Cheng Lab | Hydro-GeoResources and Environment

Hydrogeology, Water Resources Research, Geo-Environmental Engineering, Geo-Energy, and Hazardous Waste Management

Google Scholar Profile (links to download)


Selected Publications ( Peer-Reviewed Journals | Conference )

Peer-Reviewed Journals (undergrad#; grad* student)

  • Granados, P.#, S. Mireles*, E. Pereira, C.-L. Cheng, and J. J. Kang. (2022) “Effects of biochar production methods and biomass types on lead removal from aqueous solution”. Communication: Surface Sciences and Technology (Biochar: Preparation and Suface Adsorption Applications). Applied Sciences. 2022; 12(10):5040.
  • Ahmed, I.S.*, C.-L. Cheng, J., J.L. Gonzalez, J. Kang, J. Ho, and L. Soto-Sanchez*. (2021) “Groundwater Vulnerability Assessment of Shallow Aquifer in the South Texas Sand Sheet using a GIS-Based DRASTIC Model”. Modeling Earth Systems and Environment.
  • Navarro, J.#, J. Salazar#, J., J. Kang, J. Parsons, C.-L. Cheng, A. Castillo*, and E. Pereira. (2020) “Compost and biochar to promote soil biological activities under sweet potatoes cultivation in a subtropical semiarid region”. Applied and Environmental Soil Science.
  • Yin, S.*, C.-L. Cheng, J. Parsons, Y. Mao, J. Kang, and J. Kim (2020), "Evaluation of arsenic sorption performance using dendritic anatase and polycrystalline rutile nano-TiO2 for environmental applications", International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology.
  • Mireles, S.*, J. Parsons, T.M. Trad, C.-L. Cheng, and J. Kang (2019), "Lead removal from aqueous solutions using biochars derived from corn stover, orange peel and pistachio shell", International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology.
  • Zhong, J.*, E.T. Yu, C.D. Clark, B.C. English, J.A. Larson, and C.-L. Cheng (2018). "Effect of Land Use Change for Bioenergy Production on Feedstock Cost and Water Quality". Applied Energy: Special Issue on "Energy-Water-Food Nexus".
  • Cheng, C.-L., E. Perfect, M. Gragg*, and E.T. Yu (2017). Impact of the capillary pressure-saturation pore size distribution parameters on geologic carbon sequestration estimates, Journal of Sustainable Mining, DOI: /10.1016/j.jsm.2017.09.001.
  • Cheng, C.-L., C. Cropper, E. Perfect, L.D. McKay, and M. Kang (2017). "Upscaling Capillary Pressure - Saturation Parameters at Different Pressure Reference Elevations", Vadose Zone Journal 16(8). doi:10.2136/vzj2017.03.0054/.
  • Miller#, R., J. Ho, and C.-L. Cheng (2016), Sediment Yield Prediction and Watershed Modeling of the Los Olmos Creek Watershed in South Texas. SDRP Journal of Earth Sciences & Environmental Studies. DOI: 10.15436/JESES.1.3.4.
  • Cropper, C.*, E. Perfect, C.-L. Cheng, L.D. McKay, and M. Kang (2016). "Evaluation of TrueCell for Estimating Point Capillary Pressure - Saturation Parameters for Flint Sand", GEODERMA: DOI:10.1016/j.geoderma.2016.09.034.
  • Mireles, S.*, Y. Ok, C-L. Cheng, and J. Kang (2016), "Adsorptive and kinetic characterization of aqueous zinc removal by biochars", SDRP Journal of Earth Sciences & Environmental Studies. DOI: 10.15436/JESES.1.3.2.
  • Donnelly, B.*, E. Perfect, L.D. McKay, P.J. Lemiszki, V.H. DiStefano, L.M. Anovitz, J. McFarlane, R.E. Hale, and C.-L. Cheng (2016). Capillary Pressure - Saturation Relationships for Gas Shales Measured Using A Water Activity Meter. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, Special Issue: Advanced Theoretical and Numerical Approaches and Applications to Enhanced Gas Recovery. doi: 10.1016/j.jngse.2016.05.014.
  • Wei, W., J. Cai, X. Hu, P. Fan, Q. Han, J. Lu, C.-L. Cheng, and F. Zhou (2015). "A numerical study on fractal dimensions of a current streamlines in two-dimensional and three-dimensional pore fractal models of porous media", Fractals. doi: 10.1142/S0218348X15400125.
