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CSCI 6307.90L:Foundation of Computer Systems


Fall 2020

Subject to any new Texas legislative mandate changes.

Course Information:

Meeting times: Thursdays 6:30 pm to 9 pm

Meeting location: https://utrgv.zoom.us/j/93800454596 Use this link or Please enter blackboard then click on zoom classroom.

Course Modality: Online Synchronous Courses (OSYNC). Synchronous learning occurs on set schedules and time frames. Students and instructors are online at the same time since lectures, discussions, and presentations take place at specific hours. All students must be online at that exact time in order to participate in the class.

Instructor Information:

Instructor Name: Dr. John P. Abraham

Phone: (956) 665-3550

Office location: EIEAB 3.243 (New Eng Bldg in Edinburg)
Office hours:
Will open zoom 30 minutes before class time, if you need to speak with me, you can do it then or at the end of the class. Both the TA and I will be available all the time through emails.  We can create a new zoom link, if you want to speak privately.



 My Schedule

CSCI 6307.90L

Foundation of Systems

Aug 24 to Dec 10,2020

Thursdays 6:30 to 9 pm               

This will be zoom administered class at a specified time. Attendance required.



 Intro lect2 lect3



CSCI 6314.90L

Ecommerce Implementation

Mondays 6:30 to 9 pm

This will be zoom administered class at a specified time. Attendance required.







Office Hours

Will open zoom 30 minutes before class time, if you need to speak with me, you can do it then or at the end of the class.





 TA: Oscar Torres: oscar.torres01@utrgv.edu (956) 261-0575.



Welcome & Introduction to COURSE MODALITY

Online Synchronous Courses: These courses will be delivered fully online. There will be a designated class meeting time for real-time instructor/student interaction, which will be conducted remotely via online platforms from the safety of your home. This real-time interaction may be supplemented by the digital presentation of course content.  Your instructors will provide you with feedback on assigned work, communicate with you electronically, and be available to meet with you as defined on this syllabus.

Course Description, Prerequisites & MODE OF LEARNING In‐depth analysis of operating systems, computer architecture, and distributed processing, focusing on principles of organization and applications across systems. An understanding of the basic concepts of computing - programming and data structures, addressing modes (as used in assembly language), binary arithmetic and some knowledge of computer systems (main frame/minicomputers, microcomputers, networks). Students enrolled in CSCI 6307 are expected to have knowledge of CSCI 6302 and 6303. This is a graduate leveling course that is roughly equivalent to CSCI 4334 (Operating System) and CSCI 4335 (Computer Architecture). If you have taken both of these classes or their equivalent, this leveling course is not necessary. If you have taken either or neither of these courses, this course is required. We will meet every Thursday as described above using zoom: https://utrgv.zoom.us/j/93800454596.


Please visit the UTRGV COVID-19 Website via the following link for the most up-to-date information and resources (https://www.utrgv.edu/coronavirus/index.htm).  This includes information on self-screening questions, links to forms for travel and contact, etc. 


Face Covering Protocol:

As part of the university’s ongoing COVID-19 mitigation efforts to maintain a healthy environment for all members of our campus community, anyone entering a campus building must wear a face covering that covers the mouth and nose. The covering must be worn in all hallways, public spaces, research labs, teaching/computer labs, libraries, classrooms, automobiles with a passenger, stairwells, elevators and common areas, as well as office spaces. In office spaces, when social distancing of 6 feet is possible and maintained, face coverings may be removed. Face coverings also are required in outdoor settings when safe social distancing and gathering practices are not possible.


