade -----------> " << b;
outfile << "\nEnter third
grade ---------- > " << a;
void print (int grade1, int grade2,
int grade3, float average)
cout << "\nThree grades
entered are: " << grade1 << " " <<grade2
<< " " << grade3;
cout << "\nAverage is "
<< average <<endl;
outfile << "\nThree grades
entered are: " << grade1 << " " <<grade2
<< " " << grade3;
outfile << "\nAverage is "
<< average <<endl;
} |
Function Overloading:
It is possible for a function to
calculate average of real numbers yielding a real number or to
calculate integer average yielding an integer. To do this we have to
write two functions with different set of parameters but using the
same function name, average. Such functions are called
overload functions. When an overloaded function is called, C++
compiler chooses appropriate function based on parameters passed.
This will be dealt with at later chapters.
Go to top of this chapter