2012 Spring Workshop on Integrable Systems and Solitons

April 27 - 28, 2012, University of Texas-Pan American, Edinburg TX

Organized by: Dr. Zhijun (George) Qiao



Welcome to the home page for the 2012 Spring Workshop on Integrable Systems and Solitons to be hosted by the Department of Mathematics at the University of Texas-Pan American, Edinburg, Texas. The workshop will be held on April 27 - 28, 2012 on the campus of University of Texas-Pan American.

There will be no registration fee, and all talks will be limited to 50 minutes. Graduate students and postdoctoral researchers as well as interested faculty are encouraged to participate in the workshop. See our program (including schedule, speakers list, and abstract).

Workshop Topics

The 2012 Spring Workshop on Integrable Systems and Solitons focuses on the topics including solitary waves, squared eigenfunctions, analysis, geometric and algebraic structure of integrable systems. This workshop is partially supported by funding from the Departments of Defense and TX - NHARP programs (www.utpa.edu/dod) and aims to seek for new collaborations between UTPA and external universities/companies. In addition to discussing current research on integrable systems and solitons, we will develop our common interests through several joint proposals. Graduate students, postdoctoral researcher and junior faculty are encouraged to attend and present their work.


Prof. David Kaup (UCF) will be our workshop key note speaker, and will address some recent developments about soliton theory such as 3 by 3 operators, classification of soliton solution and multi-component of integrable equations, etc. Other confirmed speakers include: Prof. Jibin Li (Zhejiang Normal University), Prof. Roy Choudhury (UCF), and Prof. Shenzhou Zheng (Beijing Jiaotong University, University of Kentucky).

Submit an Abstract

Anyone wishing to speak at the workshop should submit the talk title and abstract to Dr. Zhijun Qiao not later than Monday, April 2, 2012.

Directions to campus and hotels

If you haven't done so yet, please arrange your hotel reservations. We will soon reserve blocks of rooms for the conference, so stay tuned for more information. It is recommended that you have either your car or a rental car available to commute between UTPA, hotels, and restaurants. If you have requested that we help you with transportation, please stay in the last 4 hotels on the list. They are next to the freeway, and there is dinner within walking distance.

Various Tips

  • No State Tax: Conference participants are not supposed to pay state hotel tax at the hotels. Please download, fill out, and provide the form Texas Hotel Occupancy Tax Exemption Certificate at the hotel check in.
  • Border Patrol: Due to our proximity with the border, be sure to have your immigration documents or proof of citizenship with you, whether you travel by car or airplane. E.g. here is one of the border patrol checkpoints. If you are a US citizen, bring your passport or passport card. If you are on H1B visa, bring your I-94. If you are a graduate student on F1 bring your I-20. You will need documents even if you are travelling by airplane.
  • Travel to Mexico: The US Department of State has issued a travel warning against travelling to Mexico. Travel warnings are to be taken very seriously. For purposes of comparison, you can review the list of countries for which a travel warning has been issued. Also see the US Department of State document on visiting Mexico. Feel free to contact the organizers for any questions concerning this matter.
  • Lunch and Dinner: Lunch will be provided on Saturday. Some of the hotels above have dinner within walking distance. However, your best options, listed below, are accessible by car only.



Below are some of the nicer restaurants in our region. Getting there requires a car.

Within walking distance from UTPA, we recommend:

Coffee shops