Saba Ahmed
Major: Biology
Minor: Chemistry
Hometown: Weslaco, Texas
Hobbies: Reading
My secrets for good grades are:
- Study hard for the quizzes so that studying for the test is made easier
- Attend lectures
- Write down what Dr. Materon reinforces. Highlight anything he says will be on the test
- Study in groups
- Do not cram for quizzes
- Review figures and charts that Dr. Materon shows us in class
- Relax during the test

Seema Farooqui
Minor: Chemistry
Hometown: McAllen, Texas
Hobbies: Reading
My secrets for good grades are:
- Study well for the quizzes and you don't have to study as hard for the test
- Understand the material rather than just memorize
- Study in groups to reinforce material
- Attend lectures

John Salinas
Major: Biology
Wants to become a pharmacists
Hometown: Harlingen, Texas
Hobbies: Basketball and baseball
My secrets for good grades are:
Study in advance and allow time for the information to think in, don't stress yourself by waiting till the last minute to study
Try to think of questions that would come up on the test or practice with a friend
Come to class and pay attention

Andrea Mora
Major: Pharmacy
Hometown: Edinburg, Texas
Hobbies: Movies and music
My secrets for good grades are:

Belinda Olivo
Major: Biology
Hometown: Weslaco, Texas
Hobbies: Reading, swimming listening to music and roller blading
My secrets for good grades are: