Curviform G- Bacteria
Vibrio cholera
Comma-shaped bacteria
Strictly attacks humans
Related metabolically to Enterobacteriaceae
Selective media with bile at 37°C
Oxidase positive
Unique O and H antigens
Vibrio cholera
A devastating disease (El Tor biotype)
Transmitted by food and water
Uncommon in USA, except in Gulf of Mexico area (shellfish)
Infectious dose:108 cells
Pass stomach thru food into the duodenum and jejenum
Penetrate mucous barrier by flagella
Never enter cells (epipathogens)
Only multiplies outside epithelium
Virulence due to enterotoxin (cholera toxin)
Toxin make cells lose water rapidly
Disease spreads with force
Patients loses 1 liter water per hour!!
Untreated patient may lose 50% of body weight and death may occur within 48 hrs
Tetracycline, trimethoprim-sulfa
Replacement of water and electrolytes
Proper sewage disposal Water purification
Vaccines are not effective
Watch seafood
History to Read
- Cholera in London
- Indian Rivers (Ganges and Brahmaputra)
- Peru (1991)
Vibrio parahaemolyticus
Occurs in warm climate
Alkaline conditions
Causes seafood gastroenteritis by eating raw shellfish contaminated with wastewater
Bacteria colonize chitin exoeskeleton of shrimps and crabs
Keep food refrigerated to keep infectious dose low
Occasionally infects wounds of swimmers, dock workers, seafood cooks, etc.
Campylobacter jejuni
Slender, curved or spiral bacilli, propelled by polar flagella
Inhabits IT, UT and oral cavity of humans and animals
Now considered one of the most important causes of bacterial gastroenteritis worldwide
Thru contaminated milk, meat, chicken, drinks
Incubation period: 1-7 days
Bacteria reach the mucosa at the last segment of the small intestine (ileum) near its junction with colon where they multiply
- Headache
- Fever
- Abdominal pain
- Diarrhea (bloody and watery)
Enterotoxin (CJT) stimulates secretory diarrhea (like cholera does)
- Rehydration
- Electrolytes
- Antibiotics
Campylobacter fetus subsp. venerealis
Causes a STD in sheep, cattle, goats
Agent of abortion in these animals
Also in humans though mode of infection is still not clear
Opportunistic pathogen on debilitated persons or women late in pregnancy
Linked to meningitis, pneumonia, arthritis, fatal septicemic infections in newborn, STD (proctitis in adults)
Spirillum minus
Rat Bite Fever
Also called "sodoku" (japanese word for poison)
A rare zoonosis mostly in Far East (Japan)
Urban areas with poor sanitation and high rat populations
Septicemia, eye and lung infections
Fleas and others arthropods do not serve as vectors
Can not be cultivated on artificial media
Control with antibiotics
Streptobacillus moniliformis
Equivalent of previous disease but most common in USA
Affects biomedical personnel who handle laboratory rats
The Rickettsias
Bacteria Transmitted by
- Lice
- Fleas
- Ticks
- Mites
- Chiggers
- Cats
Spotted fever scrub typhus
Q-fever trench fever
- Cat-scratch fever
- 0.3 to 0.6 µm wide
- 0.8 to 2.0 µm long
Rickettsia prowazekii
Epidemic typhus
Worldwide distribution
Systemic infection transmitted by rubbing the feces of body lice into bite
Humans is the primary reservoir
Overcrowded conditions
Invasion of the vascular endothelium causing necrosis and hypotension
Disease is controlled with antibiotics and recovery provides immunity
Rickettsia typhi
Murine typhus
Less virulent than louse-born typhus
Transmitted by the feces of rat fleas and enters the host when bites are scratched
Primary reservoir
Rodents (rats)
Worldwide distribution
Rickettsia tsutsugamushi
Scrub Typhus
Endemic disease in Asia
Transmitted by chigger bites
Reservoir: rodents
Fatal if untreated
Respond well to antibiotics
Rickettsia rickettsii
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
North America (Montana, Idaho)
Reservoirs are small mammals (dogs)
Vectors: wood tick, American dog tick, and Lone Star tick
Transmits to humans by tick bites and aerosols
(See transmission cycle in textbook)
- Fever
- Chills
- Headache
- Muscular pain
- Spotted rash on all body
Most cases are reported in eastern seaboard
and SE states (not in Idaho and Montana) -
Does not occur in Southern Texas
If Untreated
- Restlessness
- Hypotension
- Coma
- ThrombosisH
- Hemorrhage
- Convulsions
- Tremor
Requires specially-qualified personnel and special laboratory facilities
Tetracycline and chloramphenicol
Remove ticks from dogs without crushing them ==> use gloves
New Vaccine
Rickettsia grown in chicken embryonic and tissue cultures
Other Rickettisioses
Coxiella burnetii
Q for Queensland (Australia)
Highly resistant because of an usual type of spores that are release when cell disintegrates
Transmitted by ticks, some wild & domestic vertebrates, and aerosols
Sources of infections: urine, feces, milk; and, aerosols from infected animals
Portals of entry: lungs, skin, conjunctiva, gastro-intestinal tract
CA and TX highest case rates in USA
Avoid drinking raw milk
Fever, chills, head and muscle aches
Bartonella quintana
Trench Fever
In 1st WWW afflicted about 1 million people
Unlike typhus rickettsia, does not multiply intra-cellularly and does not kill the louse vector
5-6 day of fever (5 day = quintana), leg and tibia (shinbone fever); head, and muscle pains
Persist in blood and can be recurrent
Bartonella henselae
Cat-Scratch Fever
Caused by by cat scratch or cat bites
Systemic infection that travels from the initial site along the lymph vessels
Responds to antibiotics