using System; namespace ConsoleApplication1 { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { //Problem 1: Take two numbers as input from the user //Multiply them and display their product. //Problem 2: Take five numbers as input from the user. //Calculate and display the average. //Make sure the displayed average is a float, so that the numbers to the right of the decimal aren't cut off. //Problem 3: Take two numbers as input from the user //If the two numbers are equal, display "Equal". //If the two numbers are not equal, display "Not Equal". //Problem 4: Take two numbers as input from the user. //If both numbers are even, display "Even". //If both numbers are odd, display "Odd". //If one is even and one is odd, display "Even/Odd". //Problem 5: Take 3 numbers as user input. //Display the largest number. //Problem 6: Using a loop, take 10 numbers as input from the user. //Display their sum. //Problem 7: Take a number N as input from the user. //Using a loop, display the first N counting numbers. //e.g. Input: 8 //Display: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 //Problem 8: Take a number N as input from the user. //Using loops, display N rows. The first row should have 1, the second row should have 1 2, third row should have 1 2 3, ... etc. //e.g. Input: 4 //Display: 1 // 1 2 // 1 2 3 // 1 2 3 4 //Note: This can be done using two nested for loops. //Problem 9: Write a loop structure which takes a string as user input inside the loop. //When the user enters "quit", exit the loop. //Note: A while loop is a good candidate for this problem. //Problem 10: Create an array of 10 integers (not user input; hardcode the values for now). //Display the sum of the elements. //Problem 11: Take 5 integers as user input and store them in an array. //Dislay their average. Note: Make sure the average is displayed as a float. //Problem 12: Take 5 integers as user input and store them in an array. //Display the smallest number in the array. //Display the largest number in the array. } } }