Operating Systems
Spring 2012
Instructor: Xiang Lian
ENGR 3.275
4334 Operating Systems
Prerequisites: CSCI 3333 and CSCI 3334.
Time: TR, 2:35 pm ~ 3:50 pm
Location: ENGR 1.272
Course Webpage:
office hour: Tuesday
and Thursday (9:00 am ~ 11:00 am); or by appointment
Teaching Assistant: Ran Ding
Office: ENGR 2.228
Phone: TBD
Office Hours: Tuesday
(1:00pm ~ 5:00pm), Wednesday (1:00pm ~ 3:00pm) or by appointment
Systems - A Modern Perspective, 3rd Edition, by Gary Nutt
Catalog Description
purpose of this course is to teach the design of operating systems. We will
cover major topics such as process management, memory management, file systems,
and distributed operating systems.
Learning Outcomes
the end of this course, the student should be able to:
the organization of the classical von Neumann machine and its major functional
how an instruction is executed in a classical von Neumann machine.
different instruction formats, such as addresses per instruction and variable length
vs. fixed length formats.
the principles of memory management.
how interrupts are used to implement I/O control and data transfers.
the objectives and functions of modern operating systems.
how operating systems have evolved over time from primitive batch systems to
sophisticated multiuser systems.
the tradeoffs inherent in operating system design.
the functions of a contemporary operating system with respect to convenience,
efficiency, and the ability to evolve.
10. Discuss
networked, client-server, distributed operating systems and how they differ from
single user operating systems.
11. Identify
potential threats to operating systems and the security features design to guard
against them.
12. Describe how
issues such as open source software and the increased use of the Internet are
influencing operating system design.
13. Defend the need
for APIs and middleware.
14. Describe how
computing resources are used by application software and managed by system
15. Contrast kernel
and user mode in an operating system.
16. Discuss the
advantages and disadvantages of using interrupt processing.
17. Compare and
contrast the various ways of structuring an operating system such as object-oriented,
modular, micro-kernel, and layered.
18. Explain the use
of a device list and driver I/O queue.
19. Describe the
need for concurrency within the framework of an operating system.
20. Demonstrate the
potential run-time problems arising from the concurrent operation of many
separate tasks.
21. Summarize the
range of mechanisms that can be employed at the operating system level to
realize concurrent systems and describe the benefits of each.
22. Explain the
different states that a task may pass through and the data structures needed to
support the management of many tasks.
23. Summarize the
various approaches to solving the problem of mutual exclusion in an operating
24. Describe reasons
for using interrupts, dispatching, and context switching to support concurrency
in an operating system.
25. Create state and
transition diagrams for simple problem domains.
26. Discuss the
utility of data structures, such as stacks and queues, in managing concurrency.
27. Explain
conditions that lead to deadlock.
28. Compare and
contrast the common algorithms used for both preemptive and non-preemptive
scheduling of tasks in operating systems, such as priority, performance
comparison, and fair-share schemes.
29. Describe
relationships between scheduling algorithms and application domains.
30. Discuss the
types of processor scheduling such as short-term, medium-term, long-term, and
31. Describe the
difference between processes and threads.
32. Compare and
contrast static and dynamic approaches to real-time scheduling.
33. Discuss the need
for preemption and deadline scheduling.
34. Explain memory
hierarchy and cost-performance tradeoffs.
35. Explain the
concept of virtual memory and how it is realized in hardware and software.
36. Summarize the
principles of virtual memory as applied to caching, paging, and segmentation.
37. Evaluate the
tradeoffs in terms of memory size (main memory, cache memory, auxiliary memory)
and processor speed.
38. Defend the
different ways of allocating memory to tasks, citing the relative merits of each.
39. Describe the
reason for and use of cache memory.
40. Compare and
contrast paging and segmentation techniques.
41. Discuss the
concept of thrashing, both in terms of the reasons it occurs and the techniques
used to recognize and manage the problem.
42. Analyze the
various memory portioning techniques including overlays, swapping, and placement
and replacement policies.
Tentative Schedule
Week |
Topic |
Notes1 |
Week 1 (Jan. 17) |
Week 1 (Jan. 19) |
Week 2 (Jan. 24) |
Week 2 (Jan. 26) |
Week 3 (Jan. 31) |
Homework 1 (Due at 3pm, Feb. 26) |
Week 3 (Feb. 2) |
Week 4 (Feb. 7) |
Week 4 (Feb. 9) |
Week 5 (Feb. 14) |
bonus points for Valentine's Day |
Week 5 (Feb. 16) |
Week 6 (Feb. 21) |
Week 6 (Feb. 23) |
EXAM 1 |
Due day of Homework 1: Feb.
26 |
Week 7 (Feb. 28) |
Week 7 (Mar. 1) |
Week 8 (Mar. 6) |
Week 8 (Mar. 8) |
Week 9 (Mar. 13) |
-- |
March 11-16, Spring break, no classes |
Week 9 (Mar. 15) |
-- |
Week 10 (Mar. 20) |
Week 10 (Mar. 22) |
Week 11 (Mar. 27) |
Homework 2 (Due at 11:59pm, April 14) |
Week 11 (Mar. 29) |
April 2, Last day to drop courses or withdraw
through the Office of the Registrar Project 1 (15 points; due on April 20) |
Week 12 (Apr. 3) |
2 (5
bonus points; due on May 1) |
Week 12 (Apr. 5) |
Week 13 (Apr. 10) |
Week 13 (Apr. 12) |
Due day of Homework 2: Apr.
