#include #include #include using namespace std; void displayArray(double * items, int start, int end) { for (int i = start; i <= end; i++) cout << items[i] << " "; cout << endl; } //The legendary "Fire Sort" algorithm. //Sorts the specified portion of the array between index start and end (inclusive) //Hmmm... how fast is it? /* void fireSort(double * items, int start, int end) { if (end - start > 0) { int p = filter(items, start, end); fireSort(items, start, p - 1); fireSort(items, p + 1, end); } } */ int main() { //////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Part 1: Implement a method called filter. //////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Filter is a function that takes in an array and a range (start and end). // //Call the first item in the range the 'pivot'. // //Filter's job is to simply separate items within the range based on whether they are bigger or smaller than the pivot. //In the example array below, 13 is the pivot, so all items smaller than 13 are placed in indices 0-3. The pivot is then placed at index 4, and all //remaining items, which are larger than the pivot, are placed at positions 5-10. Note that the array is NOT sorted, just "partitioned" around //the pivot value. After doing this, the function must return the new index of the pivot value. double testNumsA[] = { 13, 34.1, 43, 189, 4, 4.5, 18.35, 85, 3, 37.2, 5 }; //The filter will place all items <= 13 to the left of value 13, and all items large than 13 to the right of 13 in the array. int p = filter(testNumsA, 0, 10); cout << p << endl; //should be 4, the new index of 13. displayArray(testNumsA, 0, 10); //should display something like this: 5 3 4.5 4 13 18.35 85 189 37.2 43 34.1 //One more example: double testNumsB[] = { 13, 34.1, 43, 189, 4, 4.5, 18.35, 85, 3, 37.2, 5 }; p = filter(testNumsB, 2, 6); //Here we are only interested in items from indices 2-6, ie, 43, 189, 4, 4.5, 18.35 cout << p << endl; //should be 5 displayArray(testNumsB, 0, 10); //Notice only indices 2-6 have been partioned: 13 34.1 18.35 4 4.5 43 189 85 3 37.2 5 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Part 2: Uncomment "Fire Sort". //Fire Sort uses/needs your filter to work properly. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Test if Fire Sort correctly sorts the following array. double testNums[] = { 13, 34.1, 43, 189, 4, 4.5, 18.35, 85, 3, 37.2, 5 }; fireSort(testNums, 0, 10); displayArray(testNums, 0, 10); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Part 3: Test how fast Fire Sort is for large arrays. //What do you think the run-time (big-Oh) of Fire Sort is? ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Stress test: int size = 100; //test with: 1000, 10000, 100000,1000000, 10000000 double * numbers = new double[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { numbers[i] = rand(); } clock_t startTime, endTime; auto start = chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); fireSort(numbers, 0, size - 1); auto finish = chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); displayArray(numbers, 0, size - 1); chrono::duration elapsed = finish - start; cout << "Fire sort took: " << elapsed.count() << " to sort " << size << " doubles." << endl; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Part 4: Sort Moby Dick, but this time with Fire Sort /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //1) Create a second version of Fire Sort that sorts arrays of strings //(instead of arrays of doubles). //2) Download whale.txt from the previous lab. Read the words from the file into //an array, sort the array with Fire Sort, and then write the sorted words to an output file. // //This time, it has to be fast! Must finish in under 10 seconds. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// return 0; } /* auto start = chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); //method to time... auto finish = chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); chrono::duration elapsed = finish - start; cout << "Algorithm took: " << elapsed.count() << endl; */