Module 4: Classes

Combining data and functions for cleaner abstraction

Language Topics

  • Creating objects and calling methods (we've been doing this already)
  • Defining classes and methods
  • Defining constructors
  • Operator overloading (class customization in the book)
  • Shallow and deep copy (again)

Textbook chapter 9

Assignment: Music Box

Due Thursday, 12/8

Tue, Nov 8

Structured Data

Brief make-up exam

Parallel arrays


For each of these three questions, read an article and write a summary paragraph. Cite the articles! Remember, this is a technical class, so focus on the technical details. Bring to class Thursday prepared to discuss.

Imagine that you are sitting in a coffee shop with your laptop, using the free wireless network.

  • How does your computer get information from, say, youtube? (feel free to draw diagrams if that makes it easier to summarize)
  • What are two ways you take risks if you shop online there?
  • What risks to the information stored on your laptop are you taking by connecting there?

Thu, Nov 10

Grouping Data

Grades update

Packet sniffing and security

  • Networking basics
  • Risks of transmitting data
  • Risks of connecting to a network

Classes for grouping data

Fri, Nov 11


Registering for CSCI/CMPE 2380 (CS II)

Point class recap

Lab assignments (due Thu)

Thu, Nov 17

Lab review

More Methods

Fri, Nov 18


Lab assignments (due Thu)

Tue, Nov 22

Combining Data and Actions

Piano Man Recap: program as class

Packet Sniffing Lab Review

Finishing Vector

Thu, Nov 24


Fri, Nov 25


Tue, Nov 29


Assignment discussion: timing

Practice problems discussion


Bring printouts of practice problems I and II to class Thu, along with at least one written question for exam review discussion.

Thu, Dec 1


Practice problems discussion

Fri, Dec 2

Last Lab

Lab assignments (due Tue)