FALL 2016 - EXAM 1


Giancarlo Cruz



Hometown: McAllen, TX

Classification: JR

I want to be:
Dentist - Oral Surgeont

Hobbies: Playing the violin and boxing

My secrets for good grades (100!) are:

  • Read your own notes after class
  • Do independent research over topics that you do not understand
  • Review whenever you have time on a daily basis
  • Get notes from other friends to see what they wrote


Diego Segura


Hometown: Alton, TX

Classification: jR

I want to be: a Clinical Pharmacist

Hobbies: Spending time with family, playing trumpet

My secrets for good grades are:

  • Be attentive in class
  • Write good notes
  • Make notecards for all microorganisms
  • Read all chapters of the book
  • Read questions at end of the chapter

Amanda Saenz


Hometown: Mission, TX

Classification: SR

I want to be:
Surgical Doctor

Hobbies: Dancing and painting

My secrets for good grades are:

  • Definitely attend all classes
  • Record lectures
  • Write everything down, like names over and over again
  • Get a good night sleep

Moises Olivos


Hometown: McAllen, TX

Classification: SR

I want to be: Physician Assistant

Hobbies: Reader, engage in politics

My secrets for good grades are:

  • Make good charts and tree diagrams out of your notes
  • Look at the charts and images in the book after reading your notes
  • Read the notes and summarize
  • Read the book and summarize

Chasity Barajas



Hometown: Alamo, TX

Classification: JR

I want to be: Physician Assistant

Hobbies: Make decorative crafts

My secrets for good grades are:

  • Attend lectures and take notes
  • Reac chapter if something is not clear
  • Review all notes that are uploaded
  • Study with time in advance
  • Do not procrastinate!!