






Dr. Eleftherios Gkioulekas -- faculty web page

Homework Assignment Archive

Publishing companies overcharge students for textbooks, and issue multiple editions with negligible changes to suppress the used book market. By reordering problems, it becomes difficult for students to use older editions, and I have to waste my time rewriting my homework assignment documents. So, I have decided to archive all of my homework assignment documents in this page.

Whenever possible, I teach out of my own lecture notes that I make available to students online free of charge. In many courses, however, I am required to require you to buy a textbook.


  1. Textbook explanations and exercises have negligible improvements across editions.
  2. I am required to officially require you to use the current textbook edition.
  3. If, due to economic hardship, you plan to use a previous edition: use the corresponding older homework document for textbook problems, but use the current homework document for the lecture note problems. I know this is confusing, but that's the way it is. Ask me, if you need further advice.

Homework Assignment Documents

Math 1340: College Algebra, Dugopolski, 4th edition
Math 1340: College Algebra, Dugopolski, 5th edition
Math 1342: Business Calculus, Lial, 9th edition
Math 1450: Precalculus with Trig, Stewart, 5th edition
Math 1460: Calculus 1, Essential Stewart, 2007 edition
Math 1470: Calculus 2, Essential Stewart, 2010 edition
Math 2415: Calculus 3, Essential Stewart, 2007/1st edition
Math 2415: Calculus 3, Essential Stewart, 2013/2nd edition