Lab: Converter

Another straightforward program with input, output and variables

For this lab, write a python program to solve the problem of converting from feet and inches to cm. That is, the user will somehow enter the feet and inches, and the program will give back the cm. Guidelines:

  1. First, make sure you can do it yourself. What is 15' 7" in centimeters? You should come out with 474.98cm.
  2. Pay attention to the data, the equations and the steps involved in solving that yourself!
  3. Put comments in your file before any code, describing all of the algorithm steps
  4. Use constants (those all-caps variables for constant data we talked about in class) where appropriate
  5. At the bottom of the file, copy and paste the user interaction from at least 3 test runs that demonstrate that your program works. You use triple-double-quotes around a multi-line comment:
    Text here is ignored by Python