Assignment #1: Focus: Input, Output, Variables, Statements, Installing and using Visual Studio


Turn in: Submit your C++ code to blackboard.  Be sure that your program compiles and runs, and works correctly.


Write a C++ program which does the following two things:

1) Display the following information about yourself:

-Your name

-Discuss the most advanced math course you’ve taken is, and what math course you are currently taking.

-In your opinion, what does a Computer Scientist do?

-Why are you personally interested in Computer Science?

-What is something interesting about you?



2) Ask the user to enter a radius value for some circle.  Print out the area of the circle with the given input radius.


Example run (Please try to provide more interesting, thoughtful answers than what is below):


Hi, my name is Robbie Schweller.


One of the most advanced courses I’ve taken is “set theory”.  I’m not currently enrolled in a math course at this time, though.


Computer Scientists do a lot of stuff.


It’s fun.


I have two dogs named “Grendel” and “Frodo”.


Now, please enter a radius:


Ok, the area of a radius 5 circle is 78.5.