FALL 2001 EXAM 1

Patricia Wawroski


Patricia Wawroski (96)

Major: Biology
Laredo, Texas
To become a physician and practice in Texas
Reading, listening to music
and watching TV

My secrets for good grades are:

  • I believe to earning good grades is to work hard. Efforts must be made to read all relevant material. In addition, it is important to review all information presented in lectures. Studying for an exam should not be left until the night before. Cramming does not work.

Crystal Acevedo (96)


Crystal Acevedo (96)

Major: Biology
Senior, Pre-Med
Hometown: McAllen, Texas
Hobbies: Reading, Exercising

My secrets for good grades are:

  • Attend every lecture and take rigorous notes

  • Read the chapters to complement the lecture notes, and pay close attention to figures, charts and tables

  • Begin studying at least a few days before the exam

  • Pray and ask God to help me remember everything that I have studied so I can apply it on the exam

Amanda Cruz


Amanda Garza (94)

Major: Biology
Wants to be a physician
Hometown: Mission, TX
Hobbies: golf, reading

My secrets for good grades are:

  • Read all the chapters beforehand

  • Study for the quizzes so that you do not have to cram for the exams.

  • Make sure to study all tables and charts of the textbook.

Anyushka Toyloy

Aniyushka Toyloy (92)

Major: Pre-Med
Hometown: McAllen, Texas
Hobbies: Drawing, writing and swimming

My secrets for good grades are:

  • Read the chapters

  • Do questions after every chapter

  • Most importantly come to class