Bio/Nano-fluidics, Nano/Micro
Electro-Mechanical Systems (NEMS/MEMS), Microelectronics (VLSI chip
development), Nano-Technology and
Micro/nano-Fabrication, Bio-MEMS, Biomedical Devices and Bio-Sensors,
computational fluid dynamics (Comsol, finite
Dr. Nazmul Islam is the founder of “MEMS and
BioMicrofluidics” research group at the University of Texas Rio Grande
Valley. He has worked on the following topics and obtained reasonable and
satisfactory results in his research areas.
Integrating Micro-cantilever with the AC
Long-range AC Electrokinetic Concentration of
Micropumps/mixer by Alternating Current (AC)
Dr. Islam also worked at Life Science Division of
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) on following areas:
Designing the Read-out system of
piezoresistive MEMS Cantilever.
Research work on the Photo-diode
of Artificial Retina & interfacing with the Human eye.
ISRP (Internal
Seed Research Program): “Detection of Environmental Estrogen in Microfluidic
Biochips to Improve Sensitivity”, PI: Nazmul
Islam, Co-PI: MD Rahman, UTRGV
research seed grant (Acceptance rate 19.7%); FY: 2017 – 18.
DoD DURIP: “A High Density Electrophysiological Data Analysis System for
a Peripheral Nerve Interface Communicating with Individual Neurons in the
Brain”, PI: Yoonsu Choi, Co-PI: Hasina Huq, Nazmul Islam. Contract #:
W911NF-15-1-0343; FY 2015 – 16.
CSMT Dean’s Research Fund,
“On-Site Microbial Monitoring of Environmental Water by Microcantilever”, PI Nazmul Islam, UTB research award.
FY 2014 – 15, Funded.
Acquisition of Micro Particle Velocimetry (micro-PIV) System for
Microfluidics and Biomedical Applications”, PI: Nazmul Islam, Co-PI: Sanjay Kumar, Yingchen Yang, Davood
Askari, Constantin Ciocanel, CBET – 1338008; FY: 2013 – 15.
Department of Education, DoEd, MSEIP, “Enhancement and
Improvement of Graduation, Retention and Success Rates for Hispanic Engineering
Students”, PD: Yong Zhou, Co-PD: William Berg, Nazmul Islam, Yingchen
Yang, Sanjay Kumar, FY 2013 – 16. 3 yrs grant total $654,742.
Acquisition of a Sputtering System for Device and Material Research (SDMR) at
Hispanic Gateway Institutions”, PI:
Hasina Huq, Co-PI: Nazmul Islam, Davood Askari, Steven Tidrow, Dorina
Mihut, ECCS – 1229523; FY: 2012 – 15.
NSF-NUE: “Development of the Nanoscale Engineering
Concentration (NEC) at the University of Texas at Brownsville”, PI: Karen
Martirosyan, Co-PI: Nazmul Islam, Ahmed Touhami, Davood Askari, Tarek
Trad, EEC – 1138205; FY: 2011 – 13.
UTB – Rana Faculty Fellowship Award, Developing the NEMS/MEMS lab for
research, the University of Texas at Brownsville; FY: 2008 – 10.
TRIF: Technology
Research Initiative Fund at Arizona: “Integrated Electro-Magneto-Hydrodynamic
Micropump for Water Management in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells”, PI: Constantin Ciocanel, Co-PI: Nazmul Islam, FY: 2008 – 09.
Water Resources
Research Institute: “Real-time detection of estrogen in waste
water by piezoresistive microcantilever sensor”, PI: Nazmul Islam, Co-PI: Tim Porter
(NAU-Pysics), Catherine Propper (NAU-Biological Sciences), Timothy Vail
(NAU-Biochemistry), FY: 2008 –
Arizona Water
Institute (AWI): “On-Site Microbial Monitoring Of
Water By Electrokinetic Lab-On-A-Chip”, PI: Nazmul Islam, Co-PI: Tim Porter (NAU), Junseok Chae (ASU-EE
Dept.), FY: 2007 – 08.
Grant Program at Northern Arizona University (NAU): “Biased AC Electroosmosis
micropump for water management in PEM fuel cells”, PI: Nazmul Islam, FY: 2007
– 08.