Combining data and functions for cleaner abstraction
Textbook chapter 9
Due Thursday, 12/8
Brief make-up exam
For each of these three questions, read an article and write a summary paragraph. Cite the articles! Remember, this is a technical class, so focus on the technical details. Bring to class Thursday prepared to discuss.
Imagine that you are sitting in a coffee shop with your laptop, using the free wireless network.
Grades update
Packet sniffing and security
Registering for CSCI/CMPE 2380 (CS II)
Point class recap
Lab assignments (due Thu)
Lab review
More Methods
Piano Man Recap: program as class
Packet Sniffing Lab Review
Finishing Vector
Assignment discussion: timing
Practice problems discussion
Bring printouts of practice problems I and II to class Thu, along with at least one written question for exam review discussion.
Practice problems discussion