Spring 2010 - Exam 2


Nicholas Saenz

Classification: Senior
Town: McAllen, Texas
Wants to be: Physician
Hobbies: Intramural sports, working out, skeet shooting and movies

My secrets for good grades are:

Read material covered in lecture in the textbook after.

Read the textbook before each quiz.

Take notes during lecture.

Start studying for tests a few days in advance: don't procrastinate!!

Ariel Torres

Ariel Torres

Classification: Junior
Town: Reynosa, Mexico
Wants to be: Physician
Hobbies: percussions, soccer, chess

My secrets for good grades are:

I realized that I could not do well in the class on my own. I found a friend that I could study with. And, together we went over all the notes and the chapters of the book. We would constantly quiz each other (at dinner, walking to class, randomly in the walking way, etc). That helps a lot!.