STUDY GUIDE FOR TEST THREE: Whatever answers that aren’t in the Study Guide (on my internet site) can easily be found on the internet.


I. The authors---Byron, Shelley, or Keats---of the following poems:

1.      “We’ll Go No More A’ Roving”

2.      Endymion

3.      “Vision Of Judgement”

4.      Queen Mab

5.      Manfred

6.      Alastor

7.      Eve of St. Agnes

8.      La Belle Dame sans Merci

9.      Ode to the West Wind

10.  Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage

11.  Hyperion

12.  Prometheus Unbound

13.  Adonais

14.  "Ode to a Grecian Urn”

15.  Mont Blanc

16.  "Ode to a Nightingale"

17.  Don Juan

18.  “Hymn to Intellectual Beauty”


The poems in which the following lines occur:

1. ”A thing of beauty is a joy forever”                        

2. “If winter comes, can Spring be far behind?”                                              /             

Ye know on earth and all ye need to know”                                                                    

3. “The wandering outlaw of his own dark mind”         

4. Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare /

The lone and level sands stretch far away

5, The everlasting universe of things /Flows               

through the mind, and rolls its rapid waves             

6. The awful shadow of some unseen Power /             

Floats though unseen among us                                    

7. …for I am one / Whom men love not,—        

and yet regret

8.  My heart aches, and a drowsy numbness pains /

       My sense, as though of hemlock I had drunk

9. Again I seize the theme, then but begun, 

    And bear it with me, as the rushing wind / Bears the cloud onwards

10. “Beauty is Truth and Truth is Beauty”