  • Cheng, C.-L., E. Perfect, B. Donnelly, H.Z. Bilheux, A.S. Tremsin, L.D. McKay, V.H. DiStefano, J.C. Cai, and L.J. Santodonato (2015), Rapid Imbibition of Water in Fractures in Unsaturated Sedimentary Rock, Advances in Water Resources. doi: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2015.01.010.
  • Cai, J.C., E. Perfect, C.-L.Cheng, and X.Y. Hu (2014), Generalized Modeling of Spontaneous Imbibition Based on Hagen-Poiseuille Flow in Tortuous Capillaries with Variably Shaped Apertures, Langmuir, 30(18): 5142-5151.
  • Kang. M., E. Perfect, C.-L. Cheng, H. Z. Bilheux, J. Lee, J. Horita, and J.M. Warren (2014), Multiple Pixel-Scale Water Retention Curves Quantified by Neutron Radiography, Advances in Water Resources. doi: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2013.12.004.
  • Perfect, E., C.-L. Cheng, M. Kang, H. Z. Bilheux, , J.M. Lamanna, M. Gragg, and D.M. Wright (2014), Neutron Imaging of Hydrogen-Rich Fluids in Geomaterials and Engineered Porous Media: A review, Earth-Sciences Review. doi:10.1016/j.earscirev.2013.11.012.
  • Cheng, C.-L., M.J. Gragg, E. Perfect, M.D. White, P. Lemiszki, and L.D. McKay (2013), Sensitivity of Injection Costs to Input Petrophysical Parameters in Numerical Geologic Carbon Sequestration Models, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. doi: 10.1016/j.ijggc.2013.07.018.
  • Cheng, C.-L., E. Perfect, and R.T. Mills (2013), Forward Prediction of Height-Averaged Capillary Pressure-Saturation Parameters using the BC-vG Upscaler, Vadose Zone Journal. doi:10.2136/vzj2012.0174.
  • Warren, J.M., H.Z. Bilheux, C.-L. Cheng, and E. Perfect (2013), Reply to: Comment on "Neutron Imaging Reveals Internal Plant Hydraulic Dynamics", Plant and Soil, 371: 15-17.
  • Kang, M., E. Perfect, C.-L. Cheng, H. Z. Bilheux, M. Gragg, D.M. Wright, J.M. Lamanna, J. Horita, and J.M. Warren (2013), Diffusivity and Sorptivity of Berea Sandstone Estimated using Neutron Radiography, Vadose Zone Journal. doi:10.2136/vzj2012.0135.
  • Warren, J.M., H.Z. Bilheux, M. Kang, S. Voisin, C.-L. Cheng, J. Horita, and E. Perfect (2013), Neutron Imaging Reveals Internal Plant Hydraulic Dynamics, Plant and Soil, doi: 10.1007/s11104-012-1579-7.
  • Kang. M., H. Z. Billheux, S. Voisin, C.-L. Cheng, E. Perfect, J. Horita, and J.M. Warren (2013), Water Calibration Measurements using Neutron Imaging for Quantification of Water Contents in Porous Media, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A. doi:10.1016/j.nima.2012.12.112.
  • Cheng, C.-L., M. Kang, E. Perfect, S. Voisin, J. Horita, H.Z. Bilheux, J.M. Warren, D.L. Jacobson, and D.S. Hussey (2012), Average Soil Water Retention Curves Measured by Neutron Radiography, Soil Science Society of America Journal, 76(4): 1184-1191. doi:10.2136/sssaj2011.0313.
  • Cheng, C.-L., J.A. Gaunt, F. Mao, and S.K. Ong (2012), Permeation of Gasoline through Ductile Iron Pipe Gaskets in Water Mains, Journal of American Water Works Association, doi:10.5942/jawwa.2012.104.0052.
  • Perfect, E., C.-L. Cheng, and P. Lehmann (2011), Book Review: Neutron Imaging and Applications: A Reference for the Imaging Community, Vadose Zone Journal (10): 1-2. doi:10.2136/vzj2011.0060br.
  • Mao, F., J.A. Gaunt, S.K. Ong, and C.-L. Cheng (2011), Permeation of Petroleum-Based Hydrocarbons through PVC Pipes Jointed with Rieber Gasket Systems, ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering, doi:10.1061/(ASCE)EE.1943-7870.0000431.
  • Mao, F., J.A. Gaunt, C.-L. Cheng, and S.K. Ong (2011), Microscopic Visualization Technique to Predict the Permeation of Organic Solvents through PVC Pipes in Water Distribution Systems, ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering, 137 (2): 137-145. doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)EE.1943-7870.0000306.

