Ramon Garza, III

Hometown: Corpus Christi, TX
Junior (PreMed/Biology)
Hobbies: workouts and golf

 My secrets for good grades are:

  • I keep up with the reading and study the lectures notes and other material in small study groups.
  • Attend classes and pay attention to the professor.
  • I sit in the front to avoid distractions.

Charisse Lloren

Hometown: Mission, TX
Senior, Biology Major
Wants to be a physician
Hobbies: reading, photography, hanging out with friends

My secrets for good grades are:

  • Attend lectures and take notes.
  • Form study groups
  • Read assigned chapters, understand concepts and examine closely all diagrams, illustrations, tables and figures.
  • Look over lectures and notes. Clarify notes that are not clear.
  • Do not wait until the last night to cram all the information in your head. Plan ahead and use time efficiently!

Maria Salinas

Hometown: Mission, TX
Senior, Biology-Pre-Med Student
Wants to be a Physician
Hobbies: Exercising, listening to music.

My secrets for good grades are:
  • Read all material ahead of time.
  • Read over the notes more than twice.
  • Always study in advance, don;t wait till last minute..
  • Attend class and listen carefully to the instructor.
  • Study in groups