#include #include using namespace std; void printBanner() { cout << "-----------------------------------" << endl; cout << "---------Welcome to 1370!!!!-------" << endl; cout << "-----------------------------------" << endl; } //This function takes input 1 parameter of type string //"void" functions return nothing. void greetByName(string name) { cout << "Hello " << name << " welcome to class!" << endl; } //The return value is "int", meaning this function //will compute and return an int value int square(int theNumber) { return theNumber*theNumber; } //return value will be a^b. int power(int a, int b) { int product = 1; for (int i = 1; i <= b; i++) { product = product*a; } return product; } int main() { printBanner(); printBanner(); printBanner(); greetByName("Rachel"); greetByName("Frodo"); greetByName("Stephanie"); cout << "Enter a number: " << endl; int x; cin >> x; int xsquared; xsquared = square(x); cout << "Here is the value of x squares" << xsquared << endl; cout << "12 squared is " << square(12) << endl; cout << "22 squared is " << square(22) << endl; cout << "What is 3^5 power?" << power(3, 5) << endl; return 0; }