--- Script 'parallelotopes.py' --- Usage: python3 parallelotopes.py inputFile outputFile inputFile --- see FaceLatt_5_xx.txt outputFile --- output file. Example: python3 parallelotopes.py FaceLatt_5_13.txt out_5_13.txt Output format: For each parallelotope the following sequence of lines is repeated: -- id n_cells TYPE|vertex|vertex|...|vertex TYPE|vertex|vertex|...|vertex ... TYPE|vertex|vertex|...|vertex -- id --- lattice id, unique for a given input file n_cells --- number of translationally different Delaunay 3-cells for the lattice TYPE --- combinatorial type of a 3-dimensional Delaunay cell: SIMPLEX / PYRAMID / CROSSPOLYTOPE / PRISM / CUBE vertex --- 5 space-separated coordinates of a vertex Vertices are ordered according to the rules below: SIMPLEX --- no rule applied; PYRAMID --- apex first, then base in a cyclic order CROSSPOLYTOPE: vertices 0 and 3, 1 and 4, 2 and 5 are opposite PRISM: 012 and 345 are bases; 03, 14 and 25 are "vertical" edges CUBE: 0123 and 4567 are opposite faces (each in a cyclic order); 04, 15, 26 and 37 are edges between them. --- Script 'generate_complex.py' --- Usage: python3 generate_complex.py inputFile outputFile GAP_destination Generates a GAP program that computes the rank of H^1(Ven(P)). inputFile --- see output format of 'parallelotopes.py' outputFile --- output file GAP_destination --- where the GAP program will write its output. Example: python3 generate_complex.py out_5_13.txt gap_5_13.txt res.txt