I used electronic version of the following textbooks to get my notes.  I strongly recommend you purchase these books:

Silberschatz, Abraham, Galvin, P.B., and Gane, G. Operating System Concepts.  Nineth Edition. 2013. Wiley. ISBN:  978-1-118-06333-0  ISBN BRV: 978_1_118_12938_8

Henessy, John L., and Patterson David A.  Computer Architecture A Quantitative Approach, 5th Edition. Elsevier. 2012 ISBN 978-0-12-383-872-8

Recommended Reading:

William Stallings, Computer Architecture

Tanenbaum, Modern Operating Systems

Williams. Computer Systems Architecture, A Networking Approach

Tanenbaum. Structured Computer Organization

Irvine. Assembly Language for Intel-Based Computers

Nutt. Operating Systems, A Modern Perspective

Course Topics:

This course will present two separate although somewhat overlapping sets of material roughly equivalent to the two undergraduate courses CSCI 4334 (Operating Systems) and CSCI 4335 (Computer Architecture). From Computer Architecture, the course will present the architecture of modern computers including computer instruction sets and registers, the CPU including ALU components, the fetch-execute cycle and micro-code, other computer components including the system bus, main memory including cache and virtual-memory, input and output communications, and non-standard architectures including RISC, pipeline architectures and parallel processor architectures. The course will also introduce digital circuits and binary representations. From Operating Systems, the course will present operating system concepts including process scheduling, process synchronization issues and solutions, deadlock, various forms of memory management especially virtual memory, file and I/O systems, protection and security, and network and distributed operating systems.

Course Structure:

The course will cover both Architecture and Operating System concepts.  Roughly 60% of the time will be allocated to architecture and 40% to operating system.  

Course Assignments and Grading:

There will be one midterm and one final examination.  These exams will constitute 70% of the grade.  15% of the grade will be for the assignment administered by my TA.  The TA will be totally responsible for this portion of the grade.  The remaining 15% of the grade will be for attendance, participation, daily quizzes and other reading I assignment during the semester.   Letter grades will be based on the following grading scale A: 90-100% B: 80-89% C: 70-79% F: 0-69%

For each day of class you will be given 10 multiple choice questions over the material covered during the last class period These quizzes may not be made up.  Therefore, it is essential that you come to every class on time.  The quizzes are given at the beginning of the class.  The purpose of this activity is to ensure you have read previous class notes thoroughly.


There will be two major exams.  If you must miss an exam, make prior arrangements. No make-up exams will be given unless you contact me in advance! Homework will be submitted using Blackboard. Late homework will be levied heavy penalties.  Penalty: One day late 10%, 1 week late 20%, 2 weeks late 50%.  Not accepted afterwards.

Important Notice about taking exams: 

Your enrollment in this course requires that you use Respondus Lockdown Browser and Respondus Monitor for online assessment proctoring. LockDown Browser is a custom browser that locks down the testing environment within Blackboard and replaces regular browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. Respondus Monitor requires you to have a webcam and microphone as it will record you while taking your assessment. YOUR ACTIVITIES ARE RECORDED WHILE YOU ARE LOGGED INTO OR TAKING YOUR ASSESSMENT(S).  THE RECORDINGS SERVE AS A PROCTOR AND WILL BE REVIEWED AND USED IN AN EFFORT TO MAINTAIN ACADEMIC INTEGRITY.  You can find more detailed information on Lockdown Browser and Monitor at UTRGV.edu/online.


ATTENDANCE: Students are expected to attend all scheduled classes and may be dropped from the course for excessive absences.  UTRGV’s attendance policy excuses students from attending class if they are participating in officially sponsored university activities, such as athletics; have been provided such an accommodation by Student Accessibility Services (SAS); for observance of religious holy days; or for military service. Students should contact the instructor in advance of the excused absence and arrange to make up missed work or examinations. With students’ permission, I will record the lectures and post them in Blackboard; however, I will need everyone acknowledge permission through an email to me.  The use of recordings will enable you to have access to class lectures, group discussions, etc. in the event you have to miss a synchronous or face to face class meeting due to illness or other extenuating circumstance. Our use of such technology is governed by the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), UTRGV’s acceptable-use policy, and UTRGV HOP Policy STU 02-100 Student Conduct and Discipline. A recording of class sessions will be kept and stored by UTRGV, in accordance with FERPA and UTRGV policies. Your instructor will not share the recordings of your class activities outside of course participants, which include your fellow students, teaching assistants, or graduate assistants, and any guest faculty or community-based learning partners with whom we may engage during a class session.

