CSCI 6314


Dr. John P. Abraham

Email:  Tele: 665-3550  


Principle of IT CSCI 6303


M 5:45 pm to 8:25 pm                Eng 1.272




CSCI 6314.01 ECommerce

Th 5:45 to 8:25pm

Eng 1.272



CSCI/CMPE 4345 Comp Networks

TTh 10:35-11:50

Eng 290



Office Hours

MTh 3:00-5:30pm



Follow me on Twitter: abrahamUTPA.  You can ask me questions on Twitter.           


Required Textbook:

Paul S. Wang, Dynamic Web Programming and HTML 5, CRC Press 2013. ISBN 978-1-4398-7182-9

Recommended Supplemental books:

Eric Newcomer, Understanding Web Services, Addison Wesley 2002, ISBN 0-201-75081-3

Eric Newcomer and Greg Lomow, Understanding SOA with Web Services, Addison Wesley 2005, ISBN 0-321-18086-0

Deitel, Deitel, & Nieto.  e-Business & e-Commerce – How to Program.  Prentice Hall, 2001.



Recommended Reading:

Nelson and Nelson.  Building electronic Commerce with Database Constructions.  Addison Wesley, 2002.

Turban, Efraim. Electronic Commerce 2002 – A managerial perspective. Printice Hall 2002.

Snyder, Carr I. Management of Telectommunications.  2nd ed.  McGraw Hill, 2002.


Catalog description:  Presents principles of E-commerce systems implementation, examines specific examples in depth, and students implement a working prototype site as class project.


Objectives for the course.

  1. Be able to define and summarize e-commerce, Marketing on the Internet, e-business models, monetary transactions on the web, and relevant terminology.
  2. Compare and contrast between e-commerce and traditional commerce.
  3. Be able to demonstrate knowledge of management principles in making decisions related to business.
  4. Create a business plan including financial statements.
  5. Create documents needed to start a business.
  6. Be able to comply with local, state and federal laws regarding starting and maintaining a business including filling out tax forms.
  7. Implement a secure site.
  8. Demonstrate a basic understanding of computer networking and telecommunication.
  9. Demonstrate understanding of Sponsored Search, more specifically Search Engines, Advertiser Bidding, and Empirical issues in Sponsored Search.
  10. Create Web Services.
  11. Create web pages using each one of the following: HTML, FrontPage, JavaScript, Dynamic HTML Style Sheets & Object Model and Collections, VB Script, XML and ASP. 
  12. Create an e-commerce site with a shopping cart.



1.Each student will be assigned a web design topic.  Familiarize yourself with that topic thoroughly, teach the rest of the class, and present it to the class.  Demonstrate it with a program you wrote in that language (you will submit the program for a grade as a lab assignment). You will be assigned a date; please note that you must present on that day.

2.Visit at least one site for each of the e-business models discussed and write features offered by that site.

3.Manipulate data on any DBMS using ODBC/JDBC and C++, VB, or Java.

4.HTML – create a questionnaire to do research on e-commerce and collect the data over the web.

5.Write up incorporation papers, assumed name certificate, and other papers required to start a business.

6.Write an employee handbook (just the table of contents).

7.Follow a sample investment portfolio for two months.

8.JavaScript, C# and assignment will be given as topics are covered.

JavaScript Assignment_1  Assignment_2  Assignment_3  Assignment_4  Assignment_5

C# and ASP Assignments:

Tentative Schedule

Student presentation will be given priority.  My lecture will be date flexible.



Intro to Commerce

Java Script

Fundamentals of Management

Financial Management

Financial Management

Ecommerce Models

Ecommerce Models


How to set up a business


Sharepoint and Web Services




Spring Break


Network Security


Student Presentations






Tutorial presentations


Tutorial presentations




 Final Exam




 Student presentations




Shopping cart



Dr. Abraham




Dr. Abraham



Web2, XHTML, Cascading Stylesheet XML, RSS

Garcia, Joel




Carrillo, Hector A. & Gamez, Audias



Adobe Flash CS3, Building and interactive Game, Flex

Garces, Dexi 




Garza, Joel A.



Mid-term Exam



Gonzalez, Navil




Database, SQL, ADO.NET

Gonzalez, Ernesto C. &  Navarro, Martin A.




Venecia, Homar



Ruby on Rails

Damaj, Fadi A.




Garcia, Eric







JavaServer, Ajax Enabled Java Server Web applications


& Ruelas, Martin D.



Web Services

Zuniga, Mario A.



Final Exam




Attendance and class participation is required to pass the course.

















90 and Above       A



Topic presentation



80 to 89                B



Shoping cart & presentation



70 to 79                C



Programming & Assignments



Below 70              F








 If you wish to drop the course, please do so on or before the deadline.  It is your responsibility to have the drop form signed and turned into the registrar before the deadline. Your professor will not submit a drop grade.

If you must miss an exam, make prior arrangements. No make-up exams will be given unless you contact me in advance! Homework assignments may be submitted to me by email or hardcopy in my mailbox prior to class time. Late homework will be levied heavy penalties.  Penalty: One day late 10%, 1 week late 20%, 2 weeks late 50%.  Not accepted afterwards.


Students with Disabilities:

If you have a verifiable disability that makes it difficult for you to complete course work as outlined in this syllabus without special accommodations under either the Americans with Disabilities Act or the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, please inform the instructor as soon as possible. The instructor will be happy to work with you and the UTPA Office of Services for Persons with Disabilities (OSPD), Emilia Schunior Ramirez Hall, Room 1.101 (956) 316-7005; V-TDD (956) 316-7092; FAX (956) 316-7034. The OSPD will process accommodation requests, assist you with verification of a disability and arrange for special services.