EXAM 2 - SPRING 2009

Rebeka Andrade

Classification: Senior
Town: McAllen, Texas
Wants to be: Dentist
Hobbies: Reading, jogging

My secrets for good grades are:

  • Read the chapters twice.
  • Attend to every class.
  • Take your own notes to complement the ones posted on-line.
  • Pay attention to details.

Christopher TreviƱo

Classification: Senior
Town: Corpus Christi, Texas
Wants to be: Physician
Hobbies: Coaching and practicing gymnastics, surfing.

My secrets for good grades are:

  • Read the textbook before every quiz.
  • Come to class and take good notes.
  • Study for exams.


Carlos Garza

Carlos Garza

Classification: Junior
Town: San Benito, Texas
Wants to be: Physician
Hobbies: Working out and playing basketball.

My secrets for good grades are:

  • Reading the chapters before the quizzes and again before the testsl.
  • Going over Dr. Materon's notes at least once.
  • Attending class, paying attention, and taking good notes.


Joaquin Garza

Joaquin Garza

Classification: Junior
Town: Mission, Texas
Wants to be: Physician Assistant
Hobbies: Reading, exercising, football.

My secrets for good grades are:

  • Attend all lectures
  • Read textbook
  • Study well in advance
  • Do not rely on memorization!
  • Understand basic concepts