Assignment 3: GUI Games

For this week's labs and assignments, we'll be walking through a couple fun little tutorials on making Windows Forms Applications. The assignment part is to extend what the tutorial walks you through.

In Lab

Note that these are VS2010 tutorials, which I'm hoping will work on VS2008 in the lab. There will probably be some differences with VS2015 or VS2017 as to how things look, but the functionality should all still be there. For the second tutorial, you can select a VS2015 version instead (pick from the dropdown menu up under the title).

  1. Complete the Create a Maze tutorial. Don't work on "Try Other Features" yet.
  2. Start the Create a Matching Game tutorial.

Commit your work in progress at the end of lab! You will have separate VS project directories for each tutorial. Commit them into the same repository. For Forms Applications, you will commit the entire project directory, but remember to delete (or just not commit) the bin and obj directories!<username>

At Home

Complete the tutorials and complete the "Try Other Features" at the end of each.