Dr. Clay Daniel

Department of Literature and Cultural Studies

University of Texas‑‑‑Rio Grande Valley

Edinburg, TX 78539

Tel. 956‑665‑3421

e‑mail: clay.daniel@utrgv.edu

Internet site: faculty.utpa.edu/Daniel or https://faculty.utrgv.edu/clay.daniel/



B.A History (University Texas----Arlington, 1977)

M.A. Humanities (University of Texas---Dallas 1980)

Teaching Certification (University of Texas, 1981)

Ph.D. English (Texas A&M, 1988)


Teaching Experience

University of Texas‑RGV (Literatures and Cultural Studies), Associate Professor: 2015‑Present

University of Texas‑Pan American (English), Associate Professor: 1997‑2015

University of Texas‑Pan American (English), Assistant Professor: 1991‑1997

University of New Orleans (English), Instructor: 1988‑1991

Texas A&M University (English), Teaching Assistant: 1984‑88


Teaching Specializations

Rhetoric and Composition (English 1301 and 1302)

Introduction to Literature (Eng 2300)

English Literature/Major Authors (English 2305)

Edwardian and Modernist Literature (English 3320)

British Romanticism (English 3313)

Pre‑Romantic English Literature Survey (English 3331)

Post‑Romantic English Literature Survey (English 3332)

Milton (English 4312)



Awards and Recognitions

1992: Faculty Research Council grant of $2200.00

1994: Participant in Texas London Consortium/Study Abroad

1998: UTPA Scholars' Fund award

2000: Technology in Teaching Award

2002 Provost's Scholars Awards


Departmental, School, and University Committees

University Committees

Academic Integrity Committee (2008-2011)

Computer Council (2000-2003)

Admissions Committee (1996‑1999)

Faculty Research Council (1992‑1996)


College Committees

COAH Outstanding Faculty Awards Committee (ad hoc, 2003)

Teaching Workload Reduction/Research Proposal Committee (ad hoc, 2001)

College Retention Committee (ad hoc, 1999-2000)

College Merit Committee (1999)

College of Arts and Sciences Promotion Committee (1993‑94)


Department Committees

Carl Grantz Scholarship Committee (2011-12)

Chair Search (ad hoc, Fall 1999)

Curriculum (Advanced/Sophomore) Course Committee (1992‑96, 2000-Dec 2003; Chair, 2001-Dec. 2003)

English Scholars Undergraduate Committee (2007-2009)

English MA Exam Committee, Chair (2009-10)

Excet Coordinator, Secondary English (2001-02)

Graduate Committee (1996‑98; 2001-2007)

Learning Outcome Assessments/English Majors Effectiveness (2005-2007)

Library Committee (1991‑2000)

Literature Committee (2004-Pres)

Merit Committee (1997‑98; 1999-2000, Chair; 2011-12; 2012-13)

Post-Tenure Review Committee (1999, Chair)

Post-Tenure Review Committee (2004)

Promotion and Tenure Guidelines (ad hoc, 2000, Chair)

Promotion and Tenure Committee (2003-04, 2005-06, 2009-10)

Promotion Committee, Chair (1993‑94)

Rhetoric Committee (1996‑98)

Search Committees (Chair; Critical Theory; Renaissance; Rhetoric and Composition)

Self‑Study Committee: Library (1995‑96)

Tenure Committee (1991-2002)

TeXeS Review Committee (2008-2010)

Upper Division Coordinator (1999)


Other Professional/Community Service

Assistant to the Program Director for the 1983 regional meeting of Texas Joint Council of the Teachers of English (Huntsville, Tx.)

Participant in the Texas A&M English Department's Writing Outreach Program (1984‑85)

Assistant to the Program Director for the 1985 regional meeting of the Texas Joint Council of the Teachers of English (College Station, Tx.)

Participant in the Spring 1985 Texas A&M campus‑wide faculty writing workshop

Member of the committee that administered English language competency test to Texas A&M foreign students (1985‑88)

Assistant to the Secretary of the American Literature Section of the Modern Language Association (1987‑88)

Judge, UIL Ready Writing contest, LaJoya High School, March 1994.

Judge, UIL Speech contest, Valley View High School, March 1994.

Judge, UIL Ready Writing contest, Valley View High School, March 1994.

Regional Publicity Director, the Texas Council of the Teachers of English, 1995.

Panelist, UTPA Study Abroad, UTPA Honors Society, February 1995.

Organizer/Presenter, UTPA Study Abroad: London, UTPA Faculty, March 1995.

Judge, UIL Ready Writing contest, Valley View High High School, March 1995.

Judge, UIL Ready Writing contest, Sharyland Intermediate School, April 1995.

Assistant to the Program Director for the Sept. 1995 regional meeting of Texas Council of the Teachers of English (UTPA)

Participant/Presenter/Panelist, CAST (Communities and Schools Together), McAllen High School, November 1995

Judge, District Spelling Bee, Edinburg CISD, March 1996

Judge, UIL Ready Writing contest, Weslaco High School, March 1996

Judge, UIL Ready Writing contest, Porter High School, Brownsville, March 1996

Judge, District Spelling Bee, Edinburg CISD, March 1997

Presenter, Teaching Partners: Visiting Faculty Program, 1996‑2006

Chair, 17th-Century British Literature session, 2002 Rocky Mountain MLA

Chair, Milton session, 2006 Rocky Mountain MLA

Chair, Popular Women’s Fiction in the Nineteenth Century, 2008 Rocky Mountain MLA

Advisor, South Texas UIL team , 2002-2008

Chair, Milton session, 2009 Rocky Mountain MLA

Chair, 17th-century British Literature session, 2012 Rocky Mountain MLA

English Department Community Outreach Program (2008-Pres)

English Majors Graduate Network (2008-10), founder

Chair, Milton session, 2013 Rocky Mountain MLA

Chair, 17th-century British Literature session, 2014 Rocky Mountain MLA

Chair, 17th-century British Literature session, 2015 Rocky Mountain MLA

Judge, UIL Ready Writing contest, BL Gray JH  BL Gray JH, Sharyland,  February 2016

Chair, Milton session, 2016 Rocky Mountain MLA

Chair. Hardy Special Session, 2023 Rocky Mountain MLA





Death in Milton's Poetry (Bucknell University Press/Associated University Presses 1994).



Milton Quarterly 28 (1986): 92‑98, "Astraea, the Golden Scales, and the Scorpion: Milton's Heavenly Reflection of the Scene in Eden.”

American Transcendental Quarterly 61 (1986): 23‑36, "The Scarlet Letter: Hawthorne, Freud, and the Transcendentalists."

Victorian Newsletter 72 (1987): 9‑11, "The Religion of Culture: Arnold's Priest and Pater's Mystic."

Explorations in Renaissance Culture 13 (1987): 101‑25, "The 'blind fury,' Providence, and the Consolations of Lycidas."

Restoration and Eighteenth‑Century Theatre Research 2 (1987): 26‑37, "The Fall of George Barnwell."

South Central Review 6 (1989): 6‑31, "Lust and Violence in Samson Agonistes."

Explicator 47 (1989): 15, "Pope's 'The First Epistle of the Second Book of Horace Imitated.' "

English Language Notes 26 (1989): 50‑54, "Keats's Triumphal March of Bacchus and Milton's Mask."

Milton Studies 26 (1990): 25‑57, "Milton's Early Poems on Death."

Notes and Queries 239 (September 1994): 374, "T. S. Eliot's 'A Cooking Egg.'"

University of Dayton Review, 23 (Spring 1995): 75‑86, "Pope, Milton, and Dunces."

Explorations in Renaissance Culture, 21 (1995): 95‑104, "Epistola ad Patrem: Milton's Magnanimous Letter."

ANQ: A Quarterly of Notes, Short Articles and Reviews, 9 (Winter 1996): 7‑8, "Pope's Dunciad 1. 137‑42 (1729) and 1. 157‑162 (1743)."

Explicator, 55 (Spring 1997): 129‑132, "Paradise Lost 1.293‑315."

Explicator, 56 (Spring 1998): 126‑129, "Cooper's Last of the Mohicans."

South Central Review, 15 (Summer 1998): 34‑48, "Eikonoklastes and the Miltonic King."

The Hardy Review, 1 (July 1998): 99‑107, "Science, Misogyny, and Tess of the d'Urbervilles."

Thomas Hardy Yearbook, 27 (1998): 3-16, "Orpheus, Eurydice, and Tess of the D'Urbervilles."

Connotations: A Journal for Critical Debate, 8.2 (1998-99): 153-174, "Crucifixion Imagery in Paradise Lost."

English Language Notes, 37.2 (December 1999): 32-41, "Hardy, Milton, and `The Storm--The Two Together."

The Thomas Hardy Journal, 16.1 (February 2000): 63-69, "Orpheus, Eurydice, and Tess of the D'Urbervilles."

Connotations: A Journal for Critical Debate, 11.2-3 (2001-02): 201-21, "Milton and the Restoration: Some Reassessments."

Studies in English Literature 1500-1900, 44.1 (Winter 2004): 173-88, "Milton's Neo-Platonic Angel?"

English Language Notes, 41.3 (March 2004): 32-34, "Another Source for Milton's ‘Blind Mouths!’"

Milton Studies, 46 (2006): 123-48, “Royal Samson.”

Proceedings of the 14th Annual Northern Plains Conference on Earlier British Literature (2007): 175-203, “Paradise Lost Books One and Two: Milton Predicts the Restoration.”

Notes and Queries, 242.1 (March 2007): 39-40, “Milton’s Eagle and Lucan’s The Civil War.”

Dickens Studies Annual (2007) 93-114: “Jane Eyre’s Paradise Lost,” 93-114,

Thomas Hardy Journal, 4.1 (Spring 2008): 22-29, “A Note on Milton and Two on a  Tower,"

Explicator, 66.4 (Summer 2008): 221-24, Hardy’s Two on a Tower and Book Four of The Aeneid

ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes, and Reviews, 22.4 (2009 Fall): 46-50, “An Allusion to Clarissa in Waugh's Unconditional Surrender

Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism (Gale-Cenage), 229 (Spring 2010): 192-97, rpt.: "Science, Misogyny, and Tess of the d'Urbervilles."

South Atlantic Review, 75.2 (Spring 2010): 19-34, “Why Areopagitica?”

Literary Criticism (Gale-Cenage), 194 (Spring 2011): 9-19, rpt.: "Eikonoklastes and the Miltonic King."

The Hopkins Quarterly, 38.3-4 (Summer-Fall 2011): 146-51: “Robert Bridges’ ‘The Evening Darkens Over,’ W. H.  Auden’s ‘Look Stranger, at this island now.’”

Explicator, 69.3 (2011): 153-157, “John Milton's A Masque Presented at Ludlow Castle.”

Quidditas: The Journal of  the Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association 33 (2012): 200-230, “Who Killed Lycidas?” (on-line)

Journal of Literature and Arts, 2.7 (July 2012): 669-82, “A Tale of Two Tempests.”

Appositions 6 (2013), “Restoration Lost.” (on-line)

Proceedings of the 21th Annual Northern Plains Conference on Earlier British Literature (2013): 22-35, "Sight, Spite and Milton." (on-line)

Wordsworth Circle 44.1 (2014): 66-68, "Milton, Mulciber, and the Prelude."

Christianity and Literature, 64:4 (2015),  414-437, “Milton and the English Auden.”

Notes and Queries  64.4 (2017): 663-64: "Auden's 'Hymn to St. Cecilia’ and Tennyson."

Explicator 75.4 (2017): 257-59: “Hardy’s Tess and Williams’ “The Lonely Street”

Dickens Studies Annual 48 (2017): 253-272. "Paradise Returned: Hardy’s Return of the Native.”

Wordsworth Circle 48.3 (2017): 172-177: "Milton, Politics, and The Prelude"

Literature and Theology, 33(4) (2019), 414-433:  Auden, Auden's Milton, and Songs for Virgins.”

Hardy Society Journal, 15(1), (2019) 15-26: “Hardy, Milton, Churchiness and Jude.”

Victorians (137) (2020), 44-57: “Comus and The Picture of Dorian Gray.”

Notes and Queries (Dec 2020): 67 (265.4) 515-517. "Was it For This" and "Paradise Lost".

Studies in English Literature, 60(1) (2020): 91-111:  "The Epic Calm of Milton's Readie and Easy Way.

Charles Lamb Bulletin: The Lamb Society Journal 175 (2022 Summer): 65-75. “Milton At Home at Grasemere.”

Milton Quarterly (Spring 2023):25-32: Milton, Mansus, and an English Poet.” Milton and the English Auden Christianity & Literature September 2015 64: 414-437,

Connotations: A Journal for Critical Debate 32 (2023): 80-94. “Auden's ‘This Lunar Beauty’: Keats's Urn and Hardy's Tess”

The Hardy Society Journal, (2023) 19(2), 44-56. “The Woodlanders: Adam's Dream and Pining for a Mate.”

Charles Lamb Bulletin (2023) 178, 27-41.  "My Story". 27-41.

American Notes and Queries, ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes, and Reviews ; 2024 Mar; 37(1) 96-98. “Waugh’s Brideshead Revisited (1945) and Milton’s Areopagitica: The Satirist in Spite of Himself”

Ben Jonson Journal 30.2 (2024 Nov). “Lycidas” and Catullus’ Poem 64, 180-91.


Conference Papers

1986 South Central Modern Language Association, "The Religion of Culture: Arnold's Priest and Pater's Mystic."

1987 South Central Renaissance Conference, "Foretelling in Lycidas."

1988 South Central Renaissance Conference, "Lust and Continence in Lycidas."

1989 South Central Modern Language Association, "Milton's Early Poems on Death."

1992 South Central Renaissance Conference, "Milton and Eliot."

1993 South Central Modern Language Association, "Milton and the English Renaissance."

1995 South Central Renaissance Conference, "Epistola ad Patrem: Milton's Anti‑court Epistle."

1995 Renaissance Conference of Southern California/Southwest Regional Renaissance Conference, "Milton's Anti‑Stuart Gunpowder Plot Poem."

1998 South Central Renaissance Conference, "The Crucifixion of Satan in Paradise Lost"

1999 Mid-Atlantic Conference on British Studies, "Milton's Eve and Castiglione's Court Lady"

1999 South Atlantic Modern Language Association, "Orpheus, Eurydice, and Tess of the d'Urbervilles."

2000 Nineteenth-Century Studies Association, "Charlotte Bronte 's Revision of Paradise Lost."

2000 Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, "Raphael: Milton's Neoplatonic Angel"

2001 Pacific Coast Conference on British Studies, "Milton: Renaissance and Restoration"

2003 Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, "Milton's `Blind Mouths!' and the Argonautica"

2004 Pacific Northwest Renaissance Conference, "Royal Samson"

2005 Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, "Husband-Wife Political Metaphor in Samson Agonistes"

2006 Federation of North Texas Universities Rhetoric Symposium, “Teaching Milton.”

2006 Northern Great Plains Conference on Earlier British Literature, “Paradise Lost: Milton Predicts the Restoration.”

2006 South Atlantic Modern Language Association, “Milton’s Eagle and Lucan’s The Civil War.”

2008 Federation of North Texas Universities Rhetoric Symposium, "Milton and Iscocrates"

2008 Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, "The Problem of St. John Rivers"

2009 South Atlantic Modern Language Association, “Why Areopagitica?”

2010 Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, “A Tale of Two Tempests”

2011 Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Conference, “Lycidas and The Spanish Tragedy

2011 Pacific Northwest Renaissance Conference,  Milton’s Dramatic Pastoral: Lycidas, Revelation, and The Spanish Tragedy

2012 Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Conference, “How Milton Classifies Salmasius

2013 Northern Great Plains Conference on Earlier British Literature, “Sight, Spite, and Milton”

2013 Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, “Milton and Raphael: Ready and Easy.”

2014 South Central Renaissance Conference, "Milton, Mulciber, and Wordsworth"




Current Research

Milton and the English Renaissance: Milton's reaction to the cultural catastrophes of the English Renaissance.


Professional Memberships (Current)

Thomas Hardy Society

Rocky  Mountain Modern Language Association

South Atlantic Modern Language Association

Connotations Society