CSCI 3327 Visual Basic

Fall 2011



Instructor: Xiang Lian

Office: ENGR 3.275



Course: CSCI 3327 Visual Basic

Prerequisites: CSCI 1380 or programming experience in another language and ability to develop algorithms.

Time: MW, 1:10pm ~ 2:25pm

Location: ENGR 1.272

Course Webpage:


Instructor's office hour: Monday and Wednesday (2:30pm ~ 4:30pm); or by appointment


Teaching Assistant: Chengjun Zhang

Office: ENGR 1.216

Web:   N/A

Phone: 956-278-2020

Office Hours: 9:00am ~ 11:00am (Monday), or by appointment




Paul Deitel and Harvey Deitel. Visual Basic 2010 How to Program, 5th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2011. ISBN: 0132152134


Catalog Description

The Visual Basic programming language and environment will be introduced with an emphasis on window-based programming and the use of objects in Visual Basic. Topics will include control structures, graphical use interface concepts, classes, methods, inheritance and visual basic interface and libraries.

Learning Outcomes

1. Use the Visual Studio IDE environment

2. Declare and use various data types in the VB environment.

3. Properly use the different looping structures available in VB.

4. Write an amortization schedule or the future value of monthly investment program to demonstrate the capabilities of looping.

5. Use procedures and functions.

6. Write programs involving single and multi-dimensional arrays.

7. Write object based programs showing proper use of inheritance and polymorphism.

8. Use GUIs available in VB.

9. Write multi-form programs.

10. Write multi-threaded programs

11. Write programs using sequential access and random access file structures.

12. Link VB to a database.


Visual Basic programming requires a great deal of time working with the forms and tools. Students need to spend a minimum of 2 hours a day outside the classroom working in the lab.  If you do not have the time, please do not sign up for this course.


Tentative Schedule




Week 1 (Aug. 29)

Introduction to Visual Basic


Week 1 (Aug. 31)

Introduction to Visual Basic Programming


Week 2 (Sept. 5)


Labor Day Holiday, No Classes

Week 2 (Sept. 7)

Introduction to Classes and Objects

Assignment 1, Due on Sept. 12

Week 3 (Sept. 12)

Control Statements: Part 1


Week 3 (Sept. 14)


Assignment 2, Due on Sept. 19

Week 4 (Sept. 19)

Control Statements: Part 2


Week 4 (Sept. 21)


Assignment 3, Due on Sept. 26

Week 5 (Sept. 26)


Review for Exam I

Week 5 (Sept. 28)



Week 6 (Oct. 3)

Methods: A Deeper Look


Week 6 (Oct. 5)

More Examples of Methods

Assignment 4, Due on Oct. 10

Week 7 (Oct. 10)



Week 7 (Oct. 12)

Data Manipulation in Arrays

Assignment 5, Due on Oct. 19 (Wed)

Week 8 (Oct. 17)

Introduction to LINQ and Collections


Week 8 (Oct. 19)


Assignment 6, Due on Oct. 26 (Wed)

Week 9 (Oct. 24)


Review for Exam II

Week 9 (Oct. 26)


Assignment 7, CardImages, Due on Nov. 2 (Wed)

Week 10 (Oct. 31)

Classes and Objects: A Deeper Look


Week 10 (Nov. 2)

Object Oriented Programming

Assignment 8, Due on Nov. 9 (Wed)

Week 11 (Nov. 7)

Graphical User Interfaces with Windows Forms


Week 11 (Nov. 9)



Week 12 (Nov. 14)

Files and Streams

Assignment 9, Due on Nov. 23 (Wed)

Last day to drop or withdraw from the University through the Office of the Registrar

Week 12 (Nov. 16)

Survey, Exercises


Student Survey (Nov. 16, Wednesday; please take No. 2 pencils)


Week 13 (Nov. 21)

Strings, Characters and Regular Expressions (Part 1)


Week 13 (Nov. 23)

Strings, Characters and Regular Expressions (Part 2)

Assignment 10, Due on Dec. 5 (Mon)

Week 14 (Nov. 28)

Databases and LINQ (Part 1)


Week 14 (Nov. 30)

Databases and LINQ (Part 2)


Week 15 (Dec. 5)


Review for Final Exam

Week 15 (Dec. 7)



Dec. 16 (Friday)

FINAL EXAM (10:15 a.m.-12 p.m.)

