FALL 2019 - EXAM 2


Clarissa Mendiola



Hometown: Mission, TX

Classification: SR

I want to be: Pharmacist

Hobbies: Traveling, learning about different cultures, crafting, Netflix

My secrets for good grades are:

  • Do not procrastinate!!!
  • Study every single day
  • Review notes after each lecture
  • Apart from the provided notes, take your OWN notes (listening to the lecture, textbook, youtube videos)
  • Compare notes with friends in case you miss anything
  • Never miss class



Josue Ramirez



Hometown: Brownsville, TX

Classification: SR

I want to be: Physician

Hobbies: Playing sports, listening to music

My secrets for good grades are:

  • Attend to all lectures
  • Write down notes
  • Read over the chapters

Jorge Santa Ana





Hometown: Brownsville, TX

Classification: jR

I want to be: Physician

Hobbies: Fishing, Health, Fitness

My secrets for good grades are:

  • Study hard
  • Read the book
  • Study a week in advance the exam