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1.        Appiahene-Gyamfi, J. Policing and civil society: The case of police brutalities in Ghana

2.        Appiahene-Gyamfi, J. Crime and property rates: The case of Accra, Ghana.

3.        Appiahene-Gyamfi, J. Mob/vigilante justice in Ghana.

4.        Appiahene-Gyamfi, J. An exploration of inmate health problems in Ghana: The case of HIV/AIDS in Ghanaian prisons.

5.        Appiahene-Gyamfi, J. Prison overcrowding, recidivism rates and health problems within Ghanaian prisons

6.        Appiahene-Gyamfi, J. Treatment of juvenile offenders in Ghana: The case of the Ghana Borstal Institution

7.        Appiahene-Gyamfi, J. Robbery hot spots: An inquiry into robbery trends, patterns and hot spots in a South Texas: The case of McAllen

8.        Appiahene-Gyamfi, J. Residential burglary in McAllen, South Texas