Selected Conference/Presentation/Posters

  • Preota, S.A., and C.-L. Cheng. (2024) "Co-Benefit Potentials of Flood Mitigations and Increasing Water Supply via Groundwater Recharge in Arroyo Colorado Watershed in South Texas" UTRGV College of Science, Annual Research Conference, Edinburg, TX (April 26, 2024)
  • Abdullah, S.M.F., C.-L. Cheng, R. Almeida, and J. Benavides. (2024) "Modeling Selected Water Quality Parameters In Arroyo Colorado Basin Under Climate Extreme for Possible Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR)using HEC-RAS" UTRGV College of Science, Annual Research Conference, Edinburg, TX (April 26, 2024)
  • Mocarrami, Z.,H. Deyoe, W. Pulich, and C.-L. Cheng. (2024) "Temporal Dynamics of Seagrass Bare Patches in the Lower Laguna Madre: A Remote Sensing Analysis" UTRGV College of Science, Annual Research Conference, Edinburg, TX (April 26, 2024)
  • Acevedo, J.A., P. Park, and C.-L. Cheng. (2023) "Materials and Structural Design Parameters for Modeling of Enhanced Geothermal Energy System" DOE MSIIP CA2REER 2nd Annual Symposium. Edinburg, TX. (September 22, 2023)
  • Salinas, A. M. Bettini, A. C. Rodriguez, E. Garcia, J.J. Kang, C.-L. Cheng, E. Pereira, and R. Almeida. (2023) "Greenhouse Gas Emission and Redox Potential in Biochar- and Compost-Amended Urban Soil Under Contrasting Water Saturation Conditions" US DOE Environmental System Science Principal Investigator Meeting, Bethesda, MD (May, 2023)
  • Rivera, Z., C.-L. Cheng, A. Salinas, J.J. Kang, E. Pereira, R. Almeida. (2023) "Investigation of Hydraulic Parameters and Their Roles in Soil Greenhouse Gas and Water Exchange Under Climate Extremes" UTRGV College of Science, Annual Research Conference, Brownsville, TX (April 28, 2023)
  • Salinas, A. M. Bettini, E. Garcia, A. C. Rodriguez, R. Almeida, C.-L. Cheng, E. Pereira, and J.J. Kang. (2023) "Greenhouse gas emission and redox potential dynamics affected by water saturation conditions in biochar/compost amended soil" UTRGV College of Science, Annual Research Conference, Brownsville, TX (April 28, 2023)
  • Salinas, A. M. Bettini, E. Garcia, A. C. Rodriguez, E. Garcia, C.-L. Cheng, E. Pereira, R. Almeida, and J.J. Kang. (2023) "Greenhouse gas emission and redox potential in biochar- and compost amended urban soil under contrasting water saturation conditions" DOE RDPP PI meeting (January 17th, 2023)
  • Salinas, A., A. C. Rodriguez, E. Pereira, C.-L. Cheng, and J.J. Kang. (2022) "Greenhouse gas flux response under simulated soil hydrologic dynamics" Soil Science Society of America (SSSA) International Annual Meeting,Baltimore, MD(Nov 6-9, 2022)
  • Pereira, E., C.-L. Cheng, and J.J. Kang. (2022) "Progress on Increasing Hispanic Workforce in Soil Science through Training, Research, and Education at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley" Soil Science Society of America (SSSA) International Annual Meeting,Baltimore, MD(Nov 6-9, 2022)
