SPRING 2013 - EXAM 3

Adrian Guerrero

Adrian Guerrero

Hometown: Mission, Texas


I want to be:
Pharmacologist, medicinal chemist

Reading, guitar, PC gaming, installation of new hardware, organic chemistry research

My secrets for good grades are:

  • Prepare well in advance for major exams.

  • Do not be afraid to ask questions in class whether to ask questions or become acquainted with other classmates, you'll be glad you did later.

  • If you happen to sign up for an early morning class of microbiology, it is often tempting to sleep in, or skip a class here and there. Just remember, Dr. Materon makes every effort to explain in depth, the important material that will be on the exams, if you skip class, you will have to work twice as hard to learn the material on your own.



Jaime Guzman

Jaime Guzman

Hometown: McAllen, Texas


I want to be:
Infectious disease physician

Raquetball, playing guitar, and reading

My secrets for good grades are:

  • Effectively read the assigned chapters. By this, I am referring to read in order to get a foundation of knowledge.

  • Notes are supplemental. Do not fully rely on the notes. However, it is great to know the details the notes provide.

  • Spread out your studying. It's more difficult to learn and memorize everything in one sitting. Thoughts can overlap and things will get confusing. Can read one chapter a day at least.

  • The way I study is by reading a chapter then go over the notes. I'll read the notes out loud as if I am trying to explain them to myself. I usually do this to the point where I can essentially explain most of the information.