
1. Ph. D. (Criminology, 2000). Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC Canada

Major: Criminology

Title: An Exploration of the Spatial and Temporal Patterning and Distribution of Crime in Ghana with Emphasis on Accra


2. MA (Criminology, 1995). Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC Canada

Major: Criminology

Title: Alternatives to Imprisonment in Ghana: A Focus on Ghana’s Criminal Justice System


3. BA (Hons. 1989) (Sociology with Psychology). University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana

College/University Awarded Diplomas and Certificates

1. Diploma (Journalism & Public Relations, 1979). The Ghana Institute of Journalism, Accra Ghana

Major: Journalism/Public Relations


2. Certificate in  (Prison Administration, 1985). University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana


Employment History

Academic – Post-Secondary

Current Position

1. Professor, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley. (September 1, 2015 - Present).



1. Professor, University of Texas Pan American (UTPA). (2013 - 2015).

2. Associate Professor, University of Texas Pan American. (2006 - 2013).

3. Assistant Professor, Criminology & Criminal Justice, UTPA. (2000 - 2006).

4. Assistant Professor, Mississippi Valley State University. (August 1999 - July 2000).

5. Instructor, Kwantlen Polytechnic University. (1998 - 1999).


Academic - Administrative Assignments

1. Assistant Chair: (2004-2015).

2. Director, Criminal Justice Graduate Program. (September 1, 2003 - May 30, 2015).


Non-Academic/Government Employment

1. Ghana Prisons Service. (1972-1995).


Research Affiliations

1. UTPA – DHS BSI COE Team (2004-2008)

2. Research Associate: Institute for Studies in Criminal Justice Policy and Criminal Law Reform, School of Criminology, Simon Fraser Univ., Burnaby, BC, Canada (1992-2003).





1.                     1.  Appiahene-Gyamfi, J. (2021). Policing in Ghana. In Jospeter M. Mbuba (ed.) Global perspectives in policing and law enforcement. Landham, MD: Lexington Books. The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc. (Pp. 3-23).

2.              2. Barnes, Maame Yaa Akyiaa & Appiahene-Gyamfi, J. (2020). Violence against Women: The Case of Ghana. In Anita Kalunta Crumpton (ed.). Violence against women of African descent. Lexington/Rowman & Littlefield. (pp. 73-94).

                 3. Appiahene-Gyamfi, Joseph  (2015). Drugs and drug control in Ghana. In Anita Kalunta-Crumpton (ed.). Pan-African Issues in Drugs and Drug Control: An International Perspective. Ashgate Publishing (pp. 37-59).

4.              4. Appiahene-Gyamfi, Joseph (2010). Crime and punishment in Ghana. The encyclopedia of crime and punishment in Africa. ABC-CLIO Publishers



               1. Appiahene-Gyamfi. J. (2021). Robbery in Ghana. The International Journal of Criminal Justice Sciences. Manuscript ID: 21M-06-002.

             2. Appiahene-Gyamfi, Joseph (2009). Crime and punishment in the Republic of Ghana: A country profile. International Journal of Comparative & Applied Criminal Justice 33(2):309-324

             3. Appiahene-Gyamfi, Joseph (2007). Interpersonal violent crime in Ghana: The case of assault in Accra. Journal of Criminal Justice 35(4): 419-431.

            4. Appiahene-Gyamfi, Joseph (2005). Property offenses in Ghana: The case of burglary trends and patterns in Accra. International Journal of Comparative & Applied Criminal Justice 27(2):149-172.

            5. Appiahene-Gyamfi, Joseph (2003) Journey to crime in Ghana: The case of pick-pocketing in Accra. International Journal of Comparative & Applied Criminal Justice 27(1):3-17.

            6. Appiahene-Gyamfi, Joseph (2003). Urban Crime Trends and Patterns in Ghana. The case of Accra. Journal of Criminal Justice 31(1):13-23.

            7. Appiahene-Gyamfi, Joseph (2002). An Analyses of the Broad Crime Trends in Ghana. Journal of Criminal Justice 30(3):229-243

            8. Appiahene-Gyamfi, Joseph (1998). Violent Crime in Ghana: The Case of Robbery. Journal of Criminal Justice 26(5):409-24.



