- With time, concentration, and some effort it is easy to make good grades happen.
- Study time must be schedule every day!!!
- Make up a weekly list of things to accomplish.
- Make up a "to-do" list for tomorrow and set priorities.
- Realistic study goals must be set each and every day.
- Reward yourself for finishing items on your "to-do" list.
- Create your own study area for serious studying.
- Class attendance is very important.
- Set your purpose before beginning to read or study.
- Break time into manageable units to increase productivity.
- Keep track, on paper, of the amount of time you've spent studying and what you accomplished.
- Pace study to allow adequate time for reviewing and memorizing.
- Memorize only after understanding information.
- Reinforce information through timely repetition at intervals ranging from the same day to several weeks after.
- Practice remembering the information (reciting and writing) without the aid of notes, text, internet notes, or study sheets. Rememer, you won't have these during the exam.
- Use organized system for learning new vocabulary words.
- As you survey a reading selection, formulate questions you will answer as you read. (Who, What, Where, How, Why, Significance).
- Form a study group and spend time asking each other questions and "teaching" one another the most important material.
- Use index or flash cards for important material. Use them while you drive and recite what you wrote on the cards.
- Use a particular spot for STUDY USE ONLY!
- Don't fall behind! Talk to your professor, go for it