  • De La Rosa*, G., C.-L. Cheng, E. Pereira, and J.J. Kang. (2022) "Measuring Nitrate Loss in the Form of Leaching in Different Soil Types and Nitrogen Fertilizers" Soil Science Society of America (SSSA) International Annual Meeting,Baltimore, MD(Nov 6-9, 2022)
  • Capus, D. Z.* and C.-L. Cheng. (2022) "Aquifer Storage and Recovery Potentials at Lower Rio Grande Valley: Subsurface 3D Visualization and Data Analysis of Southern Gulf Coast Aquifer"" The Geological Society of America (GSA), South-Central Section Annual Meeting, McAllen, TX (March 11-15, 2022)
  • Herebia, E. J.*, J. L. Gonzalez, C.-L. Cheng, S. Hardage, and P. Soti. (2022) "Anthropogenically induced sinuosity changes on the channel of the lower Rio Grande" The Geological Society of America (GSA), South-Central Section Annual Meeting, McAllen, TX (March 11-15, 2022)
  • De La Rosa*, G., C.-L. Cheng, E. Pereira, and J.J. Kang. (2021) "Measuring Nitrate Loss in the Form of Leaching in Different Soil Types and Nitrogen Fertilizers" UTRGV College of Science, Annual Research Conference, Edinburg, TX (Nov 19, 2021)
  • Pereira, E., L. Elliott*, and C.-L. Cheng. (2020) "Soil aggregation and nutrient distribution across a clay gradient" Soil Science Society of America (SSSA) International Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ (Nov 8-11, 2020)
  • Soto-Sanchez, L.* and C.-L. Cheng. (2020) "Quantification of groundwater-surface water interactions through hyporheic flow: A Pilot Study of Resacas in Lower Rio Grande, TX" Geological Society of America, South-Central Section Annual Meeting, Geological Society of America (GSA) South-Central Section, (March 8-10, 2020)
  • Pereira, E., J. Kang, and C.-L. Cheng. (2019) "Progress on Increasing Hispanic Workforce in Soil Science through Training, Research, and Education: A New Integrated Program at South Texas/Rio Grande Valley," ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings , ASA, CSSA and SSSA, San Antonio (2019)
  • Gonzalez, E.*, L. Soto-Sanchez*, and C.-L. Cheng. (2019) "Building Community-Based Water Resource Sustainability and Resilience: A Case Study of Shallow Groundwater Availability and Vulnerability in South Texas," The Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Geological Society of America (GSA), Phoenix, Arizona (September 2019)
  • Cheng, C.-L. (2019) "Building community-based sustainability and resilience for water resource management and education: Case studies in Lower Rio Grande Valley," Texas Water Research Network Meeting, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX (May 2019)
  • Fatta, A.A.*, C.-L. Cheng, and J. Ho. (2019) "Comparison of the effectiveness of conventional and Low Impact Development (LID) stormwater management practices on watershed flood control using SWMM modeling," 21th Annual Water Quality Management and Planning Conference, SPI, TX (May 2019)
  • Harding, J.*, A.G. Nadeau*, L. Soto-Sanchez*, and C.-L. Cheng. (2019) "Conjunctive water resource management and contaminant transport simulations: A case study in Donna reservoir," 21th Annual Water Quality Management and Planning Conference, SPI, TX (May 2019)