Blackboard Support

If you need assistance with course technology at any time, please contact the Center for Online Learning and Teaching Technology (COLTT). 





Casa Bella (BCASA) 613

Education Complex (EEDUC) 2.202




Toll Free: 1-866-654-4555

Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Support Tickets Submit a Support Case via our Ask COLTT Portal

24/7 Blackboard Support

Need Blackboard assistance after hours? You can call our main office numbers, 956-882-6792 or 956-665-5327, to speak with a support representative.


Makeup Work: Additionally, if work can be made up, what mechanisms have you set up to help students keep up with coursework in the event they have to miss class? Will you have recordings of all class meetings available? Will on-line quizzes/examinations be available?


Should you elect to record your instruction, sample syllabus language is included here:

The use of recordings will enable you to have access to class lectures, group discussions, etc. in the event you have to miss a synchronous or face to face class meeting due to illness or other extenuating circumstance. Our use of such technology is governed by the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), UTRGV’s acceptable-use policy, and UTRGV HOP Policy STU 02-100 Student Conduct and Discipline. A recording of class sessions will be kept and stored by UTRGV, in accordance with FERPA and UTRGV policies. Your instructor will not share the recordings of your class activities outside of course participants, which include your fellow students, teaching assistants, or graduate assistants, and any guest faculty or community-based learning partners with whom we may engage during a class session. You may not share recordings outside of this course. Doing so may result in disciplinary action under UTRGV HOP Policy STU 02-100 Student Conduct and Discipline.



Members of the UTRGV community uphold the Vaquero Honor Code’s  shared values of honesty, integrity and mutual respect in our interactions and relationships.  In this regard, academic integrity is fundamental in our actions, as any act of dishonesty conflicts as much with academic achievement as with the values of honesty and integrity.  Violations of academic integrity include, but are not limited to: cheating, plagiarism (including self-plagiarism), and collusion; submission for credit of any work or materials that are attributable in whole or in part to another person; taking an examination for another person; any act designed to give unfair advantage to a student; or the attempt to commit such acts (Board of Regents Rules and Regulations, STU 02-100, and UTRGV Academic Integrity Guidelines).  All violations of Academic Integrity will be reported to Student Rights and Responsibilities through Vaqueros Report It.



Students with a documented disability (physical, psychological, learning, or other disability which affects academic performance) who would like to receive reasonable academic accommodations should contact Student Accessibility Services (SAS) for additional information.  In order for accommodation requests to be considered for approval, the student must apply using the mySAS portal located at www.utrgv.edu/mySAS and is responsible for providing sufficient documentation of the disability to SAS. Students are required to participate in an interactive discussion, or an intake appointment, with SAS staff. Accommodations may be requested at any time but are not retroactive, meaning they are valid once approved by SAS. Please contact SAS early in the semester/module for guidance. Students who experience a broken bone, severe injury, or undergo surgery may also be eligible for temporary accommodations.

Pregnancy, Pregnancy-related, and Parenting Accommodations

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits sex discrimination, which includes discrimination based on pregnancy, marital status, or parental status. Students seeking accommodations related to pregnancy, pregnancy-related condition, or parenting (reasonably immediate postpartum period) are encouraged to apply to Student Accessibility Services using the following link: Pregnancy Accommodations Request Form https://www.utrgv.edu/pregnancy

Student Accessibility Services:

Brownsville Campus: Student Accessibility Services is located in 1.107 in the Music and Learning Center building (BMSLC) and can be contacted by phone at (956) 882-7374 or via email at ability@utrgv.edu.


Edinburg Campus: Student Accessibility Services is located in 108 University Center (EUCTR) and can be contacted by phone at (956) 665-7005 or via email at ability@utrgv.edu.