1.  1.    Appiahene-Gyamfi, J. Policing and civil society: The case of police brutalities in Ghana

     2.    Appiahene-Gyamfi, J. Murder trends and patterns in Ghana.

     3.    Appiahene-Gyamfi, J. A primer of Criminal Justice in Ghana

4.    Appiahene-Gyamfi, J. Police brutalities in Ghana

5.    Appiahene-Gyamfi, J. Crime and property rates: The case of Accra, Ghana.

6.    Appiahene-Gyamfi, J. Mob/vigilante justice in Ghana.



2000-2001: UTPA Grant ($10,000.00) Crime Mapping in selected Rio Grande Valley Cities

2002-2003: UTPA Grant ($15,000.00 - Renewal) Renewal for Crime Mapping in selected Rio Grande Valley Cities

1992-1999: Simon Fraser University: Seven Graduate Fellowship Awards

1999: Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences: Affirmative Action Mini-Grant Scholarship

1999: Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences: Student Scholarship

1998: Simon Fraser University: President’s Research Stipend.

1998: Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Affirmative Action Mini-Grant

1998: Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences: Student Travel Scholarship

1998: Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences: Affirmative Action Mini-Grant Scholarship


FEATURE: SF News - April 1, 1999 - Ghanaian nears completion of ground-breaking thesis ... at Simon Fraser University. Joseph Appiahene-Gyamfi

News Release - April 7, 1999 @ Simon Fraser University. Joseph Appiahene-Gyamfi is analyzing existing crime statistics ...



2016: Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology in New Orleans, LA November 15-20

2014: Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology in San Francisco, CA November 19-22

2008: Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology in St Louis, Missouri, November 12-15


1. The native/customary court/justice system and administration of justice in Ghana

2. Exploration of the prevalence of HIV/AIDS cases in Ghanaian prisons

3. A thematic examination of police images of Accra, Ghana

2007: Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Meeting in Seattle, WA. March 13-17

Paper: Interpersonal Violent Crimes in Ghana: The case of assault in Accra

2007: Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology in Atlanta, Georgia, November 14-17

Paper: “Policing and civil society: The case of police brutalities in Ghana

2006: Por Haber Impartido Conferencia Magistral en el Simposio International de Criminologia y Ciencias Ferenses in Reynosa, Mexico. November 14-16

Paper: The broad crime trends and patterns in Ghana 

2006: American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting in Los Angeles. November 1-4

Paper: Patterns and trends of auto-theft in South Texas: An empirical study of auto-theft in two South Texas Counties

2005: Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology in Toronto, Canada Nov 16-20, 2005.

Paper: Property Offenses in Ghana: The case of Burglary Treads and Patterns in Accra.

2005: Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences in Baltimore, MD March

Paper: Interpersonal Violent Crimes in Ghana: The case of assault in Accra 

2004: The 41st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Las Vegas: March 9th – 13th 2004

Paper: “Crime, property rates and urban flight: The case of Accra, Ghana” - Friday March 09, 2004

2004: The American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting in Nashville, November TN.

Paper: Treatment of juvenile offenders in Ghana: the case of the Ghana Borstal Institution

Three panel/group discussions on restorative justice, criminology and criminological research in Africa

9-13 March 2003: 41st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. Las Vegas, NV. Paper: Crime, property and rent values, and urban flight in Accra, Ghana.

5-9 March, 2002: Annual Meeting, 39th Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. Anaheim, CA. Paper: Urban crime trends and patterns in Ghana. The case of Accra.

March 2001: Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. Washington DC, April 3-7, 2001. Paper: An analyses of the broad crime trends and patterns of Ghana.

March 1999: Annual Meeting, Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. Orlando, FL 9-14 March. Paper: Prison overcrowding in Ghana. Trends, patterns and key issues for policy analysis.

25-27, September 1998: International Scientific and Professional Advisory Council of the UN Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme. Courmayeur Mont Blanc, Italy.

10-14 March, 1998: 35th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. Albuquerque, NM. Paper: Violent crime in Ghana. The case of robbery



The Ghana Prisons Service from 1971-1995

Positions include: Adjutant; /Staff Officer; Training Officer; Staff/Administrative Officer; Public Relations Officer; Guard Duties



Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences 

American Society of Criminology 

American Correctional Association 

The African Criminology and Justice Association

The British Society of Criminology