14 |
Week 14 (Apr. 17) |
-- |
Week 14 (Apr. 19) |
EXAM 2 |
Due day of Project 1 extended: |
Week 15 (Apr. 24) |
Week 15 (Apr. 26) |
Student Survey; Please bring No. 2
pencil with you! |
Week 16 (May 1) |
Q/A |
Due day of Project 2: May
1 |
Week 16 (May 3) |
-- |
Study days; No classes or exams |
May 8 (Tuesday) |
Final Exam (1:15pm -3
pm) |
Spring semester final examinations |
Academic calendar:
NOTE: Exam dates are tentative, exact dates
will be announced in class!!!
and drop passes must be handled by you and the admission office; I will sign
the necessary documents. But, I will not place a drop or drop pass on the final
grade sheet.
Tutorial for Beginners:
ON-LINE Man Pages:
5% - Attendance
25% - 2 major exams
35% - Homework
15% - Programming projects
20% - Final exam
A = 90 or higher
B = 80 - 89
C = 70 - 79
D = 60 - 69
F = <60
FOR Homework/Projects
All projects will be submitted
electronically only. Instructions are given separately.
minutes grace period). All assignments
turned in after the class begins will be considered late (even if you come to
class late).
Penalty: 5 minutes late to the end of
the day - 10% penalty.
Next class period 20% penalty
Two class periods 30% penalty
One week+1 day 50% penalty
Will not accept after
one week and one day.
Program Identification Section.
All programs should
begin with a comment section that would include the following:
STUDENT NAME:_________________________________________________
ASSIGNMENT #:_________________________
DATE DUE:__________________
DATE TURNED IN:_________________________
There will be a
number of programming projects relating to the Linux kernel. All projects will
use the C programming language. If you have C++ before, you will have no
difficulty understanding the source code given. You will not be able to program
using classes though.
For each of the projects, I will
look for the following items:
Programs should be well written and well documented.
Programs should be written in well defined modules and interface (parameters)
should be well defined.
Programs should be clear and very readable.
Programs should generate correct results.
Programs should handle unexpected input properly.
While achieving the above goals, the simpler the program is, the better.
Submission of Projects
For every
programming project you do, you should create a separate directory. Keep all
related files in that directory. When finishing the project, you need to write
a readme file, including your full name, project number, and the full
name of the directory where your program files reside on the computers in the
lab. The source code and all associated files should be sent as a tar
attachment (see below). After reading and testing your program, I'll send
you an email with my comments and grade. For convenience, please include your
email address in every submission. The Linux systems in our lab do not receive
email. You need to give me your preferred email account that I can reply to.
For each of the
projects, you should submit the following.
README file briefly describing your solution to the problem. The file should be
in plain text so I can read it without Word or StarOffice software.
TESTCASE file listing the test cases you have used and the results generated,
and explain what they mean.
source code and user-created header files.
makefile that governs the compilation of the project.
full path to where your programs are located. If needed, I can go into your
directory to test out the programs.
Each file should
contain your name, the class section, the assignment number, the date and instructor's
name. When you are ready to submit, create a tar (tape archive) file for the
directory and mail the file to Make sure put
your full name, student ID, and the course number (CSCI 4334) on the subject
Here is an
example. Suppose I have files hw1.h, hw1.c, functions.c, README, and TESTCASE in
a directory called hw-one which is under my home directory. Do the following to
mail the project to the instructor.
% cd ;
takes me to the home directory
% tar -cvf
hw-one.tar hw-one ; creates
the archive
(do the
appropriate magic to send the file hw-one.tar to me)
After you invoke
the mailer, make sure to put your full name, student ID, and course number on
the subject
line. For
example :
Your Name - Your
ID - project one - CSCI 4334
If you forget to
do this, I probably will not read the email immediately, or may even delete it
as spam! When I receive your email, I will acknowledge the fact by replying to
your message. If you don't receive the acknowledgment within a day (or 3 if on
a weekend), you are responsible for contacting me and clarifying the situation.
Attendance in the lecture is mandatory. Students are responsible for all materials covered in class, the textbook, tutorials, and homework assignments. Students are expected to attend lectures, study the text, and contribute to discussions. You need to write your name on attendance sheets throughout the course, so please attend every lecture.
No make-up exams will be given except for university sanctioned excused absences. If you miss an exam (for a good reason), it is your responsibility to contact me before the exam, or soon after the exam as possible.
The University expects a student to maintain a high standard of individual honor in his/her scholastic work. Unless otherwise required, each student is expected to complete his or her assignment individually and independently. Although study together is encouraged, the work handed in for grading by each student is expected to be his or her own. Any form of academic dishonesty will be strictly forbidden and will be punished to the maximum extent. Copying an assignment from another student in this class or obtaining a solution from some other source will lead to an automatic failure for this course and to a disciplinary action. Allowing another student to copy one's work will be treated as an act of academic dishonesty, leading to the same penalty as copying.
Students with disabilities are encouraged to contact the Disability Services office for a confidential discussion of their individual needs for academic accommodation. It is the policy of the University of Texas-Pan American to provide flexible and individualized accommodation to students with documented disabilities that may affect their ability to fully participate in course activities or to meet course requirements. To receive accommodation services, students must be registered with the Disability Services office (DS), University Center #108, 665-7005 or
The instructor reserves the right to alter this syllabus as necessary.