int main() { ///Part 1: Basic sorting int numbers[] = { 52, 17, 38, 58, 1238, 4, 13, 53, 12 ,85, 11, 388, 3, 0, 19 }; //locate smallest should return the index //of the smallest number in the array //between the given range (inclusive) cout << locateSmallest(numbers, 0, 14) << endl; // 13 cout << locateSmallest(numbers, 5, 8) << endl; // 5 //print items in array from indices 0 to 14, or whatever is given. printItems(numbers, 0, 14); //should print 52, 17, 38...etc. //sort given array from position 0 to 14. sort(numbers, 0, 14); printItems(numbers, 0, 14); //should print 0, 3, 4, ...etc. //implement a function that reverses the order of the items //from the given start index to the given end index. reverseOrder(numbers, 0, 14); printItems(numbers, 0, 14); //should print 1238, 388, ...etc. //Implement a function that randomly rearranges the order of the items shuffle(numbers,0,14); printItems(numbers,0,14); //should print items in a random order shuffle(numbers,0,14); printItems(numbers,0,14); //should print items in a random order shuffle(numbers,0,14); printItems(numbers,0,14); //should print items in a random order sort(numbers,0,14); printItems(numbers,0,14); //should be back to sorted order 0, 3, 4, ... etc. ///////Part 2: Sort a file of words. //Download the story whale.txt and sort the words in the file. //Write the sorted list of all words to an output file called "sortedWhale.txt". //The file has 211348 words in it. return 0; }