CSCI 3342 Web Development
Fall 2023


CS1 in a Dozen(ish) Questions

All the familiar stuff, simplified.

Prior class video

Pre-discussion of data and vars (3:19)
Accept repo invite here:
Open the exercises.js file in your assignment repo and complete the Data and Variables question. To run the file, navigate your shell to the repo directory and run:
prompt> node exercises.js

Prior class video

Post-walkthrough of data and vars (3:00)
Complete the Control Structures questions in exercises.js.

Prior class video

Pre-discussion of control structures (2:04)

Prior class video

Post-walkthrough of control structures (2:59)
Additional Reference: Fundamentals @
  • See sections on branching and loops
Complete the Functions questions in exercises.js.

Prior class video

Pre-discussion of functions (1:00)

Prior class video

Post-walkthrough of functions (2:45)
Additional Reference: Functions @
Complete the Arrays questions in exercises.js.

Prior class video

Pre-discussion of arrays (3:34)
Additional Reference: Data types @
  • See sections on arrays and array methods

Assignment Checklist

Complete all questions in exercises.js
add, commit, and push your work!