Fall 2016, Section 2

Lecture: MW, 9:25am - 10:40am, ENGR 1.272
Lab: F, 1:20am - 3:50pm, ACSB 2.113

Syllabus and Web Site

Students are expected to be familiar with all the information on the course syllabus. Changes will be announced in class and posted on the this web site. All course materials will be made available here.


Course overview slides


For this section, we will be using the Zyante Programming in Python 3 online interactive text, which contains interactive examples and activities. This textbook is recommended, but not required.

  1. Go to the zyBooks website
  2. Enter the code for this course: UTRGVCSCI1370TomaiFall2016
  3. Click Subscribe

Access to the book and online activities is $48 for the semester, and lasts from the time you sign up until 1/2/2017. Each chapter can be printed (I'd recommend print-to-pdf) to keep. Those re-taking the course who purchased the zyBook in the past can contact support@zybooks.com to get free access for this semester (minus any price change).

If you have limited internet access, you must speak directly to the instructor to arrange accommodation.

Notable Policies

Things that are different from the past, or unusual. Take note!

  • All course-related email communication has to go through UTRGV email accounts (mine and yours) due to FERPA guidelines. My UTRGV email address is on the contact side bar over there.
  • I don't ever, ever, ever check Blackboard email.
  • This class has a short exam for each module. You can't really afford to miss any of them, so be very aware when the next one is.