Students are required to complete an ONLINE evaluation of this course, accessed through your UTRGV account (http://my.utrgv.edu); you will be contacted through email with further instructions.  Students who complete their evaluations will have priority access to their grades. Online evaluations will be available on or about:


Module 1                     October 7-13, 2020

Module 2                     December 2-8, 2020

Full Fall Semester         November 13 – December 2, 2020




In accordance with UT System regulations, your instructor is a “Responsible Employee” for reporting purposes under Title IX regulations and so must report to the Office of Institutional Equity & Diversity (OIED@utrgv.edu) any instance, occurring during a student’s time in college, of sexual misconduct, which includes sexual assault, stalking, dating violence, domestic violence, and sexual harassment, about which she/he becomes aware during this course through writing, discussion, or personal disclosure. More information can be found at www.utrgv.edu/equity, including confidential resources available on campus. The faculty and staff of UTRGV actively strive to provide a learning, working, and living environment that promotes personal integrity, civility, and mutual respect that is free from sexual misconduct, discrimination, and all forms of violence. If students, faculty, or staff would like confidential assistance, or have questions, they can contact OVAVP (Office for Victim Advocacy & Violence Prevention) at (956) 665-8287, (956) 882-8282, or OVAVP@utrgv.edu.



According to UTRGV policy, students may drop any class without penalty earning a grade of DR (drop) until the official drop date. Following that date, students must be assigned a letter grade and can no longer drop the class. Students considering dropping the class should be aware of the “3-peat rule” and the “6-drop” rule so they can recognize how dropped classes may affect their academic success. The 6-drop rule refers to Texas law that dictates that undergraduate students may not drop more than six courses during their undergraduate career. Courses dropped at other Texas public higher education institutions will count toward the six-course drop limit. The 3-peat rule refers to additional fees charged to students who take the same class for the third time.



Students who demonstrate financial need have a variety of options when it comes to paying for college costs, such as scholarships, grants, loans and work-study. Students should visit the Student Services Center (U Central) for additional information. U Central is located in BMAIN 1.100 (Brownsville) or ESSBL 1.145 (Edinburg) or can be reached by email (ucentral@utrgv.edu) or telephone: (888) 882-4026. In addition to financial aid, U Central can assist students with registration and admissions.


Students seeking academic help in their studies can use university resources in addition to an instructor’s office hours. University Resources include the Advising Center, Career Center, Counseling Center, Learning Center, and Writing Center. The centers provide services such as tutoring, writing help, counseling services, critical thinking, study skills, degree planning, and student employment. In addition, services such as the Food Pantry are also provided. Locations are listed below. 



Center Name

Brownsville Campus

Edinburg Campus

Advising Center


BMAIN 1.400

(956) 665-7120


(956) 665-7120

Career Center


BINAB 1.105

(956) 882-5627

ESSBL 2.101

(956) 665-2243

Counseling Center



Counseling and Related Services List

BSTUN 2.10

(956) 882-3897



(956) 665-2574

Food Pantry


BCAVL 101 & 102

(956) 882-7126

(956) 665-3663

Learning Center


BMSLC 2.118

(956) 882-8208


(956) 665-2585

Writing Center


BUBLB 3.206

(956) 882-7065

ESTAC 3.119

(956) 665-2538


Calendar of Activities  - Please follow Blackboard deadlines.


Important dates relative to the academic calendar. The UTRGV academic calendar can be found at https://my.utrgv.edu/home at the bottom of the screen, prior to login. Some important dates for Fall 2020 include:


Aug. 24            First day of classes

Aug. 27            Last day to add a class or register for Fall 2020 classes

Sept. 7              Labor Day – NO classes

Nov. 11            Last day to drop a class or withdraw

Nov. 26- 27      Thanksgiving Holiday – NO classes

Dec. 3              Study Day – NO classes

Dec. 4-10         Final Exams

Dec. 14            Grades Due at 3 p.m.