Fall semester final examinations


1 Academic calendar:

NOTE: Exam dates are tentative, exact dates will be announced in class!!!

Drops and drop passes must be handled by you and the admission office; I will sign the necessary documents. But, I will not place a drop or drop pass on the final grade sheet.


Scoring and Grading

Exam I & II ………………….    45%

Final Exam  …………………      25%

Assignments…………………      20%

Attendance …………………       10%


            A = 90 or higher

            B = 80 - 89

            C = 70 - 79

            D = 60 - 69

            F = <60





ALL PROGRAMS AND OTHER ASSIGNMENTS ARE DUE AT THE BEGINNING OF THE CLASS PERIOD (5 minutes grace period).  All assignments turned in after the class begins will be considered late (even if you come to class late).


Late Penalty:  5 minutes late to the end of the day -  10% penalty.

                        Next class period                                20% penalty

                        Two class periods                                30% penalty

                        One week+1 day                                 50% penalty

                        Will not accept after one week and one day.


Program Identification Section.


All programs should begin with a comment section that would include the following:



PROGRAMMERS NAME:_________________________________________________

STUDENT ID:___________________________________________________________

CLASS:________________________ ASSIGNMENT #:_________________________

DATE DUE:__________________ DATE TURNED IN:_________________________



Please send the *.zip file you created to TA ( The subject of the email must include the following information:

             [CSCI 3327] [Assignment #] [Your Name Here] [Your Student ID Here]



GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PROGRAM (Program inputs, outputs and summary of what the program does).


Each function should be distinctly identified (block it off using asterisks).  A brief description of its purpose should be given in comments.           


Comments should be inserted as necessary throughout the program to convey the algorithm of the program.  All programs must be tested thoroughly before submission.  You should include program runs to indicate that every option of the program has been tested.  Programs turned in without any program run will receive a grade of zero. 




1. Pseudo code, structure chart, flowchart, etc. as directed.

2. Program listing.

3. Program run.

Turn these in a folder.


Programs that do not run                    0 points

Comments as explained above            15 points

program listing                                    60 points

program run                                         25 points

Program correction and re-submission: up to 50% of missed points.


Lecture Attendance Policy

Attendance in the lecture is mandatory. Students are responsible for all materials covered in class, the textbook, tutorials, and homework assignments. Students are expected to attend lectures, study the text, and contribute to discussions. You need to write your name on attendance sheets throughout the course, so please attend every lecture.

Make-up Exam Policy

No make-up exams will be given except for university sanctioned excused absences. If you miss an exam (for a good reason), it is your responsibility to contact me before the exam, or soon after the exam as possible.

Academic Dishonesty Policy

The University expects a student to maintain a high standard of individual honor in his/her scholastic work. Unless otherwise required, each student is expected to complete his or her assignment individually and independently. Although study together is encouraged, the work handed in for grading by each student is expected to be his or her own. Any form of academic dishonesty will be strictly forbidden and will be punished to the maximum extent. Copying an assignment from another student in this class or obtaining a solution from some other source will lead to an automatic failure for this course and to a disciplinary action. Allowing another student to copy one's work will be treated as an act of academic dishonesty, leading to the same penalty as copying.

Note to Students with Disabilities

Students with disabilities are encouraged to contact the Disability Services office for a confidential discussion of their individual needs for academic accommodation. It is the policy of the University of Texas-Pan American to provide flexible and individualized accommodation to students with documented disabilities that may affect their ability to fully participate in course activities or to meet course requirements. To receive accommodation services, students must be registered with the Disability Services office (DS), University Center #108, 665-7005 or


The instructor reserves the right to alter this syllabus as necessary.