CSCI 3342 Web Development
Fall 2024


git and GitHub

...taking your first step into a larger world.
Accept the GitHub Classroom repo invite to create a new (empty) repo for your assignment pages. Practice using the git command-line interface (CLI) to manage your project and submit it.

Prior class video

Using the git CLI with GitHub Classroom assignment repos (28:24)

GitHub, the dominant cloud-based source control solution

Some useful resources and explanations in the GitHub quickstart docs

Installation Guide for the git CLI (mac, windows, and linux)
Repo invite for this assignment:
Browser authentication should work for the purposes of the class, but as a reference: How to use Personal Access Tokens on GitHub

CLI Quick Reference

  • git clone <repo URL> to create a local copy
  • git status to see what has changed (do this before and after all the other commands!)
  • git add . to stage all changes you've made
  • git commit -m "a useful comment" to store your staged changes as a changeset
  • git push to upload all your changesets to GitHub

Assignment Checklist

Accept the repo invite
Generate a Personal Access Token
clone the repo and move your files into the working directory
commit and push your work
Confirm on the github website that your changes were uploaded