Topic I: Compose a 700‑word essay in which you develop this thesis statement: Contrary to popular belief, the Victorians enjoyed a much more varied, richer, and freer literature than readers in the 20th century. Or you can argue the reverse, the superiority of Modernist to Victorian literature.


Sample Outline of Essay


Sample Title: Victorian and Modern Literature

Paragraph 1: Introduction: Introduce the topic and state the thesis

Paragraph 2: Social impact of literature

Sample topic sentence: In Victorian times the author was a social force; today s/he is a harmless grotesque, talk‑show guest, or cyber-void.


Supporting evidence:

 A. The social impact of Dickens' novels

 B. T. S. Eliot's social “activism”

 C. Politics and James Joyce

Paragraph 3: Popular genres of literature

Sample topic sentence: Victorian literature was much more varied than what we read today.

Supporting evidence:

 A. Victorian genres: histories, sermons, social critiques, political arguments, scientific and religious debates, aesthetic questions‑‑‑all treated in and as popular forms of literature.

 B. Modernist “masterpieces” are unreadable for average reader: ex. Waste Land, Finnegan's Wake.

Paragraph 4: Relevance of literature

Sample topic sentence: Where Victorians perceived literature as a vital art form, literature is now often seen as an outdated medium.

Supporting evidence:

 A. Serialization of novels in Victorian period

 B. Career of Matthew Arnold

 C. Impact of TV, Film, and Radio in 20th century

Paragraph 5: Conclusion: Summary of main points


Topic II: Compose a 700‑word essay in which you develop this thesis statement: While critics write of Dickens' mature masterpieces, actually his early work is much better than his later novels.


Sample Outline of Essay


Sample Title: Dickens: Younger and Better

Paragraph 1: Introduction: Introduce the topic and state the thesis

Paragraph 2 Sample topic sentence: Dickens early work (1836-44) contains most of his most memorable characters

Supporting evidence: Pickwick, Fagin, Mr. and Mrs. Bumble, Squeers, Ralph Nickleby, Quilp, Sampson and Sally Brass, Pecksiff, Jonas Chuzzlewit, and Scrooge. It is difficult to think of many characters after Bleak House (1853)---only the names of the characters.

 Paragraph 3: Sample topic sentence: This brilliant creativity clearly climaxes 1846-53---usually called Dickens's "middle period."

Supporting evidence: Dombey and Son, David Copperfield, and Bleak House.

Paragraph 4: Sample topic sentence: After this, other than the sentimental A Tale of Two Cities, it is difficult to find Dickens' brilliant intensity.

Supporting evidence: Our Mutual Friend, Little Dorrit, and the greatly overrated Great Expectations.

Paragraph 5: Conclusion: Summary of main points


Topic III: Compose a 700‑word essay in which you develop this thesis statement: Is 20th-century English Literature a Failure? (Note: You can argue either way)


Sample Outline of Essay


Sample Title: Is 20th-century English Literature a Failure? (Note: You can argue either way)

Paragraph 1: Introduction: Introduce the topic and state the thesis

Paragraph 2 Sample topic sentence: The most influential modernist poet, T. S. Eliot, did not write enough to be a major poet. Or Though the Eliot canon is sometimes critiqued as insubstantial, the perfection of a few poems more than justifies Eliot as the primary modernist poet.

Supporting evidence: A survey of Eliot's poetry.

Paragraph 3: Sample topic sentence: Several of the modernist writers clashed with public officials---and the public often sided with the officials.

Supporting evidence: Joyce and Lawrence obscenity charges; Pound's fascism.


Sample topic sentence: Modernist writers often claimed new cultural territory, enabling an unprecedented literary freedom.

Supporting evidence: Joyce and Lawrence obscenity charges; Pound's fascism

Paragraph 4: Sample topic sentence: Cultural authority also tended to disappear as English authors were no longer English.

Supporting evidence: Eliot was an American who became English; Auden was an Englishman who became American; Joyce was Irish and Thomas was Welsh.


Sample topic sentence: English literature, by including authors who had been marginalized or alien, revitalized an English literature that had been sapped by Victorian insularity. 

Supporting evidence: Eliot was an American who became English; Auden was an Englishman who became American; Joyce was Irish and Thomas was Welsh.

Paragraph 5: Conclusion: Summary of main points






I. Use of secondary sources

a). You must use at least three secondary/critical sources for each paper. A secondary source (article or book) is one other than the work itself. For example, a secondary source for The Canterbury Tales would not be The Canterbury Tales. Instead, an example of a secondary source would be "Chaucer and the Medieval Church."

b). Where do you find these sources?

i). Use the computer catalog to locate the call numbers of most books by and about the author.

ii). Most of these books are grouped together in the same area of the library. Go to this area and browse.

iii). The best places to browse are the table of contents and, especially, the index in the back of the book.

iv). Also consult handbooks, guidebooks, dictionaries, and encyclopedias, on the second floor of the library.

v). Do not use the Norton text or the class notes as a secondary source. Although, strictly speaking, these can be cited as secondary sources (the introductions in the Norton text), you should be able to locate other secondary sources.


Suppose I want to find material on Alexander Pope's view of nature. I would follow these easy steps:

1. I go to the computer catalog and enter ALEXANDER POPE under AUTHOR (or SUBJECT). Most of these books have similar call letters, so I write down the exact call number of one of these books and find its location on the second and third floors of the library.

2. I find the book located among dozens of other books by and about Pope. I browse through these books.

3. I go through several books about Pope (e.g. Maynard Mack's Alexander Pope: A Life and The Garden and the City). I look in the indexes of these books, under "Nature." Most books have this entry, but some don't. Others have the topic listed under "Pope: and nature." These entries tell me on which pages the author discusses Pope and nature, so I don't have to read the entire book to find the specific topic.

4. Although I obtain considerable information from the books, I still want more information. Consequently, I stop on the second floor of the library and consult some reference works, such as The Oxford Companion to English Literature. I look under "Pope, Alexander" for a little more on his views on nature.

5. I also use the on-line computer indexes to locate essays on the subject. The library teaches classes on how to use these indexes that probably would be well worth the time (an hour or two); my internet site includes a link to these indexes, the most helpful, in regards to literature, being the MLA Bibliography.



Nature in the Eighteenth Century


     Nature in the 18th century was more than falling leaves, snowy mountains, rainstorms, or raging seas. Nature, in fact, was everything. More particularly, though, nature denoted the laws that generated nature, laws designed by an omnipotent and all-good Creator. This belief was powerfully expressed in the literature of the period that addressed the "nature" of society, of man, and of the physical landscape.


     Nature was often viewed in the 18th century as a model for society. The same laws that governed the harmonious working of creation should be discovered and imitated to ensure a prosperous and well-ordered state. Pope's advice to poets is equally applicable to statesmen: "First follow Nature and your judgment frame / By her just standard . . . One clear, unchanged, and universal light" (Essay on Criticism 68-71) [NOTICE THAT I CITE THE POEM BY LINE NUMBER AND NOT PAGE NUMBER]. Conversely, a repeated theme of Augustan literature is that ignorance or perversion of nature's laws produces disaster. For example, the "anarchic sprawl" of Pope's Dunciad is the direct result of "the inverted norms expressive of the dunce world" (Mack 461) [QUOTE FOUND BY USING INDEX: "DUNCIAD": THERE WERE SEVERAL PAGES LISTED. I WENT TO SINGLE LARGEST CLUSTER OF PAGES: 457-82]. Similarly, Swift in Gulliver's Travels satirizes those who refuse to conform to nature's laws. Such individuals are characterized as unnatural yahoos, depraved humans who are contrasted with rational, civilized, and "natural" horses.


     The 18th century believed that people were linked to nature by the intellect, rather than with the emotions. Consequently, as Donald Greene points out about Dr. Johnson, neo-classicists thought that "poetry should not surprise but . . . `should strike the reader as a wording of his own highest thoughts' " (164) [QUOTE FOUND BY USING INDEX: "COLLINS, WILLIAM"]. Such a "nature" often was compared to an intricate, flawless, and perpetual watch. If man could, through use of his intellect, conform to the pattern evident in this intricate device, he would enjoy the greatest happiness, success, and prosperity. Consequently, in Windsor Forest, "Pope's object was not to depict his individual response to Nature, or, as the Romantic poets would do, record his own perplexed emotions, but to portray a universe that enclosed and completed both the aspiring thoughts and the triumphant works of Man" (Quennell 51) [QUOTE FOUND BY USING INDEX: "POPE, ALEXANDER: WORKS: WINDSOR FOREST:" THERE WERE SEVERAL PAGES LISTED. I WENT TO SINGLE LARGEST CLUSTER OF PAGES: 48-52 ]. Pope would later explicitly formulate this view in Essay on Criticism, arguing that Nature is "at once the source, and end, and test of art" (Essay on Criticism 73). Other poets such as James Thomson in The Seasons went a step further, insisting on nature as "culminating in man" (Tillotson 218) [QUOTE FOUND BY USING INDEX: "NATURE:" THERE WERE SEVERAL PAGES LISTED. I WENT TO SINGLE LARGEST CLUSTER OF PAGES: 217ff].


     The 18th century also had an intense interest in the beauties of nature. In some ways these views were unique to the age, and in other ways they anticipate the Romantic era. Pope describes Windsor forest as "large, windy, irregular, unconfined" and complete with "mazy walks and unexpected prospects . . . secret grassy glades, its patches of wild heath"---descriptions that are "half-baroque and half romantic" (Quennell 51-52) [QUOTE FOUND BY USING INDEX: "POPE, ALEXANDER: WORKS: WINDSOR FOREST:" THERE WERE SEVERAL PAGES LISTED. I WENT TO SINGLE LARGEST CLUSTER OF PAGES: 48-52 ]. Perhaps less than half romantic, because the 18th century was characterized by a distinctive taste for ordered and cultivated natural scenery that was dismissed as artificial by the Romantics. Even a purported "neo-classical romantic" like Thomas Gray would do little more than "jot down some appreciative comments" about the savage beauty of nature (Greene 8) [QUOTE FOUND BY USING INDEX: "NATURE"].


     Clearly, the 18th century view of nature tells us much about this age and its insistence on order, clarity, and reason. However, this essay has explored only the surface of a very complex topic. In order to obtain a more comprehensive view of this vast and difficult topic, a much more extensive analysis would be required.




Greene, Donald. The Age of Exuberance: Backgrounds to Eighteenth-Century Literature. New York: Random     House, 1970.

Mack, Maynard. Alexander Pope: A Life. New York: Norton, 1988.

Quennell, Peter. Alexander Pope: The Education of Genius 1688-1728. New York: Stein and Day, 1968.

Tillotson, Geoffrey. "Eighteenth-Century Poetic Diction." In Eighteenth-Century Literature: Modern Essays in   Criticism. Ed. James Clifford. New York: Oxford University Press, 1959. 212-232.