CSCI 6303
Principles of
Information Systems
Syllabus for Fall
Office :
Telephone : Office 381-3550
Email : Email is the best way to get a hold of me.
Email: Tele: 665-3550
Follow me on Twitter: abrahamUTPA. You can ask me questions on Twitter. |
Brookshear, J. Glenn, Computer Science Overview,
Edition 10. Addison Wesley 2006. ISBN:
0-321-52403-9 Available in our bookstore.
Steven Alter, Information
Systems: Foundation of E-commerce, 4th Ed. Prentice Hall, 2002
Brown, DeHayes, Hoffer and Perkins, Managing
Information Technology, 6th Ed. Printice
Hall, 2008 ISBN 0131789546
David Patterson, Computer
Organization and Design, Revised Printing, Third Edition, 3rd Ed. 2007
Abraham Siberschatz, Peter Galvin and Greg Gagne, Operating System Concepts with Java, 7th Edition,
foundations of information technology with overviews of databases,
knowledge-based systems, E-commerce, software engineering, software tools,
programming, network communications and Internet.
This course will present topics and vocabularies that are core to information technology in particular and computer science in general. The material will be presented from a practical orientation while emphasizing the most important theoretical aspects.
Assignments and Grading:
There will be one midterm and one final examination. These exams will constitute 70% of the grade. 30% of the grade will be for the laboratory participation and assignments. Letter grades will be based on the following grading scale A: 90-100% B: 80-89% C: 70-79% F: 0-69%. This course requires complete participation by everyone in the class, so dont be absent.
you must miss an exam, make prior arrangements. No make-up exams will be given
unless you contact me in advance! Homework may be submitted to me by email or
hardcopy in my mailbox prior to class time. Late homework will be levied heavy
penalties. Penalty: One day late 10%, 1
week late 20%, 2 weeks late 50%. Not
accepted afterwards.
Students with Disabilities:
If you have a
verifiable disability that makes it difficult for you to complete course work
as outlined in this syllabus without special accommodations under either the
Americans with Disabilities Act or the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, please
inform the instructor as soon as possible. The instructor will be happy to work
with you and the UTPA Office of Services for Persons with Disabilities (OSPD),
Emilia Schunior Ramirez Hall, Room 1.101 (956)
316-7005; V-TDD (956) 316-7092; FAX (956) 316-7034. The OSPD will process
accommodation requests, assist you with verification of a disability and arrange
for special services.
following is a tentative Schedule. I am
working on modifying the lab.
Week |
Topic |
& Lecture Assignments |
Report to lab
on Monday 7:45 pm. Activity or
Assignment |
1 |
Introduction Role of IT in industry Monday Aug 27, 2012 first day of class |
Dr. Abraham Chap 1 Reading assignment Chap 1 Dale. Create groups. |
Assignment 1. |
2 |
Monday Sept 3,2012, Labor day |
Holiday |
Each assignment is due the following week. |
3 |
How does a computer work |
Dr. Abraham Reading: Abraham Notes Chap 2. |
2 Windows Network group
project. As directed in the lab |
4 |
Binary values, Number systems and data representation |
Chapter 2 &3 in
Dale |
Assignment 3 Virtual machine setup. Network connection within the virtual machine. Remote desktop within your virtual machine. Submit a report |
5 |
Computer Components |
Dr. Abraham Notes Chap 3. |
Assignment 4 Binary Math |
6 |
Memory (Internal & External) Addressing Modes Processor Structure & Operations of an accumulator machine IA-32 Processor Architecture Assembly Language |
Chapter 3, 4, 5 in Dale and Chapter 4 in Dr. Abraham notes. |
5 Assembly language program |
7 |
Exam length is 1 hour and 15 minutes. We will have a lecture to catch up on all the remaining topics. |
EXAM 1 |
Assignment 6 Imaginary computer Instruction set |
8 |
Operating System (Process & Threads) CPU Scheduling & Deadlock 1 TCP/IP |
Chap 5 Dr. Abraham Chapter 10, 11 in Dale |
Assignment 7 Unix Script |
9 |
Networks Active Directory 1/2 |
Chap 6 Dr. Abraham Chap 15 in Dale |
Assignment 8 |
9 |
Database Theory 1 |
Assignment 9 |
10 |
Database Creation & Maintenance 2 choice |
Assignment 10 Database creation |
11 |
Visual Basic Programming Introduction 1 choice Java Programming Introduction 1 choice |
Assignment 11 Breakup numbers |
12 |
Artificial Intelligence & Expert Systems 1 |
Assignment 12 Family tree, Prolog |
13 |
Web Programming 2 (also create web for chamber) E-Commerce 1 choice |
Assignment 13 Web page with Script |
14 |
15 |
Final Exam |
Learning outcomes: