Fall 2014 UTPA: Department of Criminal Justice
CRIJ 6315 Victimology
Instructor: Dr. Joseph A-Gyamfi
Office: 319A (SBS)
Phone # 316-7061
Meeting Days & Times: Mondays 4.30PM-7PM
Classroom: SBS 106
Office Hours: Mondays 3PM - 4PM
Or by Appointment
Email: appiahen@utpa.edu
Course Description: The purpose of this graduate victimology seminar is introduce students to the major contemporary developments within the field of victimology and to alert them to the ongoing victim-related issues. Areas to be examined include the history/historical emergence of victimology as a unique academic study, theories of victimization, the difference between criminal victimization and other types of victimizations, characteristics of both victims of crime and their victimizers, the interchangeable roles of victims and victimizers, conceptual boundaries and subfield within criminology and criminal justice or the interplay between and among victimology and criminal justice, and criminology, and victims’ rights and remedies (state and federal laws). As well, the course/seminar will discuss/examine specific types of crimes and how they affect crime victims and society at large. Consequently, the goals of this course are:
Student Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
Required Textbooks:
1. Daigle, L. (2012). Victimology. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.
2. Doerner, W. G., & Lab, S. P. (2012). Victimology, 6th ed. Boston: Anderson Publishing/Elsevier
· Fattah, E. (1993). The rational choice/opportunity perspective as a vehicle for integrating criminological and victimological theories. In Clarke, R. V. & Felson, M. Rational Choice Perspectives. Advances in Criminological Theory Vol. 5: Transaction Pub.
Additional readings recommended
Caveat: This is a seminar, NOT an undergraduate class where for most part, the instructor lectures. Active participation is mandatory. Participation is one important aspect of the evaluation process. Each student will lead out in at least two (chapters of the textbooks) presentations. Grade(s) is/are based on participation, presentations, exams, assignments, a policy analysis proposal outline and a term paper - policy analysis research paper.
Attendance 5%
Presentations/Discussions 15%
Three Quizzes/Tests 30%
Midterm Exam 10%
Term paper 20%
Final Exam 20%
August 25, Monday First day of classes
September 1, Monday Labor Day Holiday, No classes, campus is closed
September 10, Wednesday Twelfth class day, census date
September 23, Tuesday Last day to change to noncredit
November 27-29, inclusive Thanksgiving holiday
December 4-5, inclusive Study days, no classes or exam
December 6-12, inclusive Fall semester final examinations
December 13, Saturday Commencement exercises
December 15, Monday Fall final grades due
Examination dates
Exam #1 Monday September 15th
Exam #2 Monday October 13th
Midterm Exam Monday November 3th
Exam #3 Monday November 24th
Final examination Monday December 8, 2014 @ 4.30PM - 5.50PM
September 15, 22, 29
October 6, 13, 20 27
November 3, 10, 17, 24
December 1, 8
Assigned readings
Weeks 1 & 2 Introduction to course - Expectations
Week 2 Introduction to Victimology Daigle Section 1
The Scope of Victimology Doerner & Lab Chapter 1
Week 3 Extent, Theories, & Factors of Victimization
Measuring Victimization Daigle Section 2
Measuring Criminal Victimization Doerner & Lab Chapter 2
Week 4 Personal Victimization Doerner & Lab Chapter 4
Sexual Victimization Daigle Section 5
Intimate Partner Violence Daigle Section 6
Sexual Battery Doerner & Lab Chapter 8
Weeks 5 Child and Elder Abuse Daigle Section 7
Child Maltreatment Doerner & Lab Chap. 10
Crime and the Elderly Doerner & Lab Chap’ 11
Week 6 Victimization of Special Populations Daigle Section 8
Week 7 Victimization at School and Work Daigle Section 9
Week 8 Property Crime and Identity Theft Daigle Sect. 10
Property Victimization Doerner & Lab Chapter 3
Weeks 9 Consequences of Victimization Daigle Section 3
Week 10 Victims’ Rights and Remedies Daigle Section 4
Victim Rights Doerner & Lab Chap. 13
The Costs of Being a Victim Doerner & Lab Chapter 5
Remedying the Plight of Victims Doerner & Lab Chapter 6
Restorative Justice Doerner & Lab Chapter 7
Weeks 11 Contemporary Issues Daigle Section 11
Exams/quizzes chapters
Quiz/test # 1 Monday September 22
Introduction to Victimology Daigle Section 1
The Scope of Victimology Doerner & Lab Chapter 1
Extent, Theories, & Factors of Victimization
Measuring Victimization Daigle Section 2
Measuring Criminal Victimization Doerner & Lab Chapter 2
Quiz/test # 2 Monday October 13
Personal Victimization Doerner & Lab Chapter 4
Sexual Victimization Daigle Section 5
Intimate Partner Violence Daigle Section 6
Sexual Battery Doerner & Lab Chapter 8
Quiz/test # 3 Monday November 3
Victimization of Special Populations Daigle Section 8
Victimization at School and Work Daigle Section 9
Property Crime and Identity Theft Daigle Sect. 10
Property Victimization Doerner & Lab Chapter 3
Midterm Exam Monday November 24
Consequences of Victimization Daigle Section 3
Victims’ Rights and Remedies Daigle Section 4
Victim Rights Doerner & Lab Chap. 13
Final Exam Monday December 8, 2014
The Costs of Being a Victim Doerner & Lab Chapter 5
Remedying the Plight of Victims Doerner & Lab Chapter 6
Restorative Justice Doerner & Lab Chapter 7
Child and Elder Abuse Daigle Section 7
Crime and the Elderly Doerner & Lab Chap 11
Contemporary issues in victimology: Victims of hate crimes, human trafficking, and terrorism
Section 11
Suggested topics to consider
Stalking in Texas
History of victimology 1931-1990
History of the victim rights movement
Creation of the Cleary Act
Victims’ rights in Texas
Child abuse/victimization in Texas: The case of the RGV
Rape/sexual victimization in Texas: The of the RGV
Review the Texas Good Samaritan Laws
Review the Texas Bystander Laws
Domestic violence in Texas: The case of the RGV
Hate crimes
Victims’ rights movement
Elder abuse in South texas
Guidelines for essay: The final paper, no less than fifteen (15) pages, TYPED, shall address the topic thoroughly. Cover page, end page notes and bibliography shall not count as part of the fifteen (15) pages. Be sure to proofread your paper to correct any mistakes. Papers not turned in class on the due date will attract a penalty - two points deduction – up to two days. Essays received after two days will receive a ‘C’ grade no matter its quality. A “C” in the paper will obviously affect your final grade. Do not slide your essay under my office door, please. Only the original typed papers or computer-printed copies - photocopies, faxes not accepted. Essays will be collected immediately after attendance is taken in class on the due date. Papers not handed in at that time will be considered late - even if only thirty seconds. Have your paper completed before you come to class. Topics for the final paper appear below.
Academic Dishonesty policy: Acts of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated and can result in the failure of a course and dismissal from the University. Academic dishonesty includes: cheating on a test, working with someone else on an assignment when you’re not allowed to, using someone else’s work as your own (or doing someone else’s work for him or her), and plagiarism.
Proofreading Policy: When grading a paper, I look for uncorrected errors in spellings, typing, and the overall grammar/prose. Yes! Grammar, punctuations, and spellings count in grading. Five of these errors will result in a low grade. If you are not good at spellings etc, get someone to assist you. Proofread your work before you hand it in. Corrections may be neatly written by hand after the application of correction fluid (‘white out’), so that the last minute discovery of a few typographical errors should not require retyping the entire paper or page. Use the APA format. Use proper footnotes or endnotes, albeit sparingly. Do NOT simply describe the subject of your paper. The paper can include some description, but should also analyze, ask ‘why?’ and the policy intent, the consequences and effects, and make an argument supported by concrete or empirical evidence. Demonstrate thoughtful analysis of the subject - analysis which shows your analytical thinking on the subject and does NOT Merely Repeat What the Other Sources Tell You. Strongest papers generally draw from descriptions and analyses of various sources and then proceed to present coherent argument and conclusions on the subject - conclusions supported by evidence and sound reasoning rather than your personal views. If you have any questions about the paper assignment, or any other aspects of the course, Please feel free to consult with me. The sources for the review should be academic articles and books, NOT local newspapers like the Monitor. Popular publications like the Newsweek & Time etc. magazines may be cited, but sparingly. Valuable Sources for academic papers include: Sociological Abstracts; Criminology & Penology Abstracts; Criminal Justice Abstracts and Textbooks.
To improve upon your writing skills, you may like to read
1. Strunk, & White (2000). The Element of Style
2. Johnson, Rettig, Scott, & Garrison, (1999). The Criminal Justice Student Writer’s Manual
3. Turabian (1996). A manual for writers of term papers, theses and dissertations
4. Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th Edition, 2010). Washington, D.C: APA
5. http://www.vanguard.edu/faculty/ddegelman/index.cfm?doc_id=796
There are several manuals for writers in the library and the bookstore. If you need assistance, consult with me.
Examination Policy: All the exams, based on the books, lectures and discussions are in-class. Each exam will be multiple-choice and short answer questions of no less than 60 questions, except the midterm and final exams, which will be no less than 75 questions each. If you miss a scheduled exam due to illness or serious personal problems, inform me before the scheduled date. Absence due to illness requires a medical certificate or doctor’s report. Where this policy has been complied with, alternative arrangements will be made on an individual basis. Absence and or lateness without compelling justification will be self-penalizing. You may be permitted to write any missed exam only under extenuating circumstances. Late submissions and/or makeups will not be entertained. Emergency situations will be considered on an individual basis.
Final Grade Policy: You must complete every course requirement including attending class in order to receive a final grade. Defaulters in any one requirement will fail the course regardless of grades received so far.
Attendance Policy: Students who miss a class must provide valid excuse within 24 hours. This is not online course. Your physical presence or class attendance is mandatory. Two absences will be considered as withdrawal from this course. That is, if you absent yourself two times and do not withdraw, you will fail the course no matter your current grade. Students are responsible for any withdrawal proceedings. Anyone who persistently (two times) comes to class late (ten minutes after class has started) will be classified as being absent. Absence(s) and or lateness without compelling justification will be self-penalizing.
Cellphone Policy: It is said that courtesy costs nothing, but pays much. Those who are in the habit of leaving their cellphones on should know that it is not only a nuisance to me, but also distracting to other students. Please turn it off when in class. It is unacceptable. Two points will be deducted if you leave your cell-phone on.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA): Students with disabilities are encouraged to contact the Disability Services office for a confidential discussion of their individual needs for academic accommodation. It is the policy of the UTPA to provide flexible and individualized accommodation to students with documented disabilities that may affect their ability to fully participate in course activities or to meet course requirements. To receive accommodation services, students must be registered with the Disability Services office (DS), University Center #108, 665-7005 or disabilityservices@utpa.edu