Class News

  • Mod4 Assignment (Music Box) posted on the module page, due Thu 12/8
  • This is the experimental pilot section (02) in Python. The other sections are teaching the established C++ curriculum. If you take this section, you must also take the matching CS II (2380) section in the Spring, where we will transition to C++.
  • Download and install Python 3 on your personal machine (Windows, Mac or Linux)

Other News

  • Computer Science Program Notes, including information on degrees, registration, internships, etc.
  • ACM meetings every Tuesday, 12:15pm in ENGR 1.272. Student groups are a great way to meet other CS and CMPE students and learn life & career related stuff. People with a strong support network tend to win.
  • ENGR 2.212 is the best lab to work in on campus! We control it, and it's specifically set aside for CSCI/CMPE students.
  • Here is a very simple, excellent post about Study Groups (University of Minnesota Duluth).
  • Not shocking: Engineers make more money
  • Google scholarships. Very good page to keep track of, both for yourself and for high school students you know with interest in CS.

Class Resources

Some alternatives to the IDLE editor


Emmett Tomai
Office: ENGR 3.2100
Phone: 665-7229
Email: emmett.tomai at utrgv

Office hours: MW 1am - 2pm, TR 10:45am - 12pm, or by appointment

My full schedule

TA contact info:

Dustin Torres
dustin.torres01 at utrgv
Penelope Nguyen (mentor)
thuytien.nguyen01 at utrgv