CSCI 4345


Syllabus for Fall 2012



Professor:  Dr. John P. Abraham.  Office: Engineering Building Room 3.276

Web: faculty.utpa/jabraham  Please check this site frequently for updates.

Email:  Tele: 665-3550 

Monday 27th August, First day of class.

Principle of IT CSCI 6303


M 5:45 pm to 8:25 pm                Eng 1.272




CSCI 6314.01 ECommerce

Th 5:45 to 8:25pm

Eng 1.272



CSCI/CMPE 4345 Comp Networks

TTh 10:35-11:50

Eng 290



Office Hours

MTh 3:00-5:30pm


Nov 12, last day to drop

Final Exams Dec 8-14

Follow me on Twitter: abrahamUTPA.  You can ask me questions on Twitter.           



Required Textbook: Comer, Douglas E., Computer Networks and Internets, 5th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2009.  ISBN-0-13-606127-3 (ISBN 13: 978-0-13-606127-4)




·         Behrouz A. Forouzan, TCP/IP Protocol Suite, 4th Ed., McGraw Hill, 2010. ISBN 978-0-07-337604-2

·         Tanenbaum, A. S., 2002, Computer Networks, 4th Ed., Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.

·         Data and Computer Communications 7th edition, by William Stallings, Prentice Hall, 12004

·         UNIX Network Programming by W. Richard Stevens, Prentice Hall, 1990

Expected Background:

Students are expected to be able to program in C or ++, VB or Java. Students who are not fluent in these topics should make up the deficiencies by homework and programming exercises.


Catalog description:

An introduction to data communication topics, including data transmission, encoding data link control, switching, network topologies, protocols, internetworking and data security. Examples of existing networks and network architectures are studied.  Prerequisites: Operating systems or Computer Architecture or consent of instructor.


In addition to this, students will gain practical experience in setting up communication between computers, networking, and network management. Students will also install different peer-to-peer and client-server network software.  They will also gain some experience on inter-networking.


Approximately 60% of the time will be spent in lecture and 40% in lab. All lab work will be done in groups of four to five students.  Since all groups will have to give presentations, no schedule changes will be allowed.  Choose your topic and schedule carefully. 



Mid term and Final Exams                         60%

Quizzes and other assignments               10%

            Practical portion                                           30%


Course Topics:

Fundamentals of computer networks; theory, design, implementation and performance analysis of computer networks; network protocols; examples of computer network applications.



COURSE OBJECTIVES: Upon conclusion of this course a student will be able to plan and install a TCP/IP protocol stack based local area network, set up switches and routers, and write socket programs for communication.


Learning outcomes:

1.      Compare and contrast the OSI and TCP/IP models.

2.      Given a network problem, create appropriate topology and draw wiring diagrams.

3.      Make cat 5 cables and connect them with switches and make crossover cables where appropriate.

4.      Configure servers, switches and routers.

5.      Create subnets and supernets.

6.      Create routing tables.

7.      Setup static IP address as well as DHCP based addresses.

8.      Setup a DNS.

9.      Setup a mail server

10.  Setup a wireless network

11.  Install appropriate network security

12.  Write socket programs in C or Java.




General instructions about programming:  You may choose any of the following languages: C, C++, Java, Visual Basic.  If you would like to use another language please talk with me first.  I will not give you any assistance with the programming assignments.  You are welcome to talk with others in the class to get general ideas and algorithms, but may not view their source codes.  Assignments are due at the beginning of the class.  Late penalties: 1 day=10%, 2 days=20%, 1 week=30%, 2 weeks=50%, after two weeks I do not accept assignments.


General instructions about the project:   Start working on the research right away.  Submit a topic for approval by the 2nd week.  All research should be completed by the middle of February.  Examples of group projects done in the past will be discussed in class.


General instructions about the independent research: You may do practical or theoretical research.  For practical research, choose a topic that is appropriate such as Web-services, IBM websphere, Microsoft sharepoint services, wireless encryption, SSL certificates, Cyber forensics, Cyber Security,  etc. and implement it and write a five to ten page paper about your implementation. 


General instructions about the group assignments: Group assignments are given to encourage cooperation among students.  Consider yourself as a team leader in a computer network department. 


Programming assignments:


1. Write a Java program to discover the IP address of your machine. 


2. Write a program to send a file across Transport Service Access Points (TSAPs) also known as TCP ports or Sockets.  Your program can select any non-privileged port (that is, the port number should be greater than 1024). 


3. You have a choice for this assignment: Write a server program to make use of threads.  Write appropriate client program to test it. OR  Write a Java program to open a file on a remote computer and look up records. 


Drop Policy: A student who requests a drop on or before THE OFFICIAL DAY TO DROP will receive a DR.  After that DP or DF will be given based on the academic standing at the time.  It is the responsibility of the student to take care of necessary paper work to receive DP, D, or W.  All DP/DFs should be handled prior to the official cut off date for dropping.


Attendance is required.   A student with three or more unexcused absences (10% of the classes) will be given a DF. 


Classroom Conduct: All students are expected to demonstrate professional behavior and use language appropriate for the classroom learning experience.  All cell phones must be turned off during class.  Cell phones must be entirely out of sight (inside a closed backpack or purse, for example) during exams and other in-class assignments.


Students with Disabilities:

If you have a verifiable disability that makes it difficult for you to complete course work as outlined in this syllabus without special accommodations under either the Americans with Disabilities Act or the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, please inform the instructor as soon as possible. The instructor will be happy to work with you and the UTPA Office of Services for Persons with Disabilities (OSPD), Emilia Schunior Ramirez Hall, Room 1.101 (956) 316-7005; V-TDD (956) 316-7092; FAX (956) 316-7034. The OSPD will process accommodation requests, assist you with verification of a disability and arrange for special services.


Tentative Schedule. 




Assignments due


Introduction & Overview. Network Programming


Class assignment is due each period begin next Monday.


Traditional Internet Applications

Data Communication Basics




Information Sources & signals

Transmission Media

6,7 Lecture notes

Group Ass 1 & presentation


Reliability and Channel Coding

Transmission Modes, Modulation


Program Ass1


Multiplexing and Demux

Access and Interconnection


Group ass2


LAN, Layer1, Layer2

13,14 Lecture notes

Project Proposal Presentation


Wired & Wireless Networking – Exam1


March 8


Spring break




Wired and Wireless Networking

15 & 16



LAN extensions, WAN




Internetworking, layer3


Lecture notes

Project group-1 March 22

 Program Ass3



Forwarding, Support protocols

22,23, notes

Project group-2 March 29




Project Group-3 April 5


Routing Protocols, Performance, VOIP, Security


Project Group-4 April 12


I will give you rest of the schedule later