Bin's Research


My research interests lie in the following areas: Social media and social commerce, electronic commerce and mobile commerce, performance of IT-focused firms, and information technology adoption.

Social Media and Social Commerce

  1. A. Chen, Y. Lu, B. Wang, L. Zhao, and M. Li, “What Drives Content Creation Behavior on SNSs? A Commitment Perspective.” Journal of Business Research, 66, 12 (December 2013), pp. 2529-2535.
  2. L. Zhao, Y. Lu, B. Wang, P. Chau, and L. Zhang, “Cultivating the Sense of Belonging and Motivating User Participation in Virtual Communities: A Social Capital Perspective.” International Journal of Information Management, 32, 6 (December 2012), pp. 574-588.

Electronic Commerce and Mobile Commerce

  1. T. Zhou, Y. Lu, and B. Wang, “Examining Online Consumers’ Initial Trust Building from an Elaboration Likelihood Model Perspective,” forthcoming, Information Systems Frontiers.
  2. J. Lin, B. Wang, N. Wang, and Y. Lu, “Understanding the Evolution of Consumer Trust in Mobile Commerce: A Longitudinal Study.” Information Technology and Management, forthcoming.
  3. B. Wang, “A Comparison of Consumer Reviews on the Sales of Experience and Search Goods.” International Journal of Services and Standards, 8, 4 (2013), pp. 332-346.
  4. Y. Lu, Y. Lu, and B. Wang, “Effects of Dissatisfaction on Customer Repurchase Decisions in E-Commerce.” Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 13, 3 (2012), pp. 224-237.
  5. J. Lin, Y. Lu, B. Wang, and K.K. Wei, “The Role of Inter-channel Trust Transfer in Establishing Mobile Commerce Trust.” Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 10, 6 (November-December, 2011), pp. 615-625.
  6. Y. Lu, J. Lin, B. Wang, and S. Wu, “Initial Trust and Adoption of Mobile Brokerage Service.” International Journal of Mobile Communications, 9, 2 (2011), pp. 124-143.
  7. T. Zhou, Y. Lu, and B. Wang, “A Comparative Analysis of Chinese Consumers’ Increased vs. Decreased Online Purchases.” Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations, 9, 1, (January-March 2011), pp. 38-55.
  8. Y. Lu, Y. Cao, B. Wang, and S. Yang, “A Study on Factors that Affect Users’ Behavioral Intention to Transfer Usage from the Offline to the Online Channel.” Computers in Human Behavior, 27, 1 (January 2011), pp. 355-364.
  9. Y. Lu, L. Zhao, and B. Wang, “From Virtual Community Members to C2C E-Commerce Buyers: Trust in Virtual Communities and Its Effect on Consumers' Purchase Intention.” Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 9, 4 (July-August 2010), pp. 346-360.
  10. T. Zhou, Y. Lu, and B. Wang, “Integrating TTF and UTAUT to Explain Mobile Banking User Adoption.” Computers in Human Behavior, 26, 4 (July 2010), pp. 760-767.
  11. Z. Deng, Y. Lu,  B. Wang, J. Zhang, and K.K. Wei, “An Empirical Analysis of Factors Influencing users’ Adoption and Use of Mobile Services in China.” International Journal of Mobile Communications, 8, 5 (2010), pp. 561-585.
  12. T. Zhou, Y. Lu, B. Wang, and K.K. Wei, “Explaining Mobile Community User Participation: A Social Capital Perspective.” International Journal of Mobile Communications, 8, 3 (2010), pp. 278-296.
  13. Y. Lu, Z. Deng, and B. Wang, “Exploring Factors Affecting Chinese Consumers’ Usage of Mobile Short Message Service for Personal Communication.” Information Systems Journal, 20, 2 (March 2010), pp. 183-208.
  14. Y. Lu, J. Lin, and B. Wang, “Mobile Service Supply Chain Coordination with Revenue Sharing Contracts.” International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, 6, 3 (2010), pp. 267-278.
  15. T. Zhou, Y. Lu, and B. Wang, “Exploring User Acceptance of WAP Services from the Perspectives of Perceived Value and Trust.” International Journal of Information Technology and Management, 9, 3 (2010), pp. 302-316.
  16. Y. Lu, Z. Chen, and B. Wang, “Understanding Mobile Communication and Entertainment Service Usage: A Comparison Study.” International Journal of Internet and Enterprise Management, 6, 3 (2010), pp. 193-212.
  17. T. Zhou, Y. Lu, and B. Wang, “The Relative Importance of Website Quality and Service Quality in Determining Consumers’ Online Repurchase Behavior.”  Information Systems Management, 26, 4 (October 2009), 327-337.
  18. Y. Lu, L. Zhang, and B. Wang, “A Multidimensional and Hierarchical Model of Service Quality in Mobile Commerce.” Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 8, 4 (October 2009), 228-240.
  19. Y. Lu, Z. Deng, and B. Wang, “An Empirical Study on Chinese Enterprises’ Adoption of Mobile Services.” International Journal of Services Technology and Management, 12, 2 (2009), 192-215.
  20. B. Wang, L. Liu, K. Koong, and S. Bai, “Effects of Daily and ‘Woot-Off’ Strategies on E-Commerce.” Industrial Management & Data Systems, 109, 3 (May 2009), pp. 389-403.
  21. Y. Lu, T. Zhou, and B. Wang, “Exploring Chinese Users’ Acceptance of Instant Messaging Using the Theory of Planned Behavior, the Technology Acceptance Model, and the Flow Theory.” Computers in Human Behavior, 25, 1 (January 2009), pp. 29-39.
  22. Y. Lu, Z. Deng, and B. Wang, “Analysis and Evaluation of Tourism E-Commerce Websites in China.” International Journal of Services, Economics and Management, 1, 1 (2007), pp. 6-23.
  23. Y. Lu, Y. Dong, and B. Wang, “The Mobile Business Value Chain in China: A Case Study.” International Journal of Electronic Business, 5, 5 (2007), pp. 460-477.
  24. Y. Lu, Z. Deng, and B. Wang, “Tourism and Travel Electronic Commerce in China.” Electronic Markets – The International Journal, 17, 2 (June 2007), pp. 101-112.
  25. R. J. Kauffman and B. Wang, “New Buyers’ Arrival Under Dynamic Pricing Market Microstructure: The Case of Group-Buying Discounts on the Internet.” Journal of Management Information Systems, 18, 2 (Fall 2001), pp. 157-188.

Performance of IT-Focused Firms

  1. J. Koh, and B. Wang, “Breakthrough Markets, Innovation and Internet Firms.” International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, 6, 3 (2012), pp. 322-355.
  2. J. Koh, B. Wang, L.C. Liu, and K.S. Koong, “Asymmetric Responses, Risk Seeking and Internet Bubble.” International Journal of Electronic Finance, 4, 4 (2010), pp. 323-342.
  3. R. J. Kauffman and B. Wang, “Tuning into the Digital Channel: Evaluating Business Model Characteristics for Internet Firm Survival.” Information Technology and Management, 9, 3 (September 2008), pp. 215-232.
  4. S. Banerjee, R. J. Kauffman, and B. Wang, “Modeling Internet Firm Survival Using Bayesian Dynamic Models with Time-Varying Coefficients.” Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 6, 3 (Autumn 2007), pp. 332-342.

Information Technology Adoption

  1. Y. Lu, Y. Lu, B Wang, Z. Pan, and H. Qin, “Acceptance of Government-Sponsored Agricultural Information Systems in China: The Role of Government Social Power.” Information Systems and e-Business Management, forthcoming.
  2. L. Zhao, Y. Lu, B. Wang, and W. Huang, “What Makes Them Happy and Curious Online? An Empirical Study on High School Students’ Internet Use from a Self-Determination Theory Perspective.” Computer & Education, 56, 2 (February 2011), pp. 346-356.


  1. R. J. Kauffman, A. A. Techatassanasoontorn, and B. Wang, “Event History, Spatial Analysis and Count Data Methods for Empirical Research in Information Systems.” Information Technology and Management, 13, 3 (September 2012), pp. 115-147.
  2. S. Wu, M.X. James, B. Wang, and J. Jung, “An Agency Approach to Family Business Success in Different Economic Conditions.” International Journal of Management Practice, 5, 1 (2012), pp. 25-36.
  3. Y. Lu, C. Xiang, B. Wang, and X. Wang, “What Affects Information System Development Team Performance? An Exploratory Study from the Perspective of Combination of Socio-technical Theory and Coordination Theory.” Computers in Human Behavior, 27, 2 (March 2011), pp. 811-822.
  4. S. Bai, K. Koong, L. Liu and B. Wang. “Predictability of the Black and Official Exchange Rates of NAFTA Partners.” International Journal of Sustainable Economy, 1, 1 (2008), pp